# This module is based on https://github.com/gkbrk/hackchat (MIT License) import json import threading import time import websocket import sys import traceback import signal class HackChat: """A library to connect to https://hack.chat. is of callback functions to receive data from https://hack.chat. Add your callback functions to this attribute. e.g., on_message += [my_callback] The callback function should have 3 parameters, the first for the object, the second for the message someone sent and the third for the nickname of the sender of the message. """ def __init__(self, nick, channel="programming"): """Connects to a channel on https://hack.chat. Keyword arguments: nick -- ; the nickname to use upon joining the channel channel -- ; the channel to connect to on https://hack.chat """ self.nick = nick self.channel = channel self.online_users = [] self.on_message = [] self.on_join = [] self.on_leave = [] self.stopped = False self._stop = threading.Event() # Receiver thread self._recv_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._receive) self._recv_thread.daemon = True # Keepalive thread self._ka_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._ping) self._ka_thread.daemon = True def send_message(self, msg): """Sends a message on the channel.""" self._send_packet({"cmd": "chat", "text": msg}) def _send_packet(self, packet): """Sends () to https://hack.chat.""" encoded = json.dumps(packet) self.ws.send(encoded) def run(self): """Starts the bot asynchronously.""" if self.stopped: raise ValueError("Can't run a stopped bot.") self.ws = websocket.create_connection("wss://hack.chat/chat-ws") self._send_packet({"cmd": "join", "channel": self.channel, "nick": self.nick}) self._recv_thread.start() self._ka_thread.start() def _receive(self): """Waits for data and then sends it to the callback functions. Will send a SIGALRM to its own process upon connection loss or crash.""" try: while not self._stop.wait(timeout=0): self.ws.settimeout(1) try: result_raw = self.ws.recv() #print(result_raw) result = json.loads(result_raw) #print(result) self._handleCommand(result) except websocket._exceptions.WebSocketTimeoutException: # Ignore timeouts pass except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException) as e: print("Connection lost!") # Signal main thread that bot crashed signal.alarm(1) except: print("Receiver thread crashed!") traceback.print_exc() # Signal main thread that bot crashed signal.alarm(1) print("Receiver thread shut down.") def _handleCommand(self, result): """Will demultiplex incoming packets to their respective callback functions.""" if result["cmd"] == "chat" and not result["nick"] == self.nick: for handler in list(self.on_message): handler(self, result) elif result["cmd"] == "onlineAdd": self.online_users.append(result["nick"]) for handler in list(self.on_join): handler(self, result) elif result["cmd"] == "onlineRemove": self.online_users.remove(result["nick"]) for handler in list(self.on_leave): handler(self, result) elif result["cmd"] == "onlineSet": for nick in result["nicks"]: self.online_users.append(nick) def stop(self): """Gracefully stops all bot threads and closes WebSocket connection.""" if self.stopped: return self._stop.set() self._recv_thread.join() self._ka_thread.join() self.ws.close() self.stopped = True def _ping(self): """Retains the websocket connection.""" while self.ws.connected \ and not self._stop.wait(timeout=60): self._send_packet({"cmd": "ping"}) #print("PING") print("Keepalive thread shut down.")