from django.shortcuts import render from client.models import UserCode, Keys, DocumentType, Document, KeyVal from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, FileResponse from django.db.models.deletion import ProtectedError from django.template.loader import get_template from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType import dateparser from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import pytz import pdfkit from io import BytesIO import os, base64 from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError @staff_member_required def index(request): context = {} parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] users = User.objects.filter(groups__name=parent_group).order_by("id") users_out = [] for user in users: if not user.has_perm("client.approved") and not user.is_staff: continue users_out.append([user.username, user.first_name, user.last_name]) parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) public_types = DocumentType.objects.filter( Q(group_private=False) | Q(group=group) & Q(enabled=True)) docs = [] for doc in public_types: ref_docs = Document.objects.filter(document_type=doc) docs.append([doc, len(ref_docs)]) context = { 'docs': docs, 'users': users_out, } return render(request, 'server/index.html', context) @staff_member_required def uapprove(request): context = {} data = [] if request.method == "POST": parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) permission = Permission.objects.get(codename='approved') data = request.POST["codes"] data.replace("\r", "") data = data.split("\n") for i in range(len(data)): if not data[i].startswith("U"): data[i] = data[i] + " - Formato errato" elif not data[i][1:].isdigit(): data[i] = data[i] + " - Formato errato" elif int(data[i][1:]) < 100000 or int(data[i][1:]) > 999999: data[i] = data[i] + " - Formato errato" elif len(UserCode.objects.filter(code=data[i][1:])) == 0: data[i] = data[i] + " - Invalido" else: user = UserCode.objects.filter(code=data[i][1:])[0].user user.user_permissions.add(permission) if len(user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)) == 0: user.groups.add(group) data[i] = data[i] + " - Ok" else: if user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[0] == parent_group: data[i] = data[i] + " - Ok" else: user.groups.clear() user.groups.add(group) data[i] = data[i] + " - Ok, cambio branca" context = { 'messages': data, 'empty': len(data) == 0, } return render(request, 'server/approve_user.html', context) @staff_member_required def docapprove(request): context = {} data = [] parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) if request.method == "POST": data = request.POST["codes"] data.replace("\r", "") data = data.split("\n") for i in range(len(data)): if not data[i].isdigit(): data[i] = data[i] + " - Formato errato" elif int(data[i]) < 100000 or int(data[i]) > 999999: data[i] = data[i] + " - Formato errato" elif len(Document.objects.filter(code=data[i])) == 0: data[i] = data[i] + " - Invalido" elif Document.objects.filter(code=data[i])[0].group != group: data[i] = data[i] + " - Invalido" else: document = Document.objects.filter(code=data[i])[0] if document.status == 'ok': data[i] = data[i] + " - Già approvato" else: document.status = 'ok' data[i] = data[i] + " - Ok" context = { 'messages': data, 'empty': len(data) == 0, } return render(request, 'server/approve_doc.html', context) @staff_member_required def ulist(request): context = {} parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) if request.method == "POST": if request.POST["action"][0] == 'f': document = Document.objects.get(id=request.POST["action"][1:]) if == group: vac_file = "" health_file = "" sign_doc_file = "" if document.medical_data: if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: vac_file = base64.b64encode( if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: health_file = base64.b64encode( if document.signed_doc: with open(, 'rb') as image_file: sign_doc_file = base64.b64encode( template = get_template('server/download_doc.html') doc = [document, KeyVal.objects.filter(container=document), document.personal_data, document.medical_data, parent_group] context = {'doc': doc, 'vac': vac_file, 'health': health_file, 'sign_doc_file': sign_doc_file} html = template.render(context) pdf = pdfkit.from_string(html, False) result = BytesIO(pdf) return FileResponse(result, as_attachment=True, filename=document.user.username+"_"".pdf") elif request.POST["action"][0] == 'd': user = User.objects.get(id=request.POST["action"][1:]) if user.groups.all()[0] == group: content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Document) permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=content_type, codename="approved") user.user_permissions.remove(permission) return