diff options
authorMichael Schneeberger <>2022-03-01 09:40:25 +0100
committerMichael Schneeberger <>2022-03-01 09:40:25 +0100
commitb36cb9040b74d3dec5ed470e955e0e2d34f94d52 (patch)
parentbugfixes (diff)
add solver for roots of a set of polynomial equations
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 769 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/polymatrix/ b/polymatrix/
index f611260..24c7095 100644
--- a/polymatrix/
+++ b/polymatrix/
@@ -1,41 +1,351 @@
import numpy as np
+import sympy
import itertools
+import scipy.linalg
+import scipy.sparse.linalg
+import collections
+from scipy.special import binom
+import more_itertools
+import time
-def quadratic_poly_solver(b, c, m):
- n = b.shape[0]
- nn = n*n
- b_inv = np.linalg.inv(b)
+def substitude_x_add_a(data, a):
- p = b_inv @ np.ones((n, 1))
+ def kron_eye_and_a(n, data, a, indices):
+ permutations = more_itertools.distinct_permutations(indices)
+ # permutations = set(itertools.permutations(indices))
+ if not scipy.sparse.issparse(data):
+ a_mat = np.reshape(a, (-1, 1))
+ ops = (np.eye(n), a_mat)
+ def acc_kron(perm):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate((ops[idx] for idx in perm), lambda acc, v: np.kron(acc, v))
+ return last
+ return sum(data @ acc_kron(perm) for perm in permutations)
+ else:
+ # csr_data = data
+ csr_data = data.tocsr()
+ n_eye = sum(1 for idx in indices if idx == 0)
+ n_col = n**n_eye
+ n_index = n_col * n**(len(indices) - n_eye)
+ def gen_array_per_permuatation():
+ def gen_coord(perm):
+ n_row = csr_data.shape[0]
+ def acc_col_idx_and_value(acc, v):
+ relindex, relrow, col, val = acc
- def square_matrix(p):
- return (p @ p.T).reshape(nn, 1)
+ n_relrow = relrow / n
+ grp_index = int(relindex / n_relrow)
+ n_relindex = int(relindex - grp_index * n_relrow)
+ if v == 1:
+ n_col = col
+ n_val = val * a[grp_index]
+ else:
+ n_col = n * col + grp_index
+ n_val = val
+ return n_relindex, n_relrow, n_col, n_val
- def merge_matrix(p1, p2):
- return (np.kron(np.eye(n), p1) + np.kron(p1, np.eye(n))) @ p2
+ for row in range(n_row):
+ pt = slice(csr_data.indptr[row], csr_data.indptr[row+1])
+ for inner_idx, array_val in zip(csr_data.indices[pt],[pt]):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(
+ perm,
+ acc_col_idx_and_value,
+ initial=(inner_idx, n_index, 0, array_val),
+ )
+ _, _, col, val = last
+ yield col, val
+ for perm in permutations:
+ col, data = list(zip(*gen_coord(perm)))
+ yield scipy.sparse.csr_array((data, col, csr_data.indptr), shape=(csr_data.shape[0], n_col))
+ return sum(gen_array_per_permuatation())
+ n = data[1].shape[0]
+ subs_data = {key: val.copy() for key, val in data.items()}
+ for degree, d_data in data.items():
+ for i_degree in range(degree):
+ indices = i_degree*(0,) + (degree - i_degree)*(1,)
+ update = kron_eye_and_a(n, d_data, a, indices)
+ subs_data[i_degree] += update
+ first = -1/np.squeeze(subs_data[0])
+ def gen_subs_data():
+ for key, d_data in subs_data.items():
+ if scipy.sparse.issparse(d_data):
+ csr_data = d_data.tocsr()
+ for row, scale in enumerate(first):
+[csr_data.indptr[row] : csr_data.indptr[row + 1]] *= scale
+ yield key, csr_data
+ else:
+ d_data *= first[:, None]
+ yield key, d_data
+ return dict(gen_subs_data())
+def solve_poly_system(data, m):
+ if isinstance(data[1], np.ndarray):
+ b_num_inv = np.linalg.inv(data[1])
+ else:
+ b_num_inv = scipy.sparse.linalg.inv(data[1])
+ n = b_num_inv.shape[0]
+ p = b_num_inv @ np.ones((n, 1))
+ assert (data[0] + np.ones((n, 1)) < 0.01).all(), f'{data[0]=}, {data[0] + np.ones((n, 1))=}'
def func(acc, _):
+ """
+ acc: a nxk matrix whose ith column represent the ith parameter of the power series for each of the n variables
+ """
p = acc
k = p.shape[1]
- uneven = k % 2
- half = int((k - uneven) / 2)
+ def gen_indices(n, d):
+ """
+ n=2,d=1 = [(0,2), (1,1)]
+ n=3,d=1 = [(0,3), (1,2)]
+ n=2,d=2 = [(0,0,2), (0,1,1)]
+ """
+ if d==0:
+ yield (n,)
+ else:
+ for idx in range(int(n/(d+1))+1):
+ yield from ((idx,)+tuple(i+idx*(d-1) for i in indices) for indices in gen_indices(
+ n - (2*d-1)*idx,
+ d-1,
+ ))
+ def acc_kron(l):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(l, lambda acc, v: np.kron(acc, v))
+ return last
- def gen_pvector():
- if uneven:
- yield square_matrix(p[:, half:half+1])
- for i in range(half):
- yield merge_matrix(p[:, i:i+1], p[:, k-i-1:k-i])
+ def gen_p():
+ for degree, d_data in data.items():
+ if 1 < degree and degree-1 <= k:
+ indices_list = list(gen_indices(k-degree+1, degree-1))
+ permutations = (perm for indices in indices_list for perm in more_itertools.distinct_permutations(indices))
+ if not scipy.sparse.issparse(data):
+ def acc_kron(perm):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(((p[:,idx:idx+1] for idx in perm)), lambda acc, v: np.kron(acc, v))
+ return last
+ yield from (d_data @ acc_kron(perm) for perm in permutations)
+ else:
+ csr_data = d_data.tocsr()
+ n_eye = sum(1 for idx in indices if idx == 0)
+ n_col = n**n_eye
+ n_index = n_col * n**(len(indices) - n_eye)
+ def gen_array_per_permuatation():
+ def gen_coord(perm):
+ n_row = csr_data.shape[0]
+ def acc_col_idx_and_value(acc, v):
+ relindex, relrow, val = acc
+ n_relrow = relrow / n
+ grp_index = int(relindex / n_relrow)
+ n_relindex = int(relindex - grp_index * n_relrow)
+ n_val = val * p[grp_index, v:v+1]
+ return n_relindex, n_relrow, n_val
+ for row in range(n_row):
+ pt = slice(csr_data.indptr[row], csr_data.indptr[row+1])
+ def gen_val_per_row():
+ for inner_idx, array_val in zip(csr_data.indices[pt],[pt]):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(
+ perm,
+ acc_col_idx_and_value,
+ initial=(inner_idx, n_index, array_val),
+ )
+ _, _, val = last
+ yield val
+ yield sum(gen_val_per_row())
+ for perm in permutations:
+ array_values = list(gen_coord(perm))
+ yield scipy.sparse.csr_array((array_values, np.zeros(len(array_values)), csr_data.indptr), shape=(csr_data.shape[0], n_col))
+ return np.concatenate((p, -b_num_inv @ sum(gen_p())), axis=1)
+ *_, sol_subs = itertools.accumulate(range(m-1), func, initial=p)
+ # return np.asarray(sol_subs)
+ return sum(np.asarray(sol_subs).T)
+def inner_smart_solve(data, irange=None, idegree=None, a_init=None):
+ if irange is None:
+ irange = np.geomspace(20, 1.1, 8)
+ if idegree is None:
+ idegree = 4
+ if a_init is None:
+ a_init = np.zeros(data[0].shape[0])
+ def acc_func(acc, v):
+ a, prev_err = acc
+ scale = v
+ # print(f'iter: {index}')
+ # print('substitude...')
+ subs_data = substitude_x_add_a(data, a)
+ # print('modify scaling...')
+ def gen_data():
+ for degree, d_data in subs_data.items():
+ if 1 == degree:
+ yield degree, d_data * scale
+ else:
+ yield degree, d_data
+ scaled_data = dict(gen_data())
+ # print('solve...')
+ try:
+ sol = solve_poly_system(scaled_data, idegree)
+ except:
+ # return a, prev_err
+ raise
+ err = np.max(np.abs(eval_solution(scaled_data, sol)))
+ a = sol + a
+ return a, err
+ a, err = list(zip(*itertools.accumulate(
+ irange,
+ acc_func,
+ initial=(a_init, 0),
+ )))
+ return a, err
+def outer_smart_solve(data, n_iter=10, a_max=1.0, irange=None, idegree=None):
+ def gen_a_err():
+ n = data[1].shape[0]
+ for idx_iter in range(n_iter):
+ a_init = a_max * (2 * np.random.rand(n) - 1)
+ a, err = inner_smart_solve(data, irange=irange, idegree=idegree, a_init=a_init)
+ subs_data = substitude_x_add_a(data, a[-1])
+ sol = solve_poly_system(subs_data, 6)
+ error_index = np.max(np.abs(eval_solution(subs_data, sol))) + max(a[-1])
+ # error_index = np.max(np.abs(eval_solution(subs_data, sol)))
+ # print(f'{error_index=}')
+ yield error_index, a, err
+ # if error_index < 1.0:
+ # break
- p_vector = np.add.reduce(list(gen_pvector()))
- p_new = b_inv @ c @ p_vector
- return np.concatenate((p, p_new), axis=1)
+ _, a, err = min(gen_a_err())
+ return a, err
+def eval_solution(data, x=None):
+ # if x is None:
+ # x = sum(sol.T)
- *_, sol_subs = itertools.accumulate(range(m-1), func, initial=p)
+ x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))
+ def gen_sum():
+ n = data[1].shape[0]
+ for degree, d_data in data.items():
+ if 0 < degree:
+ # *_, last = itertools.accumulate(degree*(x,), lambda acc, v: np.kron(acc, v))
+ # yield d_data @ last
+ if not scipy.sparse.issparse(d_data):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(degree*(x,), lambda acc, v: np.kron(acc, v))
+ yield d_data @ last
+ else:
+ csr_data = d_data.tocsr()
+ def gen_coord():
+ n_row = csr_data.shape[0]
+ n_index = n**degree
+ def acc_col_idx_and_value(acc, v):
+ relindex, relrow, val = acc
- return np.sum(-sol_subs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
+ n_relrow = relrow / n
+ grp_index = int(relindex / n_relrow)
+ n_relindex = int(relindex - grp_index * n_relrow)
