/* Description: Generates a semi-unique channel name then broadcasts it to each client */ const verifyNickname = (nick) => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,24}$/.test(nick); exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { // check for spam if (server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, 2)) { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'You are sending invites too fast. Wait a moment before trying again.' }, socket); return; } // verify user input if (typeof data.nick !== 'string' || !verifyNickname(data.nick)) { return; } // why would you invite yourself? if (data.nick == socket.nick) { return; } // generate common channel let channel = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 8); // build and send invite let payload = { cmd: 'info', invite: channel, text: `${socket.nick} invited you to ?${channel}` }; let inviteSent = server.broadcast( payload, { channel: socket.channel, nick: data.nick }); // server indicates the user was not found if (!inviteSent) { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Could not find user in channel' }, socket); return; } // reply with common channel server.reply({ cmd: 'info', text: `You invited ${data.nick} to ?${channel}` }, socket); // stats are fun core.managers.stats.increment('invites-sent'); }; exports.requiredData = ['nick']; exports.info = { name: 'invite', usage: 'invite {nick}', description: 'Generates a unique (more or less) room name and passes it to two clients' };