HttpResponseRedirect("ulist") users = User.objects.filter(groups__name=parent_group).order_by("first_name") out = [] for user in users: if not user.has_perm("client.approved") and not user.is_staff: continue usercode = UserCode.objects.filter(user=user)[0] documents = Document.objects.filter(Q(user=user) & ~Q(status='archive') & Q(group__name=parent_group)) vac_file = "" health_file = "" if usercode.medic: if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: vac_file = base64.b64encode( if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: health_file = base64.b64encode( out.append([user, usercode, parent_group, documents, vac_file, health_file]) context = {'users': out} return render(request, 'server/user_list.html', context) @staff_member_required def doctype(request): context = {} error = False error_text = "" public = True selfsign = True hidden = False personal = True medic = True custom = True message = True group_bool = True public_check = 'checked="checked"' selfsign_check = 'checked="checked"' hidden_check = 'checked="checked"' personal_check = 'checked="checked"' medic_check = 'checked="checked"' custom_check = 'checked="checked"' message_check = 'checked="checked"' group_check = 'checked="checked"' if request.method == "POST": selected = [] parent_groups = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True) for i in request.POST.keys(): if i.isdigit(): docc = DocumentType.objects.get(id=i) if in parent_groups: selected.append(docc) else: error = True error_text = "Non puoi modificare un documento non del tuo gruppo" for i in selected: if request.POST["action"] == 'delete': try: i.delete() except ProtectedError: error = True error_text = "Non puoi eliminare un tipo a cui é collegato uno o piú documenti" elif request.POST["action"] == 'hide': i.enabled = False elif request.POST["action"] == 'show': i.enabled = True public = "filter_public" in request.POST selfsign = "filter_selfsign" in request.POST hidden = "filter_hidden" in request.POST personal = "filter_personal" in request.POST medic = "filter_medic" in request.POST custom = "filter_custom" in request.POST message = "filter_message" in request.POST group_bool = "filter_group" in request.POST if request.POST["action"] == 'clear': public = True selfsign = True hidden = False personal = True medic = True custom = True message = True group_bool = True parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) public_types = DocumentType.objects.filter( Q(group_private=False) | Q(group=group)) if not public: public_types = public_types.filter(group_private=True) public_check = "" if not selfsign: public_types = public_types.filter(auto_sign=False) selfsign_check = "" if not hidden: public_types = public_types.filter(enabled=True) hidden_check = "" if not personal: public_types = public_types.filter(personal_data=False) personal_check = "" if not medic: public_types = public_types.filter(medical_data=False) medic_check = "" if not custom: public_types = public_types.filter(custom_data=False) custom_check = "" if not message: public_types = public_types.filter(custom_message=False) message_check = "" if not group_bool: public_types = public_types.filter(custom_group=False) group_check = "" out = [] for doc in public_types: custom_keys = Keys.objects.filter(container=doc) ref_docs = Document.objects.filter(document_type=doc) out.append([doc, custom_keys, len(ref_docs)]) context = { 'docs': out, 'public_check': public_check, 'selfsign_check': selfsign_check, 'hidden_check': hidden_check, 'personal_check': personal_check, 'medic_check': medic_check, 'custom_check': custom_check, 'message_check': message_check, 'group_check': group_check, 'error': error, 'error_text': error_text, } return render(request, 'server/doc_type.html', context) @staff_member_required def doccreate(request): context = {} parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) enabled = False group_private = False personal_data = False medical_data = False custom_data = False custom_group_bool = False name = "" custom_group = "" enabled_check = 'checked="checked"' private_check = 'checked="checked"' personal_check = 'checked="checked"' sign_check = 'checked="checked"' medical_check = "" custom_check = "" custom_message_check = "" context = { "enabled_check": enabled_check, "private_check": private_check, "sign_check": sign_check, "personal_check": personal_check, "medical_check": medical_check, "custom_check": custom_check, "custom_message_check": custom_message_check, } if request.method == "POST": enabled = "enabled" in request.POST.keys() auto_sign = "sign" not in