from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm from django.contrib.auth import login, authenticate from django.http import FileResponse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from client.models import UserCode import dateparser import os from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError from pdf2image import convert_from_bytes from pdf2image.exceptions import ( PDFPageCountError, PDFSyntaxError ) # override to remove help text class RegisterForm(UserCreationForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RegisterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for fieldname in ['username', 'password1', 'password2']: self.fields[fieldname].help_text = None @sensitive_variables("raw_passsword") def signup(request): out_errors = [] # signup form with terms if request.method == 'POST': # get form object form = RegisterForm(request.POST) # check if terms are accepted if "terms_accept" not in request.POST: out_errors.append("Accettare i termini e condizioni prego") # if form is valid and terms were accepted save user if form.is_valid() and len(out_errors) == 0: username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') raw_password = form.cleaned_data.get('password1') user = authenticate(username=username, password=raw_password) login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: # get errors from form and add toasts errors = form.errors.as_data() for field in errors.keys(): if field == "username": out_errors.append("Il nome utente può contenere solo lettere e numeri") else: password_errors = errors["password2"] for err in password_errors: if err.code == "password_mismatch": out_errors.append("Le due password non sono uguali") elif err.code == "password_too_similar": out_errors.append("La password è troppo simile all'username") elif err.code == "password_too_short": out_errors.append("La password è troppo corta") elif err.code == "password_too_common": out_errors.append("La password è troppo comune") elif err.code == "password_entirely_numeric": out_errors.append("La password deve contenere lettere") else: # create empty form to be filled form = RegisterForm() context = { "form": form, "errors": out_errors, } return render(request, 'accounts/signup.html', context) @login_required def personal(request): context = {} # additional user informations usercode = UserCode.objects.filter(user=request.user)[0] # medical info medic = usercode.medic # values for multiple choice box # TODO remove multiple choice branca_default = "" branca_castorini = "" branca_lupetti = "" branca_esploratori = "" branca_pionieri = "" branca_rover = "" # variables for throwing errors to the user error = False error_text = "" if request.method == "POST": # requested download if request.POST['action'] == "download_vac": if medic.vac_certificate != None: filename = os.path.basename( filename = filename[filename.find("_")+1:] if filename.rfind('.') != -1: filename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] filename = filename + ".jpg" # encode in JPEG im = im_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=90) return FileResponse(im_io, as_attachment=True, filename=filename) if request.POST['action'] == "download_health": if medic.health_care_certificate != None: filename = os.path.basename( filename = filename[filename.find("_")+1:] if filename.rfind('.') != -1: filename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] filename = filename + ".jpg" # encode in JPEG im = im_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=90) return FileResponse(im_io, as_attachment=True, filename=filename) # set all attributes request.user.first_name = request.POST["first_name"] request.user.last_name = request.POST["last_name"] = request.POST["email"] usercode.parent_name = request.POST["parent_name"] usercode.via = request.POST["via"] usercode.cap = request.POST["cap"] = request.POST["country"] usercode.nationality = request.POST["nationality"] usercode.born_date = dateparser.parse(request.POST["birth_date"]) usercode.home_phone = request.POST["home_phone"] = request.POST["phone"] = request.POST["school"] usercode.avs_number = request.POST["avs_number"] if request.POST["year"].isdigit(): usercode.year = request.POST["year"] else: error = True error_text = "L'anno scolastico deve essere un numero" medic.emer_name = request.POST["emer_name"] medic.emer_relative = request.POST["emer_relative"] medic.cell_phone = request.POST["cell_phone"] medic.address = request.POST["address"] medic.emer_phone = request.POST["emer_phone"] medic.health_care = request.POST["health_care"] medic.injuries = request.POST["injuries"] medic.rc = request.POST["rc"] medic.rega = "rega" in request.POST medic.medic_name = request.POST["medic_name"] medic.medic_phone = request.POST["medic_phone"] medic.medic_address = request.POST["medic_address"] medic.sickness = request.POST["sickness"] medic.vaccine = request.POST["vaccine"] medic.tetanus_date = dateparser.parse(request.POST["tetanus_date"]) medic.allergy = request.POST["allergy"] medic.drugs_bool = "drugs_bool" in request.POST medic.drugs = request.POST["drugs"] medic.misc_bool = "misc_bool" in request.POST medic.misc = request.POST["misc"] # if "branca" in request.POST: # if request.POST["branca"] != "": # request.user.groups.clear() # request.user.groups.add( # Group.objects.get(name=request.POST["branca"])) # check if user uploaded a file if "vac_certificate" in request.FILES: files = request.FILES.getlist('vac_certificate') name = files[0].name try: # if multiple files concatenate pictures im ="RGB", (0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for f in files: if".pdf"): images = convert_from_bytes( for i in images: dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst else: i = dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst im_io = BytesIO() # resize image if larger than max value if im.height > 16383: im = im.resize((round(im.width/im.height*16383), 16383)) # compress image in WEBP, 'WEBP', quality=50, method=4) request.user.username+"_"+name, im_io) except UnidentifiedImageError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un immagine valida" except PDFPageCountError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except PDFSyntaxError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except IOError: error = True error_text = "Il file è un immagine troppo grande" if "health_care_certificate" in request.FILES: files = request.FILES.getlist('health_care_certificate') name = files[0].name try: # if multiple files concatenate pictures im ="RGB", (0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for f in files: if".pdf"): images = convert_from_bytes( for i in images: dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst else: i = dst ='RGB', (max(im.width, i.width), im.height + i.height), (255, 255, 255)) dst.paste(im, (0, 0)) dst.paste(i, (0, im.height)) im = dst im_io = BytesIO() # resize image if larger than max value if im.height > 16383: im = im.resize((round(im.width/im.height*16383), 16383)) # compress image in WEBP, 'WEBP', quality=50, method=4) request.user.username+"_"+name, im_io) except UnidentifiedImageError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un immagine valida" except PDFPageCountError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except PDFSyntaxError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un pdf valido" except IOError: error = True error_text = "Il file è un immagine troppo grande" # user requested file delete if request.POST["delete_vac"] == 'vac': medic.vac_certificate = None if request.POST["delete_health"] == 'health': medic.health_care_certificate = None # if there wasn't any error redirect to clear POST if not error: return HttpResponseRedirect("") # check if user is in a group and set multiple choice to that if len(request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)) == 0: branca_default = "selected" else: parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] if parent_group == "colonia": branca_castorini = "selected" elif parent_group == "muta": branca_lupetti = "selected" elif parent_group == "reparto": branca_esploratori = "selected" elif parent_group == "posto": branca_pionieri = "selected" elif parent_group == "clan": branca_rover = "selected" else: branca_default = "selected" # set checkbox status rega = "" if medic.rega: rega = "checked='checked'" drugs = "" if medic.drugs_bool: drugs = "checked='checked'" misc = "" if medic.misc_bool: misc = "checked='checked'" # set file name for uploaded files if (medic.vac_certificate != None): vac_name = os.path.basename( vac_name = vac_name[vac_name.find("_")+1:] else: vac_name = '' if (medic.health_care_certificate != None): card_name = os.path.basename( card_name = card_name[card_name.find("_")+1:] else: card_name = '' # fill context context = { 'first_name': request.user.first_name, 'last_name': request.user.last_name, 'email':, 'parent_name': usercode.parent_name, 'via': usercode.via, 'cap': usercode.cap, 'country':, 'nationality': usercode.nationality, 'birth_date': usercode.born_date, 'home_phone': usercode.home_phone, 'phone':, 'school':, 'year': usercode.year, 'avs_number': usercode.avs_number, 'branca_default': branca_default, 'branca_castorini': branca_castorini, 'branca_lupetti': branca_lupetti, 'branca_esploratori': branca_esploratori, 'branca_pionieri': branca_pionieri, 'branca_rover': branca_rover, 'emer_name': medic.emer_name, 'emer_relative': medic.emer_relative, 'cell_phone': medic.cell_phone, 'address': medic.address, 'emer_phone': medic.emer_phone, 'health_care': medic.health_care, 'injuries': medic.injuries, 'rc': medic.rc, 'rega_check': rega, 'medic_name': medic.medic_name, 'medic_phone': medic.medic_phone, 'medic_address': medic.medic_address, 'sickness': medic.sickness, 'vaccine': medic.vaccine, 'tetanus_date': medic.tetanus_date, 'allergy': medic.allergy, 'drugs_check': drugs, 'drugs': medic.drugs, 'misc_check': misc, 'misc': medic.misc, 'health_care_certificate': card_name, 'vac_certificate': vac_name, 'error': error, 'error_text': error_text, } return render(request, 'accounts/index.html', context) # simple terms page, only static html def terms(request): context = {} return render(request, 'accounts/terms.html', context)