
Muddle (Work in progress!)

A desktop Moodle client, because the web interface is painfully slow if you quickly need to grab a file.


On Linux, copy doc/muddle.ini.example to ~/.config/muddle/muddle.ini and add a token; on Windows the file should be put in %APPDATA%\muddle; and on MacOS in ~/Library/ch.0hm.muddle. On other platforms for which there is no specific path implemented yet, so it will look for a file muddle.ini in the same folder as the executable.


This is written in Python 3 + PyQt and the dependencies are managed with Poetry. The code is a bit garbage, as I hacked it together in one morning, though I've tried to clean it up a bit.

Linux / MacOS

Check that you have Python >= 3.5, install Poetry and then:

$ git clone https://github.com/NaoPross/Muddle.git
$ cd Muddle
$ poetry install
$ poetry run python muddle --gui


  1. Install Python, and in the installer enable Add Python to the path.
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Navigate to the project directory using Explorer, then Shift + Right Click and Open Powershell Window here
  4. In the Powershell you can now start working with
PS> poetry install
PS> poetry run python muddle --gui

Coding style

Use pycodestyle (PEP8) except where Qt bindings are used (gui.py). To check use

$ poetry run pycodestyle --show-source --ignore=E501 muddle/__main__.py muddle/moodle.py muddle/paths.py

Compilation / Release

To create an executable you need PyInstaller, you can get it with

poetry shell

On Linux / MacOS:

(poetry) $ pyinstaller --onefile --name muddle --specpath build --add-data "muddle/muddle.ui:muddle/muddle.ui" muddle

On Windows (the difference is ;):

(poetry) > pyinstaller --onefile --name muddle --specpath build --add-data "muddle/muddle.ui;muddle/muddle.ui" muddle

The computer will think for a while, and then once its done there will be a single executable dist/muddle.