function [c,r] = chebycenter(A,b) %CHEBYCENTER Compute Chebyshev center of polytope Ax <= b. % The Chebyshev center of a polytope is the center of the largest % hypersphere enclosed by the polytope. % Requires optimization toolbox. [n,p] = size(A); an = sqrt(sum(A.^2,2)); A1 = zeros(n,p+1); A1(:,1:p) = A; A1(:,p+1) = an; f = zeros(p+1,1); f(p+1) = -1; options = optimset; options = optimset(options,'Display', 'off'); c = linprog(f,A1,b,[],[],[],[],[],options); r = c(p+1); c = c(1:p); end