/* Description: This is a template module that should not be user in a production enviroment */ // you can require() modules here // this function will only be only in the scope of the module // module support functions const createReply = (echoInput) => { if (echoInput.length > 100) echoInput = 'HOW ABOUT NO?'; return `You want me to echo: ${echoInput}?` }; /* `exports.init()` is optional, and will only be run when the module is loaded into memory it will always be passed a reference to the global core class note: this will fire again if a reload is issued, keep that in mind */ exports.init = (core) => { if (typeof core.showcase === 'undefined') { core.showcase = 'init is a handy place to put global data by assigning it to `core`'; } } /* `exports.run()` is required and will always be passed (core, server, socket, data) be sure it's async too this is the main function that will run when called */ // module main exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { server.reply({ cmd: 'info', text: `SHOWCASE MODULE: ${core.showcase} - ${createReply(data.echo)}` }, socket); }; /* `exports.initHooks` is optional, this will be called when the server is ready for modules to register their hooking functions Hook function may alter the data before it is sent to a module, or before it is sent to a client. If the function returns `false` then the data will be dropped without further processing */ // module hook functions exports.initHooks = (server) => { /* First param is hook type. A hook may be registered as either `in` or `out`: `in`: a hook function registered as `in` will be called before the client request is passed to the module they are attempting to call. Note: socket in this context is the client that sent the data `out`: a hook function registerd as `out` will be called before the data is sent to any clients. Note: `socket` in this context is the socket that will be sent the data. Second param is the `cmd` type to target, any valid module may be targeted Third param is the hook function itself, see `exports.hookExample` for an example */ server.registerHook('in', 'chat', this.hookExample); }; /* This hook function example alters the payload before it gets to the `chat` module, changing the user's input from 'hookexample' to 'WORKING!' */ exports.hookExample = (core, server, socket, payload) => { // check if we need to alter the payload if (payload.text === 'hookexample') { payload.text = 'WORKING!'; } // always return the payload, or false if processing should drop it return payload; } // optional, if `data.echo` is missing `exports.run()` will never be called & the user will be alerted // remember; this will only verify that the data is not undefined, not the type of data exports.requiredData = ['echo']; // optional parameters are marked, all others are required exports.info = { name: 'showcase', // actual command name aliases: ['templateModule'], // optional, an array of other names this module can be executed by usage: 'showcase {echo}', // used for help output, can be ommited if no parameters are required description: 'Simple command module template & info' // used for help output };