+ n_val = val * x[grp_index, 0]
+ return n_relindex, n_relrow, n_val
+ for row in range(n_row):
+ pt = slice(csr_data.indptr[row], csr_data.indptr[row+1])
+ for inner_idx, array_val in zip(csr_data.indices[pt],[pt]):
+ *_, last = itertools.accumulate(
+ range(degree),
+ acc_col_idx_and_value,
+ initial=(inner_idx, n_index, array_val),
+ )
+ _, _, val = last
+ yield val
+ array_values = list(gen_coord())
+ yield scipy.sparse.csr_array((array_values, np.zeros(len(array_values)), csr_data.indptr), shape=(csr_data.shape[0], 1))
+ else:
+ yield d_data
+ val = np.ravel(sum(gen_sum()).T)
+ return val
diff --git a/polymatrix/ b/polymatrix/
index 202f6cc..ad6cb74 100644
--- a/polymatrix/
+++ b/polymatrix/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import abc
import collections
-from pickletools import int4
import typing
import numpy as np
import dataclasses
import dataclass_abc
-from scipy.special import binom
+import scipy.sparse
import itertools
import functools
+import more_itertools
-from polymatrix.utils import variable_to_index
+import polymatrix.utils
DegreeType = int
# CoordType = tuple[int, int]
@@ -42,31 +42,25 @@ class PolyMatrixMixin(abc.ABC):
- def is_vector(self) -> bool:
+ def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
class EqualityConstraintMixin(abc.ABC):
def terms(self) -> dict[int, dict[tuple[int, tuple, int], float]]:
- # @property
- # @abc.abstractmethod
- # def offset_dict(self) -> dict[tuple[PolyMatrixMixin, int], int]:
- # ...
- # @property
- # @abc.abstractmethod
- # def param_dict(self) -> dict[tuple[PolyMatrixMixin, int], int]:
- # ...
def n_param(self) -> int:
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def variable_to_index(self) -> typing.Callable[[int, tuple[int, ...]], int]:
+ ...
def eq_to_row_index(self):
rows_to_eq = list(set((eq_idx, perm) for eq_tuple_degree in self.terms.values() for (eq_idx, perm, var) in eq_tuple_degree.keys()))
@@ -77,10 +71,25 @@ class EqualityConstraintMixin(abc.ABC):
def n_eq(self):
return len(self.eq_to_row_index)
- # @property
- # @abc.abstractmethod
- # def n_var(self) -> int:
- # ...
+ def get_constraint_matrix(self):
+ def gen_sparse_matrices():
+ for degree, degree_tuples in self.terms.items():
+ def gen_row_col_data():
+ for (idx_eq, perm, variables), value in degree_tuples.items():
+ row = self.eq_to_row_index[(idx_eq, perm)]
+ col = self.variable_to_index(self.n_param, variables)
+ yield row, col, value
+ row, col, data = list(zip(*gen_row_col_data()))
+ data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float)
+ if degree <= 1:
+ yield degree, scipy.sparse.coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(self.n_eq, self.n_param**degree)).toarray()
+ else:
+ yield degree, scipy.sparse.coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(self.n_eq, self.n_param**degree))
+ return dict(gen_sparse_matrices())
def get_constraint_func(self):
def func(x):
@@ -100,7 +109,7 @@ class EqualityConstraintMixin(abc.ABC):
for (idx_eq, perm, variables), value in degree_tuples.items():
row_idx = self.eq_to_row_index[(idx_eq, perm)]
- vector_val = vector[variable_to_index(self.n_param, variables)]
+ vector_val = vector[self.variable_to_index(self.n_param, variables)]
mat[row_idx] += value * vector_val
return mat
@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@ class EqualityConstraintMixin(abc.ABC):
for var_idx, var in enumerate(variables):
other_variables = variables[:var_idx] + variables[var_idx+1:]
- vector_val = vector[variable_to_index(self.n_param, other_variables)]
+ vector_val = vector[self.variable_to_index(self.n_param, other_variables)]
# col_idx = variable_to_index(self.n_param, (var,))
jac_mat[row_idx, var] += value*vector_val
@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@ class EqualityConstraintMixin(abc.ABC):
for var_idx_y, var_y in enumerate(other_variables):
other_variables_2 = variables[:var_idx_y] + variables[var_idx_y+1:]
- vector_val = vector[variable_to_index(self.n_param, other_variables_2)]
+ vector_val = vector[self.variable_to_index(self.n_param, other_variables_2)]
hess_mat[var_x, var_y] = v[eq_idx]*value*vector_val
return hess_mat
@@ -196,6 +205,11 @@ class PolyEquationMixin(abc.ABC):
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def variable_to_index(self) -> typing.Callable[[int, tuple[int, ...]], int]:
+ ...
