from django.db.models.expressions import OuterRef, Subquery from django.template.loader import get_template from django.urls import reverse from client.models import HideGroup, UserCode, Keys, DocumentType, Document, PersonalData, KeyVal, MedicalData from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, FileResponse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render from accounts.views import copy_from_midata from django.conf import settings from io import BytesIO import pdfkit from datetime import datetime import pytz from random import randint def migration_usercode(void): usercodes = UserCode.objects.all() for uc in usercodes: user = uc.user uc.first_name = user.first_name uc.last_name = user.last_name = uc.branca = user.groups.all()[0] # also iterate all docs and set usercode for d in Document.objects.all(): uc = UserCode.objects.filter(user=d.user)[0] d.usercode = uc @login_required() def index(request): context = {} ucs = UserCode.objects.filter(user=request.user) if (len(ucs) == 0): # the user has no person return render(request, 'client/index.html', {}) # user action if request.method == "POST": # get document id document = Document.objects.get(id=request.POST["action"][1:]) # check if document is valid to modify if document.user != request.user: return HttpResponseRedirect("/") if document.status == "ok" or document.status == "archive": return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # execute action if request.POST["action"][0] == 'f': # generate approve pdf template = get_template('client/approve_doc_pdf.html') context = {'doc': document, 'uri': settings.FQD_BASE_URL + reverse('approve_direct') + "?code=" + str(document.code)} html = template.render(context) pdf = pdfkit.from_string(html, False) result = BytesIO(pdf) return FileResponse(result,".pdf") elif request.POST["action"][0] == 'a': # sign autosign doc if document.status == "autosign": document.status = "ok" return HttpResponseRedirect("/") elif request.POST["action"][0] == 'd': # delete doc document.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect("/") elif request.POST["action"][0] == 'e': # edit doc generate context and render edit page document_type = document.document_type context = { 'doctype': document_type, } context['doc'] = document context['personal_data'] = document_type.personal_data context['medical_data'] = document_type.medical_data context['custom_data'] = document_type.custom_data keys = Keys.objects.filter(container=document_type).annotate(value=Subquery( KeyVal.objects.filter(container=document, key=OuterRef('key')).values('value') )) context['keys'] = keys context['custom_message'] = document_type.custom_message context['custom_message_text'] = document_type.custom_message_text return edit_wrapper(request, context) # divide the docs for each uc docs = [] for uc in ucs: documents = Document.objects.filter( Q(usercode=uc) & ~Q(status='archive')).select_related("personal_data", "medical_data", "document_type", "user") color_mapping = { "diga": "#ffeb3b", "muta": "#03a9f4", "reparto": "#795548", "posto": "#f44336", "clan": "#4caf50" } if uc.branca == None: color = "black" else: color = color_mapping[] docs.append([uc, documents, color]) # show only docs of the user and non archived vac_file = ["/server/media/", "/vac_certificate/doc"] health_file = ["/server/media/", "/health_care_certificate/doc"] sign_doc_file = ["/server/media/", "/signed_doc/doc"] context = { "docs": docs, "vac_file": vac_file, "health_file": health_file, "sign_doc_file": sign_doc_file } return render(request, 'client/index.html', context) @login_required def create(request): context = {} usercode = UserCode.objects.filter(user=request.user)[0] if usercode.midata_id > 0: if not copy_from_midata(request, usercode): return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info) # group name and obj parent_groups = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True) # get available types for user filter = (Q(group_private=False) | Q(group__name__in=parent_groups)) & Q(enabled=True) if not request.user.is_staff and "capi" not in request.user.groups.values_list('name',flat = True): filter = filter & Q(staff_only=False) # remove from the list documents from already used types doctypes = DocumentType.objects.filter(filter).values_list("id", flat=True).difference(Document.objects.filter(Q(user=request.user) & ~Q(status="archive")).select_related("document_type").values_list("document_type", flat=True)) doctypes = doctypes.difference(HideGroup.objects.filter(group__name__in=parent_groups).select_related("doc_type").values_list("doc_type", flat=True)) context['docs'] = DocumentType.objects.filter(id__in=doctypes) if request.method == "POST": if request.POST["action"] == "details": # user has to select a document type if "doctype" not in request.POST.keys(): # if no type selected throw error context['error'] = True context['error_text'] = "Seleziona un documento" else: # gather data to ask to the user context['next'] = True document_type = DocumentType.objects.get( id=request.POST["doctype"]) context['doctype'] = document_type # check if there are still free spaces context['no_free_places'] = False if document_type.max_instances != 0: if len(Document.objects.filter(document_type=document_type)) - len(Document.objects.filter(document_type=document_type, status="archive")) >= document_type.max_instances: context['no_free_places'] = True context['personal_data'] = document_type.personal_data context['medical_data'] = document_type.medical_data context['custom_data'] = document_type.custom_data context['keys'] = Keys.objects.filter(container=document_type) context['custom_message'] = document_type.custom_message context['custom_message_text'] = document_type.custom_message_text elif request.POST["action"] == "save": # after type was selected it shows details to complete # get selected type document_type = DocumentType.objects.get( id=request.POST["doctype"]) # check