/** * Server configuration manager, handling loading, creation, parsing and saving * of the main config.json file * * Version: v2.0.0 * Developer: Marzavec ( https://github.com/marzavec ) * License: WTFPL ( http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ ) * */ const stripIndents = require('common-tags').stripIndents; const dateFormat = require('dateformat'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const fse = require('fs-extra'); const prompt = require('prompt'); const path = require('path'); const deSync = require('deasync'); class ConfigManager { /** * Create a `ConfigManager` instance for (re)loading classes and config * * @param {Object} core reference to the global core object * @param {String} base executing directory name; __dirname * @param {Object} dynamicImports dynamic import engine reference */ constructor (core, base, dynamicImports) { this._core = core; this._base = base; this._configPath = path.resolve(base, 'config/config.json'); this._dynamicImports = dynamicImports; } /** * Pulls both core config questions along with any optional config questions, * used in building the initial config.json or re-building it. * * @param {Object} currentConfig an object containing current server settings, if any * @param {Object} optionalConfigs optional (non-core) module config */ getQuestions (currentConfig, optionalConfigs) { // core server setup questions const questions = { properties: { tripSalt: { type: 'string', required: !currentConfig.tripSalt, default: currentConfig.tripSalt, hidden: true, replace: '*', }, adminName: { pattern: /^"?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"?$/, type: 'string', message: 'Nicks can only contain letters, numbers and underscores', required: !currentConfig.adminName, default: currentConfig.adminName, before: value => value.replace(/"/g, '') }, adminPass: { type: 'string', required: !currentConfig.adminPass, default: currentConfig.adminPass, hidden: true, replace: '*', }, websocketPort: { type: 'number', required: !currentConfig.websocketPort, default: currentConfig.websocketPort || 6060 } } }; // non-core server setup questions, for future plugin support Object.keys(optionalConfigs).forEach(configName => { const config = optionalConfigs[configName]; const question = config.getQuestion(currentConfig, configName); if (!question) { return; } question.description = (question.description || configName) + ' (Optional)'; questions.properties[configName] = question; }); return questions; } /** * `load` function overload, only blocking * */ loadSync () { let conf = {}; conf = this.load(); // trip salt is the last core config question, wait until it's been populated // TODO: update this to work with new plugin support while(conf === null || typeof conf.websocketPort === 'undefined') { deSync.sleep(100); } return conf; } /** * (Re)builds the config.json (main server config), or loads the config into mem * if rebuilding, process will exit- this is to allow a process manager to take over * * @param {Boolean} reconfiguring set to true by `scripts/configure.js`, will exit if true */ load (reconfiguring = false) { if (reconfiguring || !fse.existsSync(this._configPath)) { // gotta have that sexy console console.log(stripIndents` ${chalk.magenta('°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø')} ${chalk.gray('--------------(') + chalk.white(' HackChat Setup Wizard v1.0 ') + chalk.gray(')--------------')} ${chalk.magenta('°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø')} For advanced setup, see the HackChat wiki at: ${chalk.green('https://github.com/')} ${chalk.white('Note:')} ${chalk.green('npm/yarn run config')} will re-run this utility. You will now be asked for the following: - ${chalk.magenta(' Salt')}, the salt for username trip - ${chalk.magenta('Admin Name')}, the initial admin username - ${chalk.magenta('Admin Pass')}, the initial admin password - ${chalk.magenta(' Port')}, the port for the websocket \u200b `); let currentConfig = this._config || {}; if (reconfiguring && fse.existsSync(this._configPath)) { this._backup(); currentConfig = fse.readJSONSync(this._configPath); } prompt.get(this.getQuestions(currentConfig, this._dynamicImports.optionalConfigs), (err, res) => { if (typeof res.mods === 'undefined') { res.mods = []; } if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(666); // SPOOKY! } try { fse.outputJsonSync(this._configPath, res); } catch (e) { console.error(`Couldn't write config to ${this._configPath}\n${e.stack}`); if (!reconfiguring) { process.exit(666); // SPOOKY! } } console.log('Config generated! You may now start the server normally.') process.exit(reconfiguring ? 0 : 42); }); return null; } this._config = fse.readJSONSync(this._configPath); return this._config; } /** * Creates backup of current config into _configPath * */ _backup () { const backupPath = `${this._configPath}.${dateFormat('dd-mm-yy-HH-MM-ss')}.bak`; fse.copySync(this._configPath, backupPath); return backupPath; } /** * First makes a backup of the current `config.json`, then writes current config * to disk * */ save () { const backupPath = this._backup(); if (!fse.existsSync(this._configPath)){ fse.mkdirSync(this._configPath); } try { fse.writeJSONSync(this._configPath, this._config); fse.removeSync(backupPath); return true; } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to save config file: ${err}`); return false; } } /** * Updates current config[`key`] with `value` then writes changes to disk * * @param {*} key arbitrary configuration key * @param {*} value new value to change `key` to */ set (key, value) { const realKey = `${key}`; this._config[realKey] = value; this.save(); } } module.exports = ConfigManager;