def _param_list(self) -> list[tuple[PolyMatrixMixin, int], int]:
@@ -206,7 +220,6 @@ class PolyEquationMixin(abc.ABC):
all_structs = set(indexed_poly_mat for term in self.terms for indexed_poly_mat in term)
def gen_n_param_per_struct():
- # acc = 0
for struct in all_structs:
@@ -214,11 +227,10 @@ class PolyEquationMixin(abc.ABC):
for degree in struct.degrees:
+ number_of_terms = int(struct.shape[0] * struct.shape[1] * (self.variable_to_index(self.n_var, degree*(self.n_var-1,)) + 1))
+ # number_of_terms = int(struct.shape[0] * struct.shape[1] * binom(self.n_var+degree-1, degree))
- if struct.is_vector:
- number_of_terms = int(self.n_var * binom(self.n_var+degree-1, degree))
- else:
- number_of_terms = int(self.n_var**2 * binom(self.n_var+degree-1, degree))
+ # print(f'{struct=}, {number_of_terms=}')
yield (struct, degree), number_of_terms
@@ -272,15 +284,11 @@ class PolyEquationMixin(abc.ABC):
subs: dict[PolyMatrixMixin, dict[DegreeType, dict[int, int, float]]] = None,
) -> EqualityConstraintMixin:
- n_var_2 = self.n_var**2
if subs is None:
added_subs = {}
added_subs = subs
- # binom = scipy.special.binom
# create parameter offset
all_structs = set(indexed_poly_mat for term in self.terms for indexed_poly_mat in term)
@@ -313,150 +321,117 @@ class PolyEquationMixin(abc.ABC):
terms = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(float))
- for left, right in self.terms:
+ def gen_re_indexing(term, degrees, curr_rows_col, monoms, col_defaults, d_subs, d_offsets, perm):
+ for m, degree, (poly_row, poly_col), monom, col_default, subs, offset in zip(
+ term, degrees, itertools.pairwise(curr_rows_col), monoms, col_defaults, d_subs, d_offsets):
- subs_1 = subs_dict[left]
- subs_2 = subs_dict[right]
+ if m.re_index is not None:
+ re_index = m.re_index(degree, poly_row, poly_col, monom)
+ else:
+ re_index = None
- for d1 in left.degrees:
+ if re_index is None:
+ col = col_default
+ new_poly_row = poly_row
+ new_poly_col = poly_col
+ factor = 1.0
- if subs_1 is not None and d1 in subs_1:
- subs_1_d = subs_1[d1]
- subs_1_d = None
+ new_poly_row, new_poly_col, new_monom, factor = re_index
+ col = self.variable_to_index(self.n_var, new_monom)
+ if subs is not None:
+ try:
+ subs_val = subs[(new_poly_row, new_poly_col, col)]
+ except KeyError:
+ subs_val = None
+ else:
+ subs_val = None
- offset_1 = self.offset_dict.get((left, d1), 0)
+ if subs_val is None:
+ # the coefficient is selected after the reindexing
- for d2 in right.degrees:
+ row = new_poly_row + new_poly_col * m.shape[0]
- if subs_2 is not None and d2 in subs_2:
- subs_2_d = subs_2[d2]
- else:
- subs_2_d = None
+ # linearize parameter matrix
+ param_idx = int(offset + row + col * m.shape[0] * m.shape[1])
+ else:
+ param_idx = None
+ # if poly_row == 0 and perm == (0,) and monom == (0,):
+ # print(f'{new_poly_row=}')
+ # print(f'{new_poly_col=}')
+ # print(f'{col=}')
+ # print(f'{monom=}')
+ # print(f'{new_monom=}')
+ yield poly_row, poly_col, param_idx, factor, subs_val
+ for term in self.terms:
- offset_2 = self.offset_dict.get((right, d2), 0)
+ term_subs = [subs_dict[m] for m in term]
+ # n_matrices = len(term)
- total_degree = d1 + d2
+ for degrees in itertools.product(*(m.degrees for m in term)):
+ total_degree = sum(degrees)
+ d_subs = [subs[degree] if subs is not None and degree in subs else None for degree, subs in zip(degrees, term_subs)]
+ d_offsets = [self.offset_dict.get((m, degree), 0) for m, degree in zip(term, degrees)]
- for combination in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(self.n_var), total_degree):
- # n_var = 2, degree = 3
- # cominations = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)]
+ for combination in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(self.n_var), total_degree):
+ # n_var = 2, degree = 3
+ # cominations = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)]
+ for perm in more_itertools.distinct_permutations(combination):
+ def acc_func(acc, v):
+ last, _ = acc
+ new = last + v
+ return new, perm[last:new]
+ # perm=(1, 0, 1) -> monom1=(x2, x1), monom2=(x2)
+ monoms = list(monom for _, monom in itertools.accumulate(degrees, acc_func, initial=(0, None)))[1:]
- # def gen_coord_for_single_equation():
- for perm in set(itertools.permutations(combination)):
- # grp1 = (1, 1, 0) -> x1 x2^2
- grp1 = perm[0:d1]
- grp2 = perm[d1:]
- def non_increasing(seq):
- return all(y <= x for x, y in zip(seq, seq[1:]))
- # (1,0) -> x2*x1 instead of (0,1)->x1*x2
- if non_increasing(grp1) and non_increasing(grp2):
- left_col_default = variable_to_index(self.n_var, grp1)
- right_col_default = variable_to_index(self.n_var, grp2)
- # for each column of the poly matrix, and row of the poly vector
- for left_poly_col in range(self.n_var):
- right_poly_row = left_poly_col
- if right.re_index is not None:
- re_index_2 = right.re_index(d2, right_poly_row, 0, grp2)
- else:
- re_index_2 = None
- if re_index_2 is None:
- n_right_poly_row, factor_2, right_col = right_poly_row, 1, right_col_default
- else:
- n_right_poly_row, _, n_grp2, factor_2 = re_index_2
- right_col = variable_to_index(self.n_var, n_grp2)
- key_2 = (n_right_poly_row, 0, right_col)
