path: root/src
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authorAndrea Censi <>2023-12-10 20:54:59 +0100
committerAndrea Censi <>2023-12-10 20:54:59 +0100
commit4d037a64e1973b1ae177ed80b7a613292e0e5a4d (patch)
treecc7141748b2815ba8f82a8fc2fb0222bae867eef /src
parentMerge pull request #4 from ACT4E/YH-ReadMe-1706 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/act4e_mcdp_solution/ b/src/act4e_mcdp_solution/
index 8a4d58c..d6d1a7a 100644
--- a/src/act4e_mcdp_solution/
+++ b/src/act4e_mcdp_solution/
@@ -1,29 +1,530 @@
-from act4e_mcdp import DPSolverInterface, Interval, LowerSet, PrimitiveDP, UpperSet
+from typing import Optional, TypeVar
+from act4e_mcdp import * # type: ignore
+from decimal import Decimal
__all__ = [
+X = TypeVar("X")
+FT = TypeVar("FT")
+RT = TypeVar("RT")
+R1 = TypeVar("R1")
+R2 = TypeVar("R2")
+F1 = TypeVar("F1")
+F2 = TypeVar("F2")
class DPSolver(DPSolverInterface):
- def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes(
- self,
- dp: PrimitiveDP,
- functionality_needed: object,
- /,
- resolution_optimistic: int = 0,
- resolution_pessimistic: int = 0,
+ # walkthrough: identity
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_IdentityDP(
+ self, _: IdentityDP[X], query: FixFunMinResQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[X]]:
+ # Easy: the minimal resources are the functionality itself
+ f = query.functionality
+ min_r = f
+ min_resources = UpperSet.principal(min_r)
+ # We need to return an interval of upper sets. It is a degenerate interval
+ return Interval.degenerate(min_resources)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_IdentityDP(
+ self, _: IdentityDP[X], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[X]]:
+ # same as above, but we return lower sets
+ r = query.resources
+ max_f = r
+ max_functionalities = LowerSet.principal(max_f)
+ return Interval.degenerate(max_functionalities)
+ # walkthrough: constant resources
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_Constant(
+ self, dp: Constant[X], query: FixFunMinResQuery[tuple[()]]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[X]]:
+ # The DP is a relation of the type
+ #
+ # 42 ≤ r
+ # The functionalities are the empty tuple
+ assert query.functionality == (), query.functionality
+ # The minimal resources do not depend on functionality
+ # They are the constant value of the DP
+ min_r = dp.c.value
+ min_resources = UpperSet.principal(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(min_resources)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_Constant(
+ self, dp: Constant[X], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[tuple[()]]]:
+ # The DP is a relation of the type
+ #
+ # 42 ≤ r
+ # Here we need to check whether the resources are at least 42
+ R = dp.R
+ if R.leq(dp.c.value, query.resources):
+ # the functionalities are the empty tuple
+ max_f = ()
+ return Interval.degenerate(LowerSet.principal(max_f))
+ else:
+ # the given budget is not enough
+ empty: LowerSet[tuple[()]] = LowerSet.empty()
+ return Interval.degenerate(empty)
+ # exercise: limit
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_Limit(self, dp: Limit[X], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[X]) -> Interval[LowerSet[X]]:
+ # The DP is a relation of the type
+ #
+ # f ≤ 42
+ # This is the dual of Constant above. Swap functionalities and resources.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_Limit(
+ self, dp: Limit[X], query: FixFunMinResQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[tuple[()]]]:
+ # The DP is a relation of the type
+ #
+ # f ≤ 42
+ # This is the dual of Constant above. Swap functionalities and resources.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # walkthrough: ceil(f) <= r DP
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Ceil_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Ceil_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # In the documentation of the class M_Ceil_DP we have
+ # that the relation is defined as:
+ #
+ # ceil(f) ≤ r
+ # Therefore, the minimal resources are the ceiling of the functionality
+ # r >= ceil(f)
+ f = query.functionality
+ assert isinstance(f, Decimal)
+ # For M_Ceil_DP, the F and R posets are Numbers
+ R: Numbers = dp.R
+ F: Numbers = dp.F
+ # Note: the f = +inf is a special case for which __ceil__() does not work
+ if f.is_infinite():
+ min_r = f
+ else:
+ # otherwise, we just use the ceil function
+ min_r = Decimal(f.__ceil__())
+ # now, one last detail: in general, the F poset can have
+ # different upper/lower bound or discretization than the R poset.
+ # We need to make sure that we provide a valid resource.
+ # There is a function largest_upperset_above() that will do this for us.
+ # See documentation there.
+ min_resources = R.largest_upperset_above(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(min_resources)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Ceil_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Ceil_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # Now r is fixed
+ r = query.resources
+ assert isinstance(r, Decimal), r
+ R: Numbers = dp.R
+ F: Numbers = dp.F
+ # For M_Ceil_DP, the F/R posets are Numbers
+ # first special case: r = +inf
+ if r.is_infinite():
+ max_f = r
+ else:
+ # what is the maximum f such that
+ # ceil(f) <= r
+ # ?
