/* Description: Initial entry point, applies `channel` and `nick` to the calling socket */ // module support functions const crypto = require('crypto'); const hash = (password) => { let sha = crypto.createHash('sha256'); sha.update(password); return sha.digest('base64').substr(0, 6); }; const verifyNickname = (nick) => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,24}$/.test(nick); // exposed "login" function to allow hooks to verify user join events // returns object containing user info or string if error exports.parseNickname = (core, data) => { let userInfo = { nick: '', uType: 'user', trip: null, }; // seperate nick from password let nickArray = data.nick.split('#', 2); userInfo.nick = nickArray[0].trim(); if (!verifyNickname(userInfo.nick)) { // return error as string return 'Nickname must consist of up to 24 letters, numbers, and underscores'; } let password = nickArray[1]; if (userInfo.nick.toLowerCase() == core.config.adminName.toLowerCase()) { if (password !== core.config.adminPass) { return 'You are not the admin, liar!'; } else { userInfo.uType = 'admin'; userInfo.trip = 'Admin'; } } else if (password) { userInfo.trip = hash(password + core.config.tripSalt); } // TODO: disallow moderator impersonation for (let mod of core.config.mods) { if (userInfo.trip === mod.trip) { userInfo.uType = 'mod'; } } return userInfo; }; // module main exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { // check for spam if (server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, 3)) { return server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'You are joining channels too fast. Wait a moment and try again.' }, socket); } // calling socket already in a channel if (typeof socket.channel !== 'undefined') { return; } // check user input if (typeof data.channel !== 'string' || typeof data.nick !== 'string') { return; } let channel = data.channel.trim(); if (!channel) { // must join a non-blank channel return; } let userInfo = this.parseNickname(core, data); if (typeof userInfo === 'string') { return server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: userInfo }, socket); } // check if the nickname already exists in the channel let userExists = server.findSockets({ channel: data.channel, nick: (targetNick) => targetNick.toLowerCase() === userInfo.nick.toLowerCase() }); if (userExists.length > 0) { // that nickname is already in that channel return server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Nickname taken' }, socket); } userInfo.userHash = server.getSocketHash(socket); // prepare to notify channel peers let newPeerList = server.findSockets({ channel: data.channel }); let nicks = []; let joinAnnouncement = { cmd: 'onlineAdd', nick: userInfo.nick, trip: userInfo.trip || 'null', hash: userInfo.userHash }; // send join announcement and prep online set for (let i = 0, l = newPeerList.length; i < l; i++) { server.reply(joinAnnouncement, newPeerList[i]); nicks.push(newPeerList[i].nick); } // store user info socket.uType = userInfo.uType; socket.nick = userInfo.nick; socket.channel = data.channel; socket.hash = userInfo.userHash; if (userInfo.trip !== null) socket.trip = userInfo.trip; nicks.push(socket.nick); // reply with channel peer list server.reply({ cmd: 'onlineSet', nicks: nicks }, socket); // stats are fun core.managers.stats.increment('users-joined'); }; // module meta exports.requiredData = ['channel', 'nick']; exports.info = { name: 'join', description: 'Place calling socket into target channel with target nick & broadcast event to channel', usage: ` API: { cmd: 'join', nick: '', channel: '' }` };