/* Description: Removes the target socket from the current channel and forces a join event in another */ // module main exports.run = async (core, server, socket, data) => { // increase rate limit chance and ignore if not admin or mod if (socket.uType === 'user') { return server._police.frisk(socket.remoteAddress, 10); } // check user input if (typeof data.nick !== 'string' || typeof data.channel !== 'string') { return; } if (data.channel === socket.channel) { // moving them into the same channel? y u do this? return; } let badClients = server.findSockets({ channel: socket.channel, nick: data.nick }); if (badClients.length === 0) { return server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Could not find user in channel' }, socket); } let badClient = badClients[0]; if (badClient.uType !== 'user') { return server.reply({ cmd: 'warn', text: 'Cannot move other mods, how rude' }, socket); } const currentNick = badClient.nick.toLowerCase(); let userExists = server.findSockets({ channel: data.channel, nick: (targetNick) => targetNick.toLowerCase() === currentNick }); if (userExists.length > 0) { // That nickname is already in that channel return; } let peerList = server.findSockets({ channel: socket.channel }); if (peerList.length > 1) { for (let i = 0, l = peerList.length; i < l; i++) { server.reply({ cmd: 'onlineRemove', nick: peerList[i].nick }, badClient); if (badClient.nick !== peerList[i].nick){ server.reply({ cmd: 'onlineRemove', nick: badClient.nick }, peerList[i]); } } } let newPeerList = server.findSockets({ channel: data.channel }); let moveAnnouncement = { cmd: 'onlineAdd', nick: badClient.nick, trip: badClient.trip || 'null', hash: server.getSocketHash(badClient) }; let nicks = []; for (let i = 0, l = newPeerList.length; i < l; i++) { server.reply(moveAnnouncement, newPeerList[i]); nicks.push(newPeerList[i].nick); } nicks.push(badClient.nick); server.reply({ cmd: 'onlineSet', nicks: nicks }, badClient); badClient.channel = data.channel; server.broadcast( { cmd: 'info', text: `${badClient.nick} was moved into ?${data.channel}` }, { channel: data.channel }); }; // module meta exports.requiredData = ['nick', 'channel']; exports.info = { name: 'moveuser', description: 'This will move the target user nick into another channel', usage: ` API: { cmd: 'moveuser', nick: '', channel: '' }` };