if there are free spaces if document_type.max_instances != 0: if len(Document.objects.filter(document_type=document_type)) - len(Document.objects.filter(document_type=document_type, status="archive")) >= document_type.max_instances: # there aren't user is cheating return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # check if user has permission to use that type if document_type.staff_only and not request.user.is_staff and "capi" not in request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat = True): # user is cheating abort return HttpResponseRedirect("/") if document_type.group_private and not in request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True): # user is cheating abort return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # get list of docs with that type current_docs = Document.objects.filter(user=request.user).filter(Q(document_type=document_type) & ~Q(status="archive")) if len(current_docs) > 0: # if there is already a document with that type abort (user is cheating) return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # set default values code = 0 status = "wait" personal_data = None medical_data = None # set to auto_sign if it is the case if document_type.auto_sign: status = "autosign" # copy personal data and medical data if document_type.personal_data: personal_data = PersonalData(, parent_name=usercode.parent_name, via=usercode.via, cap=usercode.cap,, nationality=usercode.nationality, born_date=usercode.born_date, home_phone=usercode.home_phone,,, year=usercode.year, avs_number=usercode.avs_number) if document_type.medical_data: medic = usercode.medic medical_data = MedicalData(vac_certificate=medic.vac_certificate, health_care_certificate=medic.health_care_certificate, emer_name=medic.emer_name, emer_relative=medic.emer_relative, cell_phone=medic.cell_phone, address=medic.address, emer_phone=medic.emer_phone, health_care=medic.health_care, injuries=medic.injuries, rc=medic.rc, rega=medic.rega, medic_name=medic.medic_name, medic_phone=medic.medic_phone, medic_address=medic.medic_address, sickness=medic.sickness, vaccine=medic.vaccine, tetanus_date=medic.tetanus_date, allergy=medic.allergy, drugs_bool=medic.drugs_bool, drugs=medic.drugs, misc_bool=medic.misc_bool, misc=medic.misc) # generate document code while (True): code = randint(100000, 999999) if len(Document.objects.filter(code=code)) == 0: break # save document document = Document( user=request.user,, code=code, status=status, document_type=document_type, personal_data=personal_data, medical_data=medical_data) # attach custom keys if document_type.custom_data: for i in request.POST.keys(): if i == "doctype" or i == "csrfmiddlewaretoken" or i == "action": continue key = KeyVal(container=document, key=Keys.objects.get(id=i).key, value=request.POST[i]) return HttpResponseRedirect('/?approve_doc=' + str( return render(request, 'client/doc_create.html', context) # helper function to call edit_wrapper with empty context @login_required def edit(request): return edit_wrapper(request, {}) @login_required def edit_wrapper(request, context): if request.method == "POST": usercode = UserCode.objects.filter(user=request.user)[0] if usercode.midata_id > 0: if not copy_from_midata(request, usercode): return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info) if "action" not in request.POST.keys(): # get document document = Document.objects.get(id=request.POST["doc"]) # check if user has permission if document.user != request.user: return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # check if document is editable if document.status != "wait" and document.status != "autosign": # user is cheating return HttpResponseRedirect("/") # update compilation date document.compilation_date = pytz.timezone('Europe/Zurich').localize(["compilation_date"]) # save again all data if document.document_type.personal_data: personal_data = PersonalData(, parent_name=usercode.parent_name, via=usercode.via, cap=usercode.cap,, nationality=usercode.nationality, born_date=usercode.born_date, home_phone=usercode.home_phone,,, year=usercode.year, avs_number=usercode.avs_number) old_data = document.personal_data document.personal_data = personal_data old_data.delete() if document.document_type.medical_data: medic = usercode.medic medical_data = MedicalData(vac_certificate=medic.vac_certificate, health_care_certificate=medic.health_care_certificate, emer_name=medic.emer_name, emer_relative=medic.emer_relative, cell_phone=medic.cell_phone, address=medic.address, emer_phone=medic.emer_phone, health_care=medic.health_care, injuries=medic.injuries, rc=medic.rc, rega=medic.rega, medic_name=medic.medic_name, medic_phone=medic.medic_phone, medic_address=medic.medic_address, sickness=medic.sickness, vaccine=medic.vaccine, tetanus_date=medic.tetanus_date, allergy=medic.allergy, drugs_bool=medic.drugs_bool, drugs=medic.drugs, misc_bool=medic.misc_bool, misc=medic.misc) old_data = document.medical_data document.medical_data = medical_data old_data.delete() # update again custom keys if document.document_type.custom_data: for i in request.POST.keys(): if i == "doc" or i == "csrfmiddlewaretoken": continue key = KeyVal.objects.filter(key=i, container=document) if len(key) == 0: new_key = KeyVal(container=document, key=i, value=request.POST[i]) else: key[0].value = request.POST[i] key[0].save() return HttpResponseRedirect('/') return render(request, 'client/doc_edit.html', context) def about(request): # very simple about page, get version from text file version = settings.VERSION # parse file version = version[version.find("=")+1:] version = version.replace("\n", " ").replace("=", " ") # get branch branch = settings.BRANCH version += " (" + branch[:-1] + ")" if version.startswith("0"): version = "Beta " + version context = {"version": version, "commitid": settings.COMMIT_ID} return render(request, 'client/about.html', context)