/* Description: Adds the target socket's ip to the ratelimiter */ 'use strict'; exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { if (socket.uType == 'user') { // ignore if not mod or admin return; } if (typeof data.nick !== 'string') { return; } let targetNick = data.nick; let badClient = server.findSockets({ channel: socket.channel, nick: targetNick }); if (badClient.length === 0) { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Could not find user in channel' }, socket); return; } badClient = badClient[0]; if (badClient.uType !== 'user') { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Cannot ban other mods, how rude' }, socket); return; } // TODO unban by hash server._police.arrest(badClient.remoteAddress); console.log(`${socket.nick} [${socket.trip}] banned ${targetNick} in ${socket.channel}`); server.broadcast({ cmd: 'info', text: `Banned ${targetNick}` }, { channel: socket.channel, uType: 'user' }); server.broadcast({ cmd: 'info', text: `${socket.nick} banned ${targetNick} in ${socket.channel}, userhash: ${server.getSocketHash(badClient)}` }, { uType: 'mod' }); badClient.close(); core.managers.stats.increment('users-banned'); }; exports.requiredData = ['nick']; exports.info = { name: 'ban', usage: 'ban {nick}', description: 'Disconnects the target nickname in the same channel as calling socket & adds to ratelimiter' };