+ # for example, if r = 13.2, then the maximum f is 13
+ # in fact, we obtain the floor of r
+ max_f = Decimal(r.__floor__())
+ # one last detail: we need to make sure that the functionality is valid
+ # for the F poset. We use the largest_lowerset_below() function in Numbers.
+ # See documentation there.
+ max_functionalities = F.largest_lowerset_below(max_f)
+ return Interval.degenerate(max_functionalities)
+ # exercise: floor relation
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_FloorFun_DP(
+ self, dp: M_FloorFun_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f <= floor(r)
+ # This is dual to M_Ceil_DP
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_FloorFun_DP(
+ self, dp: M_FloorFun_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f <= floor(r)
+ # This is dual to M_Ceil_DP
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise: catalogue
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_CatalogueDP(
+ self, dp: CatalogueDP[FT, RT], query: FixFunMinResQuery[FT]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[RT]]:
+ f = query.functionality
+ F = dp.F
+ # Hint: iterate over the entries of the catalogue
+ name: str
+ entry_info: EntryInfo[FT, RT]
+ for name, entry_info in dp.entries.items():
+ # Then check if this entry is valid for the functionality
+ # In that case, the resources of the entry are a valid solution
+ ...
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_CatalogueDP(
+ self, dp: CatalogueDP[FT, RT], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[RT]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[FT]]:
+ # Same pattern as above, but functionalities and resources are swapped.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise: series interconnections
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_DPSeries(
+ self, dp: DPSeries, query: FixFunMinResQuery[object]
) -> Interval[UpperSet[object]]:
- optimistic = pessimistic = UpperSet([])
- return Interval(pessimistic=pessimistic, optimistic=optimistic)
- def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun(
- self,
- dp: PrimitiveDP,
- resource_budget: object,
- /,
- resolution_optimistic: int = 0,
- resolution_pessimistic: int = 0,
+ # This is the interconnection of a sequence of DPs.
+ # (You can assume that the sequence is at least 2 DPs).
+ # Hint: you should solve each DP in the sequence, and then
+ # pass it to the next.
+ # You can use the function self.solve_dp_FixFunMinRes() for this.
+ # Note 1: the solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_DPSeries() takes a single functionality.
+ # But in general the previous DP returns an upperset. You need to call it multiple times.
+ # Note 2: the solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_DPSeries() returns an *interval* of upper sets.
+ # Just treat the optimistic and pessimistic cases separately and then combine them in an interval.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_DPSeries(
+ self, dp: DPSeries, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[object]
) -> Interval[LowerSet[object]]:
- optimistic = pessimistic = LowerSet([])
- return Interval(pessimistic=pessimistic, optimistic=optimistic)
+ # Hint: same as above, but go the other way...
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # walkthrough: add a constant to functionalities ( f + constant <= r)
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Res_AddConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_AddConstant_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ f: Decimal = query.functionality
+ assert isinstance(f, Decimal)
+ R: Numbers = dp.R
+ F: Numbers = dp.F
+ # the relation is of the type
+ #
+ # f + constant <= r
+ # therefore, the minimum resource is simply f + constant
+ min_r = f +
+ # one last detail: we need to make sure that the resource is valid
+ # for the R poset. We use the largest_upperset_above() function in Numbers.
+ # See documentation there.
+ us = R.largest_upperset_above(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(us)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Res_AddConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_AddConstant_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ r = query.resources
+ assert isinstance(r, Decimal)
+ R: Numbers = dp.R
+ F: Numbers = dp.F
+ # the relation is of the type
+ #
+ # f + constant <= r
+ # therefore, the maximal functionality is r - constant
+ max_f = r -
+ # one last detail: we need to make sure that the functionality is valid
+ # for the F poset. We use the largest_lowerset_below() function in Numbers.
+ # See documentation there.
+ ls = F.largest_lowerset_below(max_f)
+ return Interval.degenerate(ls)
+ # exercise: add a constant to resource ( f <= r + constant)
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Fun_AddConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_AddConstant_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f <= r + constant
+ # This is dual to the M_Res_AddConstant_DP case above.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Fun_AddConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_AddConstant_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f <= r + constant
+ # This is dual to the M_Res_AddConstant_DP case above.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # walkthrough: multiplying constants (f * constant <= r)
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Res_MultiplyConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_MultiplyConstant_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # (f * constant <= r)
+ # This is similar to the M_Res_AddConstant_DP case above with
+ # multiplication instead of addition.
+ f = query.functionality
+ assert isinstance(f, Decimal)
+ min_r = f *
+ # one last detail: we need to make sure that the resource is valid
+ # for the R poset. We use the largest_upperset_above() function in Numbers.
+ # See documentation there.
