#! /usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import sys # -- helper functions -- def build_library(path, commands): print("building library under {}".format(path)) old_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) for cmd in commands: print("running {}".format(cmd)) print(os.popen(cmd).read()) os.chdir(old_path) def find_sources(path): print("searching sources under {}".format(path)) # find files sources = tuple(filter(lambda f: f.endswith(".cpp"), os.listdir(path))) # replace extension objects = tuple(map(lambda f: re.sub(".cpp$", ".o", f), sources)) # add path prefix sources = tuple(map(lambda f: path + "/" + f, sources)) objects = tuple(map(lambda f: "build/" + path + "/" + f, objects)) return sources, objects def add_test(bf, test_source, library): print("adding test {}".format(test_source)) # replace extension test_object = re.sub(".cpp$", ".o", test_source) test_binary = re.sub(".o$", "", test_object) # add path prefix test_source = "test/" + test_source test_object = "build/test/" + test_object test_binary = "build/test/" + test_binary print("build {}: cpp {}".format(test_object, test_source), file=bf) print("build {}: link {}".format(test_binary, test_object), file=bf) print(" lflags = $lflags {}".format(library), file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) def add_specific_test(bf, test_source, tested_sources): print("adding specific test {}".format(test_source) + " to test {}".format(tested_sources)) # replace extension test_object = re.sub(".cpp$", ".o", test_source) test_binary = re.sub(".o$", "", test_object) tested_objects = tuple(map(lambda f: re.sub(".cpp$", ".o", f), tested_sources)) # add path prefix test_source = "test/" + test_source test_object = "build/test/" + test_object test_binary = "build/test/" + test_binary tested_objects = tuple(map(lambda f: "build/" + f, tested_objects)) # append to build file print("build {}: cpp {}".format(test_object, test_source), file=bf) print("build {}: link {} {}".format(test_binary, test_object, " ".join(tested_objects)), file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) # -- prepare build.ninja -- with open("build.ninja", "w") as bf: # include rules if "--release" in sys.argv: print("creating release target!\n") print("include ninja/release-rules.ninja", file=bf) else: print("include ninja/rules.ninja", file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) # build dependencies build_library("lib/libmm", ["ninja"]) build_library("lib/libwsdl2", ["./configure.py", "ninja"]) # find engine sources sources, objects = find_sources("engine") # create build directories print("build build/engine: mkdir", file=bf) print("build build/test: mkdir", file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) # build engine files for s, o in zip(sources, objects): print("build {}: cpp {}".format(o, s), file=bf) # build engine library print("build build/libflatland.so: link-shared " + " ".join(objects), file=bf) print("build build/libflatland.a: link-static " + " ".join(objects), file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) # set as default print("default build/libflatland.so build/libflatland.a", file=bf) print("\n", file=bf) # add tests add_specific_test(bf, "task_test.cpp", ["engine/task.cpp"]) add_specific_test(bf, "signal_test.cpp", [ "engine/task.cpp", "engine/labelled.cpp", "engine/signal.cpp", ]) print("default build/test/signal_test", file=bf) # run ctags for vim :) os.system("if type ctags; then ctags -R --extra=f . ; fi")