/** * Import managment base, used to load commands/protocol and configuration objects * * Version: v2.0.0 * Developer: Marzavec ( https://github.com/marzavec ) * License: WTFPL ( http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ ) * */ const read = require('readdir-recursive'); const path = require('path'); class ImportsManager { /** * Create a `ImportsManager` instance for (re)loading classes and config * * @param {String} base executing directory name; __dirname */ constructor (base) { this._base = base; this._imports = {}; } /** * Pull base path that all imports are required in from * * @type {String} readonly */ get base () { return this._base; } /** * Initialize this class and start loading target directories * */ init () { let errorText = ''; ImportsManager.load_dirs.forEach(dir => { errorText += this.loadDir(dir); }); return errorText; } /** * Gather all js files from target directory, then verify and load * * @param {String} dirName The name of the dir to load, relative to the _base path. */ loadDir (dirName) { const dir = path.resolve(this._base, dirName); let errorText = ''; try { read.fileSync(dir).forEach(file => { const basename = path.basename(file); if (basename.startsWith('_') || !basename.endsWith('.js')) return; let imported; try { imported = require(file); } catch (e) { let err = `Unable to load modules from ${dirName} (${path.relative(dir, file)})\n${e}`; errorText += err; console.error(err); return errorText; } if (!this._imports[dirName]) { this._imports[dirName] = {}; } this._imports[dirName][file] = imported; }); } catch (e) { let err = `Unable to load modules from ${dirName}\n${e}`; errorText += err; console.error(err); return errorText; } return errorText; } /** * Unlink references to each loaded module, pray to google that gc knows it's job, * then reinitialize this class to start the reload * * @param {String} dirName The name of the dir to load, relative to the _base path. */ reloadDirCache (dirName) { Object.keys(this._imports[dirName]).forEach((mod) => { delete require.cache[require.resolve(mod)]; }); return this.init(); } /** * Pull reference to imported modules that were imported from dirName, or * load required directory if not found * * @param {String} dirName The name of the dir to load, relative to the _base path. */ getImport (dirName) { let imported = this._imports[dirName]; if (!imported) { this.loadDir(dirName); } return Object.assign({}, this._imports[dirName]); } } // automagically loaded directorys on instantiation ImportsManager.load_dirs = ['src/commands']; module.exports = ImportsManager;