+ us = dp.R.largest_upperset_above(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(us)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Res_MultiplyConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_MultiplyConstant_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # (f * constant <= r)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise: multiply by constant (f <= r * constant)
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Fun_MultiplyConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_MultiplyConstant_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Fun_MultiplyConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_MultiplyConstant_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # walktrough: multiply functionalities
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Fun_MultiplyMany_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_MultiplyMany_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[tuple[Decimal, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f <= r1 * r2 * r3 * ...
+ # This direction is easy, we just multiply the resources
+ res = Decimal(1)
+ for ri in query.resources:
+ res *= ri
+ ls = dp.F.largest_lowerset_below(res)
+ return Interval.degenerate(ls)
+ # exercise: multiply resources
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Res_MultiplyMany_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_MultiplyMany_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[tuple[Decimal, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f1 * f2 * f3 * ... <= r
+ # similar to the above
+ # this is the easy direction
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # walkthough: add many
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Res_AddMany_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_AddMany_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[tuple[Decimal, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f1 + f2 + f3 + ... <= r
+ f = query.functionality
+ F: PosetProduct[Decimal] = dp.F
+ assert isinstance(f, tuple), f
+ assert len(f) == len(F.subs), (f, F)
+ # This direction is easy, we just add the functionalities
+ res = f[0]
+ for fi in f[1:]:
+ res += fi
+ min_r = res
+ us = dp.R.largest_upperset_above(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(us)
+ # exercise: add many functionalities
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Fun_AddMany_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Fun_AddMany_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[tuple[Decimal, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # this is a relation of the type
+ # (f1 ≤ r) and (f2 ≤ r) and (f3 ≤ r) and ...
+ # This direction is easy, we just add the resources
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise: meet
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_MeetNDualDP(
+ self, dp: MeetNDualDP[X], query: FixFunMinResQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[tuple[X, ...]]]:
+ # this is a relation of the type
+ # (f ≤ r₁) and (f ≤ r2) and (f ≤ r3) and ...
+ # this direction is very easy, as we can just let each resource
+ # be equal to the functionality
+ f = query.functionality
+ min_res = (f,) * len(dp.R.subs)
+ us = dp.R.largest_upperset_above(min_res)
+ return Interval.degenerate(us)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_MeetNDualDP(
+ self, dp: MeetNDualDP[X], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[tuple[X, ...]]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise: join
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_JoinNDP(
+ self, dp: JoinNDP[X], query: FixFunMinResQuery[tuple[X, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[X]]:
+ # this is a relation of the type
+ # (f1 ≤ r) and (f2 ≤ r) and (f3 ≤ r) and ...
+ # similar to above
+ f = query.functionality
+ min_r: Optional[X] = dp.opspace.join(f)
+ if min_r is None:
+ raise NotImplementedError("TODO: join")
+ us: UpperSet[X] = dp.R.largest_upperset_above(min_r)
+ return Interval.degenerate(us)
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_JoinNDP(
+ self, dp: JoinNDP[X], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[X]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[tuple[X, ...]]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # The above are sufficient for lib1
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # The following are only for lib2.
+ #
+ #
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_M_Res_DivideConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_DivideConstant_DP, query: FixResMaxFunQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f/c <= r
+ # Similar to a case above
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_M_Res_DivideConstant_DP(
+ self, dp: M_Res_DivideConstant_DP, query: FixFunMinResQuery[Decimal]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[Decimal]]:
+ # f/c <= r
+ # Similar to a case above
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # Exercise: parallel interconnection
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_ParallelDP(
+ self, dp: ParallelDP[FT, RT], query: FixFunMinResQuery[tuple[FT, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[tuple[RT, ...]]]:
+ # This is the parallel composition of a sequence of DPs.
+ f = query.functionality
+ # F and R are PosetProducts
+ F: PosetProduct[FT] = dp.F
+ R: PosetProduct[RT] = dp.R
+ # and f is a tuple of functionalities
+ assert isinstance(f, tuple), f
+ # ... of the same length as the number of DPs
+ assert len(f) == len(dp.subs), (f, F)
+ # You should decompose f into its components, and then solve each DP.
+ # Then you need to take the *product* of the solutions.
+ # The product of upper sets is the upper set of the cartesian product
+ # and it is implemented as UpperSet.product().
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_ParallelDP(
+ self, dp: ParallelDP[FT, RT], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[tuple[RT, ...]]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[FT]]:
+ # Hint: same as above, swapping functionalities and resources
+ # You will need to use LowerSet.product()
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exercise (advanced): loops!
+ def solve_dp_FixFunMinRes_DPLoop2(
+ self, dp: DPLoop2[F1, R1, object], query: FixFunMinResQuery[F1]
+ ) -> Interval[UpperSet[R1]]:
+ # Note: this is an advanced exercise.
+ # As in the book, the intermediate goal is to define a function f such that
+ # the solution is the least fixed point of f.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def solve_dp_FixResMaxFun_DPLoop2(
+ self, dp: DPLoop2[F1, R1, object], query: FixResMaxFunQuery[R1]
+ ) -> Interval[LowerSet[F1]]:
+ # Note: this is an advanced exercise.
+ # Hint: same as above, but go the other way...
+ raise NotImplementedError