- if subs_2_d is not None:
- try:
- subs_val_2 = subs_2_d[key_2]
- except KeyError:
- subs_val_2 = None
- else:
- subs_val_2 = None
- if factor_2 == 0 or subs_val_2 == 0:
- continue
- right_row = n_right_poly_row
- right_param_idx = int(offset_2 + right_row + right_col * self.n_var)
- # for each polynomial equation
- for left_poly_row in range(self.n_var):
- if left.re_index is not None:
- re_index_1 = left.re_index(d1, left_poly_row, left_poly_col, grp1)
- else:
- re_index_1 = None
- if re_index_1 is None:
- n_left_poly_row, n_left_poly_col, factor_1 = left_poly_row, left_poly_col, 1
- left_col = left_col_default
- else:
- n_left_poly_row, n_left_poly_col, n_grp1, factor_1 = re_index_1
- left_col = variable_to_index(self.n_var, n_grp1)
- key_1 = (n_left_poly_row, n_left_poly_col, left_col)
- if subs_1_d is not None:
- try:
- subs_val_1 = subs_1_d[key_1]
- except KeyError:
- subs_val_1 = None
- else:
- subs_val_1 = None
- if factor_1 == 0 or subs_val_1 == 0:
- continue
- left_row = n_left_poly_row + n_left_poly_col * self.n_var
- left_param_idx = int(offset_1 + left_row + left_col * n_var_2)
- # print(left_poly_row)
- # print(f'{left_row=}')
- # print(f'{left_param_idx=}')
- total_factor = factor_1 * factor_2
- match (subs_val_1, subs_val_2):
- case (None, None):
- col_idx = (left_param_idx, right_param_idx)
- degree = 2
- value = total_factor
- # terms[1][(idx_eq, perm)][left_param_idx] += 2*value
- # terms[1][(idx_eq, perm)][right_param_idx] += 2*value
- # terms[0][(idx_eq, perm)][0] += value
- case (subs_val, None):
- col_idx = (right_param_idx,)
- degree = 1
- value = subs_val_1*total_factor
- # terms[degree][(idx_eq, perm)][0] += value
- case (None, subs_val):
- col_idx = (left_param_idx,)
- degree = 1
- value = subs_val_2*total_factor
- # terms[degree][(idx_eq, perm)][0] += value
- case _:
- degree, col_idx, value = 0, tuple(), subs_val_1*subs_val_2*total_factor
- terms[degree][left_poly_row, perm, col_idx] += value
+ def non_increasing(seq):
+ return all(y <= x for x, y in zip(seq, seq[1:]))
+ # (1,0) -> x2*x1 instead of (0,1)->x1*x2
+ if all(non_increasing(monom) for monom in monoms):
+ col_defaults = [self.variable_to_index(self.n_var, monom) for monom in monoms]
+ n_rows_col = itertools.chain((m.shape[0] for m in term), (term[-1].shape[1],))
+ for curr_rows_col in itertools.product(*[range(e) for e in n_rows_col]):
+ data = tuple(gen_re_indexing(term, degrees, curr_rows_col, monoms, col_defaults, d_subs, d_offsets, perm))
+ total_factor = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, (d[3] for d in data))
+ if total_factor == 0:
+ continue
+ value = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, (d[4] for d in data if d[4] is not None), 1) * total_factor
+ if value == 0:
+ continue
+ poly_row = data[0][0]
+ param_idx = tuple(d[2] for d in data if d[4] is None)
+ degree = len(param_idx)
+ # if poly_row == 0 and perm == (0,):
+ # print(f'{param_idx=}')
+ # print(f'{data=}')
+ # print(f'{monoms=}')
+ # print(f'{total_factor=}')
+ terms[degree][poly_row, perm, param_idx] += value
return EqualityConstraintImpl(
+ variable_to_index=self.variable_to_index,
def matrix_to_poly(self, struct, x, param, tol=None):
@@ -526,47 +501,48 @@ class PolyMatrixImpl(PolyMatrix):
subs: dict[int, dict[tuple[int, int], float]]
re_index: typing.Callable[[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...]], tuple[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...], float]]
is_constant: bool
- is_vector: bool
+ shape: tuple[int, int]
class EqualityConstraintImpl(EqualityConstraintMixin):
terms: dict[int, dict[tuple[int, tuple, int], float]]
- # offset_dict: dict[tuple[PolyMatrixMixin, int], int]
- # param_dict: dict[tuple[PolyMatrixMixin, int], int]
+ variable_to_index: typing.Callable[[int, tuple[int, ...]], int]
n_param: int
- # n_var: int
class EquationImpl(PolyEquation):
terms: list[tuple[PolyMatrix, PolyMatrix]]
+ variable_to_index: typing.Callable[[int, tuple[int, ...]], int]
n_var: int
# init functions
-def init_poly_vector(
- degrees: list[int] = None,
- subs: dict[int, dict[tuple[int, int], float]] = None,
- re_index: typing.Callable[[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...]], tuple[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...], float]] = None,
- is_constant: bool = None,
- return init_poly_matrix(
- degrees=degrees,
- subs=subs,
- re_index=re_index,
- is_vector=True,
- is_constant=is_constant,
- )
+# def init_poly_vector(
+# n_row: int,
+# degrees: list[int] = None,
+# subs: dict[int, dict[tuple[int, int], float]] = None,
+# re_index: typing.Callable[[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...]], tuple[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...], float]] = None,
+# is_constant: bool = None,
+# ):
+# return init_poly_matrix(
+# degrees=degrees,
+# subs=subs,
+# re_index=re_index,
+# shape=(n_row, ,
+# n_col=1,
+# is_constant=is_constant,
+# )
def init_poly_matrix(
+ shape: tuple[int, int],
degrees: list[int] = None,
subs: dict[int, dict[tuple[int, int], float]] = None,
