from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm from django.contrib.auth import login, authenticate from django.views import generic from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from import FileSystemStorage from django.http import FileResponse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from client.models import UserCode import dateparser import os from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError from pdf2image import convert_from_path, convert_from_bytes from pdf2image.exceptions import ( PDFInfoNotInstalledError, PDFPageCountError, PDFSyntaxError ) # override to remove help text class RegisterForm(UserCreationForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UserCreationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for fieldname in ['username', 'password1', 'password2']: self.fields[fieldname].help_text = None @sensitive_variables("raw_passsword") def signup(request): out_errors = [] # signup form with terms if request.method == 'POST': # get form object form = RegisterForm(request.POST) # check if terms are accepted if "terms_accept" not in request.POST: out_errors.append("Accettare i termini e condizioni prego") # if form is valid and terms were accepted save user if form.is_valid() and len(out_errors) == 0: username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') raw_password = form.cleaned_data.get('password1') user = authenticate(username=username, password=raw_password) login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: # get errors from form and add toasts errors = form.errors.as_data() for field in errors.keys(): if field == "username": out_errors.append("Il nome utente può contenere solo lettere e numeri") else: password_errors = errors["password2"] for err in password_errors: if err.code == "password_mismatch": out_errors.append("Le due password non sono uguali") elif err.code == "password_too_similar": out_errors.append("La password è troppo simile all'username") elif err.code == "password_too_short": out_errors.append("La password è troppo corta") elif err.code == "password_too_common": out_errors.append("La password è troppo comune") elif err.code == "password_entirely_numeric": out_errors.append("La password deve contenere lettere") else: # create empty form to be filled form = RegisterForm() context = { "form": form, "errors": out_errors, } return render(request, 'accounts/signup.html', context) @login_required def personal(request): context = {} # additional user informations usercode = UserCode.objects.filter(user=request.user)[0] # medical info medic = usercode.medic # values for multiple choice box # TODO remove multiple choice branca_default = "" branca_castorini = "" branca_lupetti = "" branca_esploratori = "" branca_pionieri = "" branca_rover = "" # variables for throwing errors to the user error = False error_text = "" if request.method == "POST": # requested download if request.POST['action'] == "download_vac": if medic.vac_certificate != None: filename = os.path.basename( filename = filename[filename.find("_")+1:] if filename.rfind('.') != -1: filename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] filename = filename + ".jpg" # encode in JPEG im = im_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=90) return FileResponse(im_io, as_attachment=True, filename=filename) if request.POST['action'] == "download_health": if medic.health_care_certificate != None: filename = os.path.basename( filename = filename[filename.find("_")+1:] if filename.rfind('.') != -1: filename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] filename = filename + ".jpg" # encode in JPEG im = im_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=90) return FileResponse(im_io, as_attachment=True, filename=filename) # set all attributes request.user.first_name = request.POST["first_name"] request.user.last_name = request.POST["last_name"] = request.POST["email"] usercode.parent_name = request.POST["parent_name"] usercode.via = request.POST["via"] usercode.cap = request.POST["cap"] = request.POST["country"] usercode.nationality = request.POST["nationality"] usercode.born_date = dateparser.parse(request.POST["birth_date"]) usercode.home_phone = request.POST["home_phone"] = request.POST["phone"] = request.POST["school"] usercode.avs_number = request.POST["avs_number"] if request.POST["year"].isdigit(): usercode.year = request.POST["year"] else: error = True error_text = "L'anno scolastico deve essere un numero" medic.emer_name = request.POST["emer_name"] medic.emer_relative = request.POST["emer_relative"] medic.cell_phone = request.POST["cell_phone"] medic.address = request.POST["address"] medic.emer_phone = request.POST["emer_phone"] medic.health_care = request.POST["health_care"] medic.injuries = request.POST["injuries"] medic.rc = request.POST["rc"] medic.rega = "rega" in request.POST medic.medic_name = request.POST["medic_name"] medic.medic_phone = request.POST["medic_phone"] medic.medic_address = request.POST["medic_address"] medic.sickness = request.POST["sickness"] medic.vaccine = request.POST["vaccine"] medic.tetanus_date = dateparser.parse(request.POST["tetanus_date"]) medic.allergy = request.POST["allergy"] medic.drugs_bool = "drugs_bool" in request.POST medic.drugs = request.POST["drugs"] medic.misc_bool = "misc_bool" in request.POST medic.misc = request.POST["misc"] # if "branca" in request.POST: # if request.POST["branca"] != "": # request.user.groups.clear() # request.user.groups.add( # Group.objects.get(name=request.POST["branca"])) # check if user uploaded a file if "vac_certificate" in request.FILES: files = request.FILES.getlist('vac_certificate') name = files[0].name try: # if multiple files concatenate pictures im ="RGB", (0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for f in files: if".pdf"): images = convert_from_bytes( for i in images: dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst else: i = dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst im_io = BytesIO() # resize image if larger than max value if im.height > 16383: im = im.resize((round(im.width/im.height*16383), 16383)) # compress image in WEBP, 'WEBP', quality=50, method=4) request.user.username+"_"+name, im_io) except UnidentifiedImageError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un immagine valida" except PDFPageCountError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except PDFSyntaxError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except IOError: error = True error_text = "Il file è un immagine troppo grande" if "health_care_certificate" in request.FILES: files = request.FILES.getlist('health_care_certificate') name = files[0].name try: # if multiple files concatenate pictures im ="RGB", (0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for f in files: if".pdf"): images = convert_from_bytes( for i in images: dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst else: i = dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst im_io = BytesIO() # resize image if larger than max value if im.height > 16383: im = im.resize((round(im.width/im.height*16383), 16383)) # compress image in WEBP, 'WEBP', quality=50, method=4) request.user.username+"_"+name, im_io) except UnidentifiedImageError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un immagine valida" except PDFPageCountError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except PDFSyntaxError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except IOError: error = True error_text = "Il file è un immagine troppo grande" # user requested file delete if request.POST["delete_vac"] == 'vac': medic.vac_certificate = None if request.POST["delete_health"] == 'health': medic.health_care_certificate = None # if there wasn't any error redirect to clear POST if not error: return HttpResponseRedirect("") # check if user is in a group and set multiple choice to that if len(request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)) == 0: branca_default = "selected" else: parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] if parent_group == "colonia": branca_castorini = "selected" elif parent_group == "muta": branca_lupetti = "selected" elif parent_group == "reparto": branca_esploratori = "selected" elif parent_group == "posto": branca_pionieri = "selected" elif parent_group == "clan": branca_rover = "selected" else: branca_default = "selected" # set checkbox status rega = "" if medic.rega: rega = "checked='checked'" drugs = "" if medic.drugs_bool: drugs = "checked='checked'" misc = "" if medic.misc_bool: misc = "checked='checked'" # set file name for uploaded files if (medic.vac_certificate != None): vac_name = os.path.basename( vac_name = vac_name[vac_name.find("_")+1:] else: vac_name = '' if (medic.health_care_certificate != None): card_name = os.path.basename( card_name = card_name[card_name.find("_")+1:] else: card_name = '' # fill context context = { 'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': request.user.last_name, 'email':, 'parent_name': usercode.parent_name, 'via': usercode.via, 'cap': usercode.cap, 'country':, 'nationality': usercode.nationality, 'birth_date': usercode.born_date, 'home_phone': usercode.home_phone, 'phone':, 'school':, 'year': usercode.year, 'avs_number': usercode.avs_number, 'branca_default': branca_default, 'branca_castorini': branca_castorini, 'branca_lupetti': branca_lupetti, 'branca_esploratori': branca_esploratori, 'branca_pionieri': branca_pionieri, 'branca_rover': branca_rover, 'emer_name': medic.emer_name, 'emer_relative': medic.emer_relative, 'cell_phone': medic.cell_phone, 'address': medic.address, 'emer_phone': medic.emer_phone, 'health_care': medic.health_care, 'injuries': medic.injuries, 'rc': medic.rc, 'rega_check': rega, 'medic_name': medic.medic_name, 'medic_phone': medic.medic_phone, 'medic_address': medic.medic_address, 'sickness': medic.sickness, 'vaccine': medic.vaccine, 'tetanus_date': medic.tetanus_date, 'allergy': medic.allergy, 'drugs_check': drugs, 'drugs': medic.drugs, 'misc_check': misc, 'misc': medic.misc, 'health_care_certificate': card_name, 'vac_certificate': vac_name, 'error': error, 'error_text': error_text, } return render(request, 'accounts/index.html', context) # simple terms page, only static html def terms(request): context = {} return render(request, 'accounts/terms.html', context)