path: root/doc/thesis/figures/tikz
diff options
authorsara <sara.halter@gmx.ch>2021-11-06 14:11:10 +0100
committersara <sara.halter@gmx.ch>2021-11-06 14:11:10 +0100
commit84bd7ae6a6cad4d1788b16b5bb9200739dce9385 (patch)
treebfc80c3333d32f39fdabd8415df6a005dce4cf98 /doc/thesis/figures/tikz
parentscr tests (diff)
parentMerge branch 'master' of github.com:NaoPross/Fading (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--doc/thesis/figures/tikz/psk-constellation.tex (renamed from doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qpsk-constellation.tex)0
7 files changed, 201 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-frequency-response-plots.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-frequency-response-plots.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094e33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-frequency-response-plots.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
+ \begin{loglogaxis}[
+ width = .6\linewidth, height = 5cm,
+ ylabel = {Response \(|H(f, t)|\)},
+ xlabel = {Frequency \(f\)/Hz},
+ xlabel near ticks,
+ ylabel near ticks,
+ ytick = \empty,
+ smooth,
+ ]
+ \addplot[solid, magenta] table[x index = 0, y index = 2]
+ {figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat};
+ \addlegendentry{Multipath}
+ \addplot[dashed, thick, black] table[x index = 0, y index = 1]
+ {figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat};
+ \addlegendentry{Linear}
+ \end{loglogaxis}
+\hskip 5mm
+ decorated/.style = {
+ solid, thick,
+ postaction={decorate},
+ decoration={markings,
+ mark=at position 0.35 with {\arrow{stealth}},
+ mark=at position 0.65 with {\arrow{stealth}}},
+ },
+ ]
+ \begin{axis}[
+ width = 5cm, height = 5cm,
+ ylabel = {\(\Im{H(f,t)}\)},
+ xlabel = {\(\Re{H(f,t)}\)},
+ xlabel near ticks,
+ ylabel near ticks,
+ grid = major,
+ xmin = -1.2, xmax = 1.2,
+ ymin = -1.2, ymax = 1.2,
+ ]
+ \addplot[decorated, red] table[x index = 3, y index = 4]
+ {figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat}
+ node[pos = 0, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {}
+ node[pos = .2, outer sep = 1pt, inner sep = 0pt] (A) {}
+ node[pos = 1, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {};
+ \addplot[decorated, blue] table[x index = