%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright (c) 2023, Amon Lahr, Simon Muntwiler, Antoine Leeman & Fabian Flürenbrock Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich. % % All rights reserved. % % Please see the LICENSE file that has been included as part of this package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [H_u, h_u, H_x, h_x] = generate_constraints(params) % YOUR CODE HERE u_max = params.constraints.MaxAbsThrust; h_u = u_max * ones(6,1); H_u = [eye(3);-eye(3)]; s_max = params.constraints.MaxAbsPositionXZ; y_max = params.constraints.MaxAbsPositionY; h_x = [s_max;y_max;s_max;s_max;y_max;s_max]; H_x = [eye(3);-eye(3)]; end