From 56709321ba20a6c5a4dc36d8d0c8b6c1e62a8591 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nao Pross Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2024 02:24:04 +0200 Subject: Add midterm LaTeX source and PDF --- fig/sketch.tex | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 195 insertions(+) create mode 100644 fig/sketch.tex (limited to 'fig/sketch.tex') diff --git a/fig/sketch.tex b/fig/sketch.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1eae4a --- /dev/null +++ b/fig/sketch.tex @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +\begin{tikzpicture}[3d view={120}{15}] + \newcommand\radius{15mm} + \newcommand\height{3cm} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yx plane at z=.8] + \foreach \i in {1,2,3,...,8} { + \fill[lightgray, opacity=.5] (0,0) -- ({\i*360/8}:{.9*\radius}) + arc ({\i*360/8}:{(\i+.5)*360/8}:{.9*\radius}) -- cycle; + }; + \fill[lightgray, opacity=.5] (0,0) circle (3mm); + + \draw[black, <-] (-1, 1) to[out=180, in=0] ++(-.5,1.2) + node[left, anchor = east] {Propeller}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yx plane at z=-2] + \draw[black, <-] (-1, .5) to[out=180, in=0] ++(.1,1.5) + node[left, anchor = east] {Flap}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0, thick] + % flap along y back + \fill[lightgray!30, draw=lightgray] ({-.3*\radius}, -2) rectangle ({-.8*\radius}, -2.5); + + % drag force of flap along y back + \draw[-latex, blue!80!black] ({-.55*\radius}, -2) -- ++(0,-6mm); + \end{scope} + + % FIXME: why can't is use -.55\radius?? + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=-.825, thick] + % lift force of flap along y back + \draw[-latex, green!50!black] (0, -2) -- ++(5mm,0); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0, thick] + % flap along x front + \fill[lightgray!30, draw=lightgray] ({.3*\radius}, -2) rectangle ({.8*\radius}, -2.5); + % drag force of flap along x front + \draw[-latex, blue!80!black] ({.55*\radius}, -2) -- ++(0,-6mm) + node[right] {$\vec{F}_{d,i}$}; + + % flap along x back + \fill[lightgray!30, draw=lightgray] ({-.3*\radius}, -2) rectangle ({-.8*\radius}, -2.5); + % drag force of flap along x back + \draw[-latex, blue!80!black] ({-.55*\radius}, -2) -- ++(0,-6mm); + \end{scope} + + % FIXME: why can't is use .55\radius?? + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=-.825, thick] + % lift force of flap along x back + \draw[-latex, green!50!black] (0, -2) -- ++(5mm,0); + \end{scope} + + % FIXME: why can't is use .55\radius?? + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=.825, thick] + % lift force of flap along x front + \draw[-latex, green!50!black] (0, -2) -- ++(5mm,0); + + % flap angle for front x + \fill[violet] (0,-2) circle (.5mm); + \node[violet, right, yshift=1mm] at (0,-2) {$\alpha_1$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0, thick] + % flap along y front + \fill[lightgray!30, draw=lightgray] ({.3*\radius}, -2) rectangle ({.8*\radius}, -2.5); + + % drag force of flap along y front + \draw[-latex, blue!80!black] ({.55*\radius}, -2) -- ++(0,-6mm); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0, thick] + \draw[lightgray, dashed] (0,0) circle (\radius); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=-2, thick] + % lower circle + \draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\radius); + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (-\radius, 0) -- (\radius, 0); + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (0, -\radius) -- (0, \radius); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=1, thick] + % upper circle + \draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\radius); + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (-\radius, 0) -- (\radius, 0); + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (0, -\radius) -- (0, \radius); + \end{scope} + + % FIXME: why can't is use .55\radius?? + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=.825, thick] + % lift force of flap along y front + \draw[-latex, green!50!black] (0, -2) -- ++(5mm,0) + node[pos=1, below, yshift=-1mm] {$\vec{F}_{\ell,i}$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=-.825, thick] + % flap angle for back y + \fill[violet] (0,-2) circle (.5mm); + \node[violet, xshift=2.5mm, yshift=1.5mm] at (0,-2) {$\alpha_4$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=-.825, thick] + % flap angle for back x + \fill[violet] (0,-2) circle (.5mm); + \node[violet, xshift=2.5mm, yshift=1.5mm] at (0,-2) {$\alpha_3$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=.825, thick] + % lift force of flap along y front + \fill[violet] (0,-2) circle (.5mm); + \node[violet, xshift=2mm, yshift=1.5mm] at (0,-2) {$\alpha_2$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[thick] + % cylinder border + \draw[gray] (xyz cylindrical cs:z=-2,radius=1.5,angle=-60) + -- ++ (xyz cylindrical cs:z=3); + + \draw[gray] (xyz cylindrical cs:z=-2,radius=1.5,angle=120) + -- ++ (xyz cylindrical cs:z=3); + + % central axis + \draw[lightgray, dashdotted] + (xyz cylindrical cs:z=-2) -- (xyz cylindrical cs:z=2); + + % outer line for radius measurement + \coordinate (TO) at (xyz cylindrical cs:z=1); + \coordinate (TR) at (xyz cylindrical cs:z=1,radius=1.5,angle=120); + \draw[red!60!black, <->] (TO) -- node[midway, above] {$a$} (TR); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0, thick] + % top line for center of mass measurement + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (0, 0) -- (2.5, 0); + % bottom line for center of mass measurement + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (\radius, -2) -- (2.5, -2); + + % Center of mass height measurement + \draw[red!60!black, <->] (2.5,0) -- node[midway, right] {$d$} (2.5, -2); + + % thrust force + \draw[blue!80!black, -latex] (0,1) -- node[near end, right] {$\vec{F}_{T}$} (0,2); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=1.25, thick] + % propeller angular velocity + \draw[violet, ->] (290:.2) arc[start angle=290, end angle=-30, radius=.2] + node[pos=0, left] {$\omega$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0, thick] + % line to pitch angle + \draw[lightgray, densely dotted] (0, 0) -- (3, 0); + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=1.85, thick] + % roll angle + \draw[violet, ->] (-40:.2) arc[start angle=-40, end angle=-370, radius=.2] + node[midway, right] {$\phi$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=2.5, thick] + % pitch angle + \draw[violet, ->] (40:.2) arc[start angle=40, end angle=370, radius=.2] + node[midway, above left] {$\vartheta$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=-1.25, thick] + % yaw angle + \draw[violet, ->] (290:.2) arc[start angle=290, end angle=-30, radius=.2] + node[midway, right] {$\psi$}; + \end{scope} + + \begin{scope}[thick] + % body coordinate system + \coordinate(BO) at (0,0,0); + \draw[-latex] (BO) -- (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=.5) + node[left] {$\uvec{y}$}; + \draw[-latex] (BO) -- (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=.5,angle=90) + node[right] {$\uvec{x}$}; + \draw[-latex] (BO) -- (xyz cylindrical cs:z=-.5) + node[below] {$\uvec{z}$}; + + % intertial coordinate system + \coordinate (IO) at (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=3.5,angle=-70,z=-1.5); + + \draw[-latex] (IO) -- ++ (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=.5) + node[left] {$\uvec{\jmath}$}; + \draw[-latex] (IO) -- ++ (xyz cylindrical cs:radius=.5,angle=90) + node[right] {$\uvec{\imath}$}; + \draw[-latex] (IO) -- ++ (xyz cylindrical cs:z=-.5) + node[below] {$\uvec{k}$}; + \end{scope} +\end{tikzpicture} -- cgit v1.2.1