%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright (c) 2023, Amon Lahr, Simon Muntwiler, Antoine Leeman & Fabian Flürenbrock Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich. % % All rights reserved. % % Please see the LICENSE file that has been included as part of this package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% classdef MPC_TE properties yalmip_optimizer end methods function obj = MPC_TE(Q,R,N,params) % YOUR CODE HERE opts = sdpsettings('verbose',1,'solver','quadprog'); % Create yalmip variables U = sdpvar(repmat(params.model.nu,N,1),ones(1,N)); X = sdpvar(repmat(params.model.nx,N+1,1),ones(1,N+1)); % Build cost function and constraints objective = 0; constraints = []; for k=1:N+1 if k <= N % These constraints are for the index in 1, ..., N objective = objective + X{k}' * Q * X{k} + U{k}' * R * U{k}; constraints = [constraints, ... X{k+1} == params.model.A * X{k} + params.model.B * U{k}, ... params.constraints.InputMatrix * U{k} <= params.constraints.InputRHS, ... ]; end % These contrains are for 1, ..., N+1 constraints = [constraints, ... params.constraints.StateMatrix * X{k} <= params.constraints.StateRHS, ... ]; end % Terminal constraint constraints = [constraints, X{N+1} == zeros(size(X{N+1}))]; obj.yalmip_optimizer = optimizer(constraints,objective,opts,X{1},{U{1} objective}); end function [u, ctrl_info] = eval(obj,x) %% evaluate control action by solving MPC problem, e.g. tic; [optimizer_out,errorcode] = obj.yalmip_optimizer(x); solvetime = toc; [u, objective] = optimizer_out{:}; feasible = true; if (errorcode ~= 0) feasible = false; end ctrl_info = struct('ctrl_feas',feasible,'objective',objective,'solvetime',solvetime); end end end