import { start as _start, get, } from 'prompt'; /** * Server setup wizard, quick server setup and all that jazz. . . * @author Marzavec ( ) * @version v2.0.0 * @license WTFPL ( ) */ class SetupWizard { /** * Create a `SetupWizard` instance for initializing the server's config.json * @param {Object} serverConfig reference to the server config class */ constructor(serverConfig) { this.serverConfig = serverConfig; } /** * Roll a d20 and begin the wizarding process */ async start() { // load the current config to use as defaults, if available const currentConfig = await this.serverConfig.load() || {}; // auto generate the salt if not currrently created currentConfig.tripSalt = currentConfig.tripSalt || [...Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1024) + 1024)].map(() => (~~(Math.random() * 36)).toString(36)).join(''); // load the setup questions & set their defaults const questions = require('../setupSchema/Questions.js'); = this.setQuestionDefaults(, currentConfig); // force password re-entry = ''; = true; // output the packages setup banner require('../setupSchema/Banner.js'); // let's start playing 20 questions _start(); get(questions, (err, result) => this.finalize(err, result)); } /** * Compares the currently loaded config with the stock questions, adds a default * and required option to the question * @param {Object} questions the set of questions from /setupSchema * @param {Object} currentConfig the current server options */ setQuestionDefaults(questions, currentConfig) { Object.keys(questions).forEach((qName) => { if (typeof currentConfig[qName] !== 'undefined') { questions[qName].default = currentConfig[qName]; questions[qName].required = false; } else { questions[qName].required = true; } }); return questions; } /** * Looks like all the questions have been answered, check for errors or save * the new config file * * @param {Object} err any errors generated by Prompt * @param {Object} result the answers / new config setup */ async finalize(err, result) { // output errors and die if needed if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(0); } // initialize default mods config if (typeof result.mods === 'undefined') { result.mods = []; } // If we should log errors with the err stack when they occur. // See: CommandManager.js if (typeof result.logErrDetailed === 'undefined') { result.logErrDetailed = false; } // finally create the actual JSON file try { this.serverConfig.config = result; await; } catch (e) { console.error(`Couldn't write config to ${this.serverConfig.configPath} ${e.stack}`); } // output the packages final notice before quitting require('../setupSchema/Footer.js'); process.exit(0); } } export default SetupWizard;