``mdpoly`` or Multidimensional Polynomials ========================================== *Work in progress!* Quick Start ----------- There is still a big part of the API missing but the snipped below works enough to give an overview. .. code:: py from mdpoly import State, Variable, Parameter from mdpoly.representations import SparseRepr # Construct an expression x, y = Variable.from_names("x, y") # or just Variable("x") k = Parameter("k") p = (x + 2 * y) ** 3 + y ** 2 + k print(f"{p = }") # Expressions can be easily reparametrized w = Parameter("w") q = p.replace(y, w).replace(k, k ** 2) # createas a copy print(f"{q = }") # Make a concrete representation state = State(parameters={k: 3.14}) # try to replace with empty dict sparse, state = p.to_repr(SparseRepr, state) # Look inside the representation for entry in sparse.entries(): print(f"at (row, col) = {entry.row, entry.col} there is a polynomial:") for term in sparse.terms(entry): monomial_str = "" for idx in term: var = state.from_index(idx) monomial_str += f"{var}^{idx.power} " # Get the coefficient coeff = sparse.at(entry, term) print(" - the monomial", monomial_str, "has coefficient", coeff) # You can also simply iterate over it for entry, term, coeff in sparse: print(entry, term, coeff) There is some advanced stuff that is still broken but the idea is that it will work soon-ish. .. code:: py from mdpoly import Variable, MatrixVariable from mdpoly.types import Shape x = Variable("x") V = MatrixVariable("V", Shape.column(3)) print(x.shape, V.shape) z = x + V # error scalar = V.T @ V # no error (TODO)