% Controller design for a ducted fan VTOL micro-UAV. % % Copyright (c) 2024, Naoki Sean Pross, ETH Zürich % This work is distributed under a permissive license, see LICENSE.txt % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Clear environment and generate parameters clear; clc; close all; s = tf('s'); % Flags to speed up running for debugging do_plots = true; do_lqr = false; % unused do_hinf = true; % midterm do_musyn = true; % endterm fprintf('Controller synthesis for ducted fan VTOL micro-UAV\n') fprintf('Will do:\n') if do_plots fprintf(' - Produce plots\n') end if do_lqr fprintf(' - LQR synthesis\n') end if do_hinf fprintf(' - H-infinity synthesis\n') end if do_musyn fprintf(' - Mu synthesis\n') end % Synthesized controllers will be stored here ctrl = struct(); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Define system parameters fprintf('Generating system parameters...\n') params = uav_params(); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Define performance requirements if do_hinf | do_musyn fprintf('Generating performance requirements...\n') perf = uav_performance(params, do_plots); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Define stability requirements if do_musyn fprintf('Generating stability requirements...\n') uncert = uav_uncertainty(params, do_plots); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Create UAV model fprintf('Generating system model...\n'); model = uav_model(params, perf, uncert); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Perform LQR design if do_lqr fprintf('Performing LQR controller design...\n') ctrl.lqr = uav_ctrl_lqr(params, model); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Perform H-infinity design if do_hinf fprintf('Performing H-infinty controller design...\n') idx = model.uncertain.index; P = model.uncertain.StateSpace; % Get nominal system without uncertainty (for lower LFT) P_nom = minreal(P([idx.OutputError; idx.OutputNominal], ... [idx.InputExogenous; idx.InputNominal]), [], false); nmeas = model.uncertain.Ny; nctrl = model.uncertain.Nu; hinfopt = hinfsynOptions('Display', 'on', 'Method', 'RIC', ... 'AutoScale', 'off', 'RelTol', 1e-3); [K_inf, ~, gamma, info] = hinfsyn(P_nom, nmeas, nctrl, hinfopt); ctrl.hinf = struct('Name', '$\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$', 'K', K_inf); if gamma >= 1 fprintf('Failed to syntesize controller (closed loop is unstable).\n') end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Measure Performance of H-infinity design fprintf('Simulating closed loop...\n'); nsamples = 500; do_noise = true; simout = uav_sim_step_hinf(params, model, ctrl.hinf, nsamples, do_plots, do_noise); fprintf('Writing simulation results...\n'); cols = [ simout.StepX(:, simout.index.Position), ... simout.StepX(:, simout.index.Velocity), ... simout.StepX(:, simout.index.FlapAngles) * 180 / pi, ... simout.StepX(:, simout.index.Angles) * 180 / pi]; writematrix([simout.TimeXY', cols], 'fig/stepsim.dat', 'Delimiter', 'tab') end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Perform mu-Analysis & DK iteration if do_musyn end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Verify performance satisfaction via mu-analysis % omega = logspace(-3, 3, 250); % % N_inf = lft(P, K_inf); % N_inf_frd = frd(N_inf, omega); % % % robust stability % [mu_inf_rs, ~] = mussv(N_inf_frd(idx.OutputUncertain, idx.InputUncertain), ... % model.uncertain.BlockStructure); % % % robust performance % blk_perf = [model.uncertain.BlockStructure; % model.uncertain.BlockStructurePerf]; % % [mu_inf_rp, ~] = mussv(N_inf_frd, blk_perf); % % % nominal performance % mu_inf_np = svd(N_inf_frd(idx.OutputError, idx.InputExogenous)); % % if do_plots % figure; hold on; % bodemag(mu_inf_rs(1)); % bodemag(mu_inf_np(1)); % bodemag(mu_inf_rs(2)); % bodemag(mu_inf_np(2)); % % grid on; % title('$\mu_\Delta(N)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex'); % end % vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: