/* * Description: Make a user (spammer) dumb * Author: simple */ exports.init = (core) => { core.muzzledHashes = {}; } exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { if (socket.uType == 'user') { // ignore if not mod or admin return; } if (typeof data.nick !== 'string') { return; } let targetNick = data.nick; let badClient = server.findSockets({ channel: socket.channel, nick: targetNick }); if (badClient.length === 0) { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Could not find user in channel' }, socket); return; } badClient = badClient[0]; if (badClient.uType !== 'user') { server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'This trick wont work on mods and admin' }, socket); return; } core.muzzledHashes[badClient.hash] = true; server.broadcast({ cmd: 'info', text: `${socket.nick} muzzled ${targetNick} in ${socket.channel}, userhash: ${badClient.hash}` }, { uType: 'mod' }); } exports.requiredData = ['nick']; exports.info = { name: 'dumb', usage: 'dumb {nick}', description: 'Cleanly disable a user messages and make him dumb' };