/* Description: Adds the target trip to the mod list then elevates the uType */ // module main exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { // increase rate limit chance and ignore if not admin if (socket.uType != 'admin') { return server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, 20); } // add new trip to config core.config.mods.push({ trip: data.trip }); // purposely not using `config.set()` to avoid auto-save // find targets current connections let newMod = server.findSockets({ trip: data.trip }); if (newMod.length !== 0) { for (let i = 0, l = newMod.length; i < l; i++) { // upgrade privilages newMod[i].uType = 'mod'; // inform new mod server.send({ cmd: 'info', text: 'You are now a mod.' }, newMod[i]); } } // return success message server.reply({ cmd: 'info', text: `Added mod trip: ${data.trip}, remember to run 'saveconfig' to make it permanent` }, socket); // notify all mods server.broadcast({ cmd: 'info', text: `Added mod: ${data.trip}` }, { uType: 'mod' }); }; // module meta exports.requiredData = ['trip']; exports.info = { name: 'addmod', description: 'Adds target trip to the config as a mod and upgrades the socket type', usage: ` API: { cmd: 'addmod', trip: '' }` };