/* Description: Rebroadcasts any `text` to all clients in a `channel` */ const parseText = (text) => { // verifies user input is text if (typeof text !== 'string') { return false; } // strip newlines from beginning and end text = text.replace(/^\s*\n|^\s+$|\n\s*$/g, ''); // replace 3+ newlines with just 2 newlines text = text.replace(/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n"); return text; }; exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { // check user input let text = parseText(data.text); if (!text) { // lets not send objects or empty text, yea? server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, 6); return; } // check for spam let score = text.length / 83 / 4; if (server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, score)) { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'You are sending too much text. Wait a moment and try again.\nPress the up arrow key to restore your last message.' }, socket); return; } // build chat payload let payload = { cmd: 'chat', nick: socket.nick, text: text }; if (socket.uType == 'admin') { payload.admin = true; } else if (socket.uType == 'mod') { payload.mod = true; } if (socket.trip) { payload.trip = socket.trip; } // check if the users connection is muted // TODO: Add a more contained way for modules to interact, event hooks or something? if(core.muzzledHashes && core.muzzledHashes[socket.hash]){ server.broadcast( payload, { channel: socket.channel, hash: socket.hash }); if(core.muzzledHashes[socket.hash].allies){ server.broadcast( payload, { channel: socket.channel, nick: core.muzzledHashes[socket.hash].allies }); } } else { //else send it to everyone server.broadcast( payload, { channel: socket.channel}); } // stats are fun core.managers.stats.increment('messages-sent'); }; exports.requiredData = ['text']; exports.info = { name: 'chat', usage: 'chat {text}', description: 'Broadcasts passed `text` field to the calling users channel' };