request.POST.keys() group_private = "group_private" in request.POST.keys() personal_data = "personal_data" in request.POST.keys() medical_data = "medical_data" in request.POST.keys() custom_data = "custom_data" in request.POST.keys() custom_message = "custom_message" in request.POST.keys() custom_message_text = request.POST["custom_message_text"] name = request.POST["name"] custom_group = request.POST["custom_group"] if len(DocumentType.objects.filter(name=name)) > 0: context["error"] = "true" context["error_text"] = "Questo nome esiste già. Prego usarne un altro." return render(request, 'server/doc_create.html', context) if custom_group != "": if custom_group not in request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True): context["error"] = "true" context["error_text"] = "Non puoi creare un tipo assegnato ad un gruppo di cui non fai parte" return render(request, 'server/doc_create.html', context) else: group = Group.objects.filter(name=custom_group)[0] custom_group_bool = True doctype = DocumentType( custom_group=custom_group_bool, auto_sign=auto_sign, custom_message=custom_message, custom_message_text=custom_message_text, name=request.POST["name"], enabled=enabled, group_private=group_private, group=group, personal_data=personal_data, medical_data=medical_data, custom_data=custom_data) if custom_data: custom = request.POST["custom"] custom.replace("\r", "") custom = custom.split("\n") for i in custom: key = Keys(key=i, container=doctype) return HttpResponseRedirect('doctype') return render(request, 'server/doc_create.html', context) @staff_member_required def doclist(request): context = {} parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) zurich = pytz.timezone('Europe/Zurich') error = False error_text = "" hidden = False wait = True selfsign = True ok = True signdoc = False hidden_check = 'checked="checked"' wait_check = 'checked="checked"' selfsign_check = 'checked="checked"' ok_check = 'checked="checked"' signdoc_check = 'checked="checked"' newer = zurich.localize(dateparser.parse("1970-01-01")) older = zurich.localize( owner = [] types = [] groups = [] chips_owner = [] chips_types = [] chips_groups = [] if request.method == "POST": if request.POST["action"][0] == 'k': document = Document.objects.get(id=request.POST["action"][1:]) if == group: vac_file = "" health_file = "" sign_doc_file = "" if document.medical_data: if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: vac_file = base64.b64encode( if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: health_file = base64.b64encode( if document.signed_doc: with open(, 'rb') as image_file: sign_doc_file = base64.b64encode( template = get_template('server/download_doc.html') doc = [document, KeyVal.objects.filter(container=document), document.personal_data, document.medical_data, parent_group] context = {'doc': doc, 'vac': vac_file, 'health': health_file, 'sign_doc_file': sign_doc_file} html = template.render(context) pdf = pdfkit.from_string(html, False) result = BytesIO(pdf) return FileResponse(result, as_attachment=True, filename=document.user.username+"_"".pdf") selected = [] parent_groups = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True) for i in request.POST.keys(): if i.isdigit(): docc = Document.objects.get(id=i) if in parent_groups: selected.append(docc) for i in selected: if request.POST["action"] == 'delete' and settings.DEBUG: i.delete() elif request.POST["action"] == 'approve' and settings.DEBUG: i.status = 'ok' elif request.POST["action"] == 'archive': if i.status == 'ok': i.status = 'archive' else: error = True error_text = "Non puoi archiviare un documento non approvato" elif request.POST["action"] == 'unarchive': if i.status == 'archive': i.status = 'ok' else: error = True error_text = "Non puoi dearchiviare un documento non archiviato" hidden = "filter_hidden" in request.POST wait = "filter_wait" in request.POST selfsign = "filter_selfsign" in request.POST ok = "filter_ok" in request.POST signdoc = "filter_signdoc" in request.POST newer = zurich.localize(dateparser.parse(request.POST["newer"])) older = zurich.localize(dateparser.parse(request.POST["older"]) + timedelta(days=1)) owner = request.POST["owner"].split("^|") types = request.POST["type"].split("^|") groups = request.POST["groups"].split("^|") if request.POST["action"] == 'clear': hidden = False wait = True selfsign = True ok = True newer = zurich.localize(dateparser.parse("1970-01-01")) older = zurich.localize( owner = [] types = [] groups = [] parent_groups = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True) q_obj = Q() for i in parent_groups: q_obj |= Q(group__name=i) documents = Document.objects.filter(q_obj) if not hidden: documents = documents.filter(~Q(status="archive")) hidden_check = "" if not wait: documents = documents.filter(~Q(status="wait")) wait_check = "" if not selfsign: documents = documents.filter(~Q(status="autosign")) selfsign_check = "" if not ok: documents = documents.filter(~Q(status="ok")) ok_check = "" if not signdoc: signdoc_check = "" documents = documents.filter(compilation_date__range=[newer, older]) if len(types) > 0: if types[0] != "": q_obj = Q() for t in types: q_obj |= Q(document_type__name=t) chips_types.append(t) documents = documents.filter(q_obj) if len(owner) > 0: if owner[0] != "": q_obj = Q() for u in owner: user = u.split("(")[0][:-1] q_obj |= Q(user__username=user) chips_owner.append(u) documents = documents.filter(q_obj) if len(groups) > 0: if groups[0] != "": q_obj = Q() for g in groups: q_obj |= Q(group__name=g) chips_groups.append(g) documents = documents.filter(q_obj) out = [] for i in documents: if signdoc: if i.status == "ok" and not i.signed_doc: continue personal = None medical = None vac_file = "" health_file = "" if i.document_type.personal_data: personal = i.personal_data if i.document_type.medical_data: medical = i.medical_data if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: vac_file = base64.b64encode( if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: health_file = base64.b64encode( doc_group = i.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[0] out.append([i, KeyVal.objects.filter(container=i), personal, medical, doc_group, vac_file, health_file]) auto_types = DocumentType.objects.filter(Q(group_private=False) | Q(group=group)) users = User.objects.filter(groups__name=parent_group) context = { "types": auto_types, "users": users, "groups": parent_groups, "docs": out, "hidden_check": hidden_check, "wait_check": wait_check, "selfsign_check": selfsign_check, "ok_check": ok_check, "signdoc_check": signdoc_check, "newer": newer, "older": older, "chips_owner": chips_owner, "chips_type": chips_types, "chips_groups": chips_groups, 'error': error, 'error_text': error_text, 'settings': settings, } return render(request, 'server/doc_list.html', context) @staff_member_required def upload_doc(request): parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) message = "" error = False success = False error_text = "" success_text = "" document = None if request.method == "POST": data = request.POST["code"] if not data.isdigit(): error_text = "Formato codice errato" error = True elif int(data) < 100000 or int(data) > 999999: error_text = "Formato codice errato" error = True elif len(Document.objects.filter(code=data)) == 0: error_text = "Codice invalido" error = True elif Document.objects.filter(code=data)[0].group != group: error_text = "Codice invalido" error = True else: document = Document.objects.filter(code=data)[0] if document.status == 'ok': success_text = "File caricato" success = True else: document.status = 'ok' success_text = "Documento approvato e file caricato" success = True if "doc_sign" in request.FILES and not error: myfile = request.FILES['doc_sign'] try: im = im_io = BytesIO(), 'WEBP', quality=50)"_", im_io) except UnidentifiedImageError: error = True error_text = "Il file non è un immagine valida" else: error = True error_text = "Prego caricare un file" context = { "message": message, "error": error, "error_text": error_text, "success": success, "success_text": success_text, } return render(request, 'server/upload_doc.html', context) def docpreview(request): context = {} parent_group = request.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)[ 0] group = Group.objects.get(name=parent_group) if request.method == "POST": print(request.POST) code = request.POST["preview"] if not code.isdigit(): return render(request, 'server/download_doc.html', context) if len(Document.objects.filter(code=code)) == 0: return render(request, 'server/download_doc.html', context) if Document.objects.filter(code=code)[0].group != group: return render(request, 'server/download_doc.html', context) document = Document.objects.filter(code=code)[0] vac_file = "" health_file = "" sign_doc_file = "" if document.medical_data: if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: vac_file = base64.b64encode( if with open(, 'rb') as image_file: health_file = base64.b64encode( if document.signed_doc: with open(, 'rb') as image_file: sign_doc_file = base64.b64encode( template = get_template('server/download_doc.html') doc = [document, KeyVal.objects.filter(container=document), document.personal_data, document.medical_data, parent_group] context = {'doc': doc, 'vac': vac_file, 'health': health_file, 'sign_doc_file': sign_doc_file} return render(request, 'server/download_doc.html', context)