// Sample app built with Dear ImGui and ImPlot // This app uses implot and imgui, but does not output to any backend! It only serves as a proof that an app can be built, linked, and run. #include "imgui.h" #include "implot.h" #include "stdio.h" int main(int, char**) { printf("sample_implot: start\n"); IMGUI_CHECKVERSION(); ImGui::CreateContext(); ImPlot::CreateContext(); // Additional imgui initialization needed when no backend is present ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize = ImVec2(400.f, 400.f); ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->Build(); // Render 500 frames for(int counter = 0; counter < 500; ++counter) { ImGui::NewFrame(); if (ImGui::Begin("Hello, world!")) { ImGui::Text("Hello again"); if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("My Plot")) { static double values[] = {1., 3., 5.}; ImPlot::PlotLine("Values", values, 3); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } #ifdef IMPLOT_INSTANTIATE_ALL_NUMERIC_TYPES if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("My Plot (long double)")) { static long double values[] = {1., 3., 5.}; ImPlot::PlotLine("Values", values, 3); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } #endif ImGui::End(); } ImGui::Render(); } ImPlot::DestroyContext(); ImGui::DestroyContext(); printf("sample_implot: end\n"); return 0; }