re_index: typing.Callable[[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...]], tuple[int, int, int, tuple[int, ...], float]] = None,
- is_vector: bool = None,
is_constant: bool = None,
if degrees is None:
@@ -579,25 +555,27 @@ def init_poly_matrix(
is_constant = True
- if is_vector is None:
- is_vector = False
return PolyMatrixImpl(
- re_index = re_index,
- is_constant = is_constant,
- is_vector = is_vector,
+ re_index=re_index,
+ is_constant=is_constant,
+ shape=shape,
def init_equation(
n_var: int,
terms: list[tuple[PolyMatrix, PolyMatrix]],
+ variable_to_index: typing.Callable[[int, tuple[int, ...]], int] = None,
- assert all(not left.is_vector and right.is_vector for left, right in terms)
+ # assert all(not left.is_vector and right.is_vector for left, right in terms)
+ if variable_to_index is None:
+ variable_to_index = polymatrix.utils.variable_to_index
return EquationImpl(
+ variable_to_index=variable_to_index,
diff --git a/polymatrix/ b/polymatrix/
index 6fe7938..7413ba3 100644
--- a/polymatrix/
+++ b/polymatrix/
@@ -19,17 +19,13 @@ def poly_to_data_coord(poly_list, x, degree = None):
if degree is None:
degree = max(degree for inner_poly_list in sympy_poly_list for poly in inner_poly_list for degree in poly.degree_list())
- # def all_equal(iterable):
- # g = itertools.groupby(iterable)
- # return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
- # assert all_equal((p.gens for p in poly_list)), 'all polynomials need to have identical generators'
+ n = len(x)
def gen_power_mat():
# for all powers generate a matrix
- for current_degree in range(degree + 1):
+ for i_degree in range(degree + 1):
def gen_value_index():
@@ -41,45 +37,131 @@ def poly_to_data_coord(poly_list, x, degree = None):
# a5 x1 x3**2 -> c=a5, m=(1, 0, 2)
for c, m in zip(p.coeffs(), p.monoms()):
- if sum(m) == current_degree:
+ if sum(m) == i_degree:
+ indices = (idx for idx, p in enumerate(m) for _ in range(p))
+ index = sum(idx*(n**level) for level, idx in enumerate(indices))
- index = variable_powers_to_index(m)
yield (poly_row, poly_col, index), c
data = dict(gen_value_index()) | collections.defaultdict(float)
if len(data) > 0:
- yield current_degree, data
+ yield i_degree, data
return dict(gen_power_mat())
def poly_to_matrix(poly_list, x, power = None):
- """
- """
data_coord_dict = poly_to_data_coord(poly_list, x, power)
- # n_free_symbols = len(poly_list[0][0].gens)
n_free_symbols = len(x)
+ n_poly = len(poly_list)
+ n_eq = sum((1 for row_eq in poly_list for e in row_eq))
def gen_power_mat():
+ if 0 not in data_coord_dict:
+ yield 0, np.zeros((n_free_symbols, 1))
# for all powers generate a matrix
- for current_degree, data_coord in data_coord_dict:
+ for degree, data_coord in data_coord_dict.items():
# empty matrix
- shape = (len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_degree)
- # m = np.zeros((len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_power))
+ shape = (n_eq, n_free_symbols**degree)
# fill matrix
if len(data_coord) == 0:
- yield np.zeros((len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_degree))
+ yield np.zeros((len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**degree))
- rows, cols, data = list(zip(*data_coord))
+ def gen_row_col_coord():
+ for (p_row, p_col, index), value in data_coord.items():
+ yield p_row + p_col * n_poly, index, value
+ rows, cols, data = list(zip(*gen_row_col_coord()))
+ sparse_array = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), dtype=np.double, shape=shape)
+ if degree <= 1:
+ yield degree, sparse_array.toarray()
+ else:
+ yield degree, sparse_array.tocsr()
+ return dict(gen_power_mat())
+# def poly_to_data_coord(poly_list, x, degree = None):
+# """
+# poly_list = [
+# poly(x1*x3**2, x)
+# ]
+# power: up to which power
+# """
+# sympy_poly_list = tuple(tuple(sympy.poly(p, x) for p in inner_poly_list) for inner_poly_list in poly_list)
+# if degree is None:
+# degree = max(degree for inner_poly_list in sympy_poly_list for poly in inner_poly_list for degree in poly.degree_list())
+# # def all_equal(iterable):
+# # g = itertools.groupby(iterable)
+# # return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
+# # assert all_equal((p.gens for p in poly_list)), 'all polynomials need to have identical generators'
+# def gen_power_mat():
+# # for all powers generate a matrix
+# for current_degree in range(degree + 1):
+# def gen_value_index():
+# # each polynomial defines a row in the matrix
+# for poly_row, inner_poly_list in enumerate(sympy_poly_list):
+# for poly_col, p in enumerate(inner_poly_list):
+# # a5 x1 x3**2 -> c=a5, m=(1, 0, 2)
+# for c, m in zip(p.coeffs(), p.monoms()):
+# if sum(m) == current_degree:
+# index = variable_powers_to_index(m)
+# yield (poly_row, poly_col, index), c
+# data = dict(gen_value_index()) | collections.defaultdict(float)
+# if len(data) > 0:
+# yield current_degree, data
+# return dict(gen_power_mat())
+# def poly_to_matrix(poly_list, x, power = None):
+# """
+# """
+# data_coord_dict = poly_to_data_coord(poly_list, x, power)
+# # n_free_symbols = len(poly_list[0][0].gens)
+# n_free_symbols = len(x)
+# def gen_power_mat():
+# # for all powers generate a matrix
