#include "flatland.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace flat; #include "core/task.hpp" #include "core/signal.hpp" #include "object.hpp" #include "window.hpp" #include "exception.hpp" #include "exceptions/forcequit.hpp" /* Global fields definitions */ float flatland_dt; FlatWindow * window = 0; flat_status status; float fps; float fps_pause = 5; core::job mainsync_job; core::channel core_chan("core"); core::listener::ptr quit_listener; core::listener::ptr print_listener; /* channels listeners callback */ void quit_callback(const object *sender, core::signal::package) { cout << "Flatland: quit request attempted" << endl; flat::quit(); } void print_callback(const object *sender, core::signal::package p) { const char * out = p.get(); string * sout = p.get(); if (!out) cout << "Flatland: " << out << endl; else if (!sout) cout << "Flatland: " << sout << endl; // else fail silently } /* Functions implementation */ uint32_t status_to_flags(const flat_status& s) { uint32_t flags = 0; if (s.audio) flags |= SDL_INIT_AUDIO; if (s.timer) flags |= SDL_INIT_TIMER; if (s.video) flags |= SDL_INIT_VIDEO; if (s.joystick) flags |= SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; if (s.haptic) flags |= SDL_INIT_HAPTIC; if (s.controller) flags |= SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER; if (s.events) flags |= SDL_INIT_EVENTS; if (s.haptic) flags |= SDL_INIT_HAPTIC; if (s.controller) flags |= SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER; if (s.events) flags |= SDL_INIT_EVENTS; return flags; } /* Accessors */ core::channel& core_channel() { return core_chan; } core::job& main_job() { return mainsync_job; } /* Main loop */ int init_flatland(FlatWindow* w, const flat_status& s, float _fps) { cout << "Flatland: Initializing flatland" << endl; // init core channel cout << "Flatland: Initializing core channel" << endl; core_chan.start(core::priority_t::max); if (!core_chan.map()) { cout << "Flatland: Could not map 'core' channel" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Do not call another channel 'core' before flatland initialization" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Aborting" << endl; return -1; } // bind listeners quit_listener = core_chan.connect(quit_callback, initializer_list({string("quit")})); // control if quit was not already connected if (!quit_listener) { cout << "Flatland: Could not connect 'quit' listener" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Do not connect to core channel another listener with filter name 'quit' before flatland initialization" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Aborting" << endl; return -1; } print_listener = core_chan.connect(print_callback, initializer_list({string("print")})); // control if print was not already connected if (!print_listener) { cout << "Flatland: Could not connect 'print' listener" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Do not connect to core channel another listener with filter name 'print' before flatland initialization" << endl; cout << "Flatland: Aborting" << endl; return -1; } // init variables cout << "Flatland: Initializing window" << endl; window = w; status = s; fps = _fps; // init SDL cout << "Flatland: Initializing SDL" << endl; uint32_t flags = status_to_flags(s); if ( SDL_Init(flags | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0) { cout << "Error: SDL_Init failed" << endl; return -1; } // init window cout << "Flatland: Opening window" << endl; window->open(); /* Game loop */ status.running = 1; status.loop = 1; clock_t delay = 0; cout << "Flatland: Entering game-loop" << endl; do { do { flatland_dt = 1.0f / fps + delay / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; delay = clock(); try { /* Invoke main sync job tasks */ mainsync_job(); } catch (const ForceQuit& f) { cerr << "Flatland: a force quit call was thrown" << endl; cerr << "Possible reason: " << f.reason << endl; quit(); } SDL_Delay((uint32_t) (1000.0f / fps)); delay -= clock(); } while (status.loop); SDL_Delay((uint32_t)(1000 / fps_pause)); } while(status.running); cout << "Flatland: closing window" << endl; window->close(); cout << "Flatland: quitting SDL" << endl; SDL_Quit(); return status.error; } void quit() { status.running = 0; status.loop = 0; } flat_status flatland_status() { return status; }