+# for current_degree, data_coord in data_coord_dict:
+# # empty matrix
+# shape = (len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_degree)
+# # m = np.zeros((len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_power))
+# # fill matrix
+# if len(data_coord) == 0:
+# yield np.zeros((len(poly_list), n_free_symbols**current_degree))
+# else:
+# rows, cols, data = list(zip(*data_coord))
- yield scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), dtype=np.double, shape=shape)
+# yield scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), dtype=np.double, shape=shape)
- return list(gen_power_mat())
+# return list(gen_power_mat())
diff --git a/test_polymatrix/ b/test_polymatrix/
index 3b239bf..f693df0 100644
--- a/test_polymatrix/
+++ b/test_polymatrix/
@@ -1,114 +1,195 @@
import unittest
-from polymatrix.polystruct import init_equation, init_poly_matrix, init_poly_vector
+from polymatrix.polystruct import init_equation, init_poly_matrix
from polymatrix.utils import variable_to_index
class TestPolyMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
- def assert_term_in_eq(terms, degree, eq_idx, row_idx, value, monoms=None):
+ def assert_term_in_eq(result, degree, eq_idx, row_idx, value, monoms=None):
if monoms is None:
monoms = tuple()
- assert degree in terms, f'could not find {degree} in {terms}'
- degree_terms = terms[degree]
+ assert degree in result.terms, f'could not find {degree} in {result.terms}'
+ degree_terms = result.terms[degree]
- key = eq_idx, monoms
+ key = eq_idx, monoms, row_idx
assert key in degree_terms, f'could not find {key} in {degree_terms}'
- eq_terms = degree_terms[key]
+ # eq_terms = degree_terms[key]
+ # assert row_idx in eq_terms, f'could not find {row_idx} in {eq_terms}'
+ assert degree_terms[key] == value, f'value {degree_terms[key]} and {value} do not match'
- assert row_idx in eq_terms, f'could not find {row_idx} in {eq_terms}'
- assert eq_terms[row_idx] == value, f'value {eq_terms[row_idx]} and {value} do not match'
- def test_param_matrix_param_vector_degree_0(self):
+ def test_param_matrix_param_d0_vector_degree_d0(self):
param = [a11 a21 a31 a41 v11 v21]
- mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,))
- vec = init_poly_vector(degrees=(0,))
- n_param = 6
+ n_var = 2
+ mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,), shape=(n_var, n_var))
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,), shape=(n_var, 1))
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
# a11 v11
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
+ degree = 2,
+ eq_idx = 0,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 0)]),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ # a12 v21
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
degree = 2,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = variable_to_index(n_param, (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 0)])),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+2, offset_dict[(vec, 0)]+1),
value = 1,
# a21 v11
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 2,
eq_idx = 1,
- row_idx = variable_to_index(n_param, (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+2, offset_dict[(vec, 0)])),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+1, offset_dict[(vec, 0)]),
value = 1,
- def test_param_matrix_param_vector_degree_01(self):
+ # a22 v21
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
+ degree = 2,
+ eq_idx = 1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+3, offset_dict[(vec, 0)]+1),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ def test_param_matrix_d0_param_vector_d01(self):
param = [a11 a21 a31 a41 v011 v021 v111 v112 v121 v122]
- mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,))
- vec = init_poly_vector(degrees=(0,1))
- n_param = 10
+ n_var = 2
+ mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,), shape=(n_var, n_var))
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,1), shape=(n_var, 1))
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
# a11 v011
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 2,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = variable_to_index(n_param, (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 0)])),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 0)]),
value = 1,
# a11 v011
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 2,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = variable_to_index(n_param, (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 1)])),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)], offset_dict[(vec, 1)]),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ def test_param_matrix_d0_const_vector_d0(self):
+ """
+ param = [a11 a21 a31 a41]
+ """
+ n_var = 2
+ mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,), shape=(n_var, n_var))
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(subs={0: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1}}, shape=(n_var, 1))
+ eq = init_equation(
+ terms = [(mat, vec)],
+ n_var = n_var,
+ )
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
+ # a11
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
+ degree = 1,
+ eq_idx = 0,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)],),
value = 1,
- def test_param_matrix_const_vector_degree_0(self):
+ # a21
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
+ degree = 1,
+ eq_idx = 1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+1,),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ def test_param_matrix_d0_const_vector_d1(self):
param = [a11 a21 a31 a41]
- mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,))
- vec = init_poly_vector(subs={0: {(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 1}})
+ n_var = 2
+ mat = init_poly_matrix(degrees=(0,), shape=(n_var, n_var))
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(subs={1: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (0, 0, 1): 0, (1, 0, 0): 0, (1, 0, 1): 1}}, shape=(n_var, 1))
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
# a11
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(mat, 0)],
+ monoms=(0,),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)],),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ # a12
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
+ degree = 1,
+ eq_idx = 0,
+ monoms=(1,),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+2,),
+ value = 1,
+ )
+ # a21
+ self.assert_term_in_eq(
+ result = result,
+ degree = 1,
+ eq_idx = 1,
+ monoms=(0,),
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)]+1,),
value = 1,
@@ -117,21 +198,24 @@ class TestPolyMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
param = [a11 a21 a31 a41]
- mat = init_poly_matrix(subs={0: {(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 1, (0, 1): 1, (1, 1): 1}})
- vec = init_poly_vector(subs={0: {(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 1}})
+ n_var = 2
+ mat = init_poly_matrix(subs={0: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (0, 1, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1, (1, 1, 0): 1}}, shape=(n_var, n_var))
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(subs={0: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1}}, shape=(n_var, 1))
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 0,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = 0,
+ row_idx = tuple(),
value = 2,
@@ -140,98 +224,107 @@ class TestPolyMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
param = [a11 a21 a31 a41]
- def skew_symmetric(degree, idx1, idx2):
- if idx1 == idx2:
- return idx1, idx2, 0
- elif idx2 < idx1:
- return idx2, idx1, -1
+ def skew_symmetric(degree, poly_row, poly_col, monom):
+ if poly_row == poly_col:
+ return poly_row, poly_col, monom, 0
+ elif poly_col < poly_row:
+ return poly_col, poly_row, monom, -1
+ n_var = 2
mat = init_poly_matrix(
- re_index_func=skew_symmetric,
+ re_index=skew_symmetric,
+ shape=(n_var, n_var),
- vec = init_poly_vector(subs={0: {(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 1}})
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(subs={0: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1}}, shape=(n_var, 1))
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(mat, 0)] + 1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)] + 2,),
value = 1,
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 1,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(mat, 0)] + 1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(mat, 0)] + 2,),
value = -1,
- def test_const_matrix_param_gradient_vector(self):
+ def test_const_matrix_d0_param_gradient_vector_d1(self):
param = [v11 v12 v21 v22]
- def gradient(degree, v_row, monom):
+ def gradient(degree, p_row, p_col, monom):
if degree == 1:
- factor = sum(v_row==e for e in monom) + 1
+ factor = sum(p_row==e for e in monom) + 1
- if monom[-1] < v_row:
- n_v_row = monom[-1]
- n_monom = sorted(monom + (v_row,), reverse=True)
+ if monom[-1] < p_row:
+ n_p_row = monom[-1]
+ n_monom = sorted(monom + (p_row,), reverse=True)
- if v_row <= monom[-1]:
- n_v_row = v_row
+ if p_row <= monom[-1]:
+ n_p_row = p_row
n_monom = monom
- return n_v_row, n_monom, factor
+ return n_p_row, p_col, n_monom, factor
+ n_var = 2
mat = init_poly_matrix(
- subs={0: {(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 1, (0, 1): 1, (1, 1): 1}},
+ subs={0: {(0, 0, 0): 1, (0, 1, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1, (1, 1, 0): 1}},
+ shape=(n_var, n_var),
- vec = init_poly_vector(
+ vec = init_poly_matrix(
- re_index_func_2=gradient,
+ re_index=gradient,
+ shape=(n_var, 1),
eq = init_equation(
terms = [(mat, vec)],
- n_var = 2,
+ n_var = n_var,
- terms, offset_dict = list(eq.create())
+ result = eq.create()
+ offset_dict = eq.offset_dict
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(vec, 1)],
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(vec, 1)],),
value = 2,
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 0,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(vec, 1)]+1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(vec, 1)]+2,),
value = 1,
- terms = terms,
+ result = result,
degree = 1,
eq_idx = 1,
- row_idx = offset_dict[(vec, 1)]+1,
+ row_idx = (offset_dict[(vec, 1)]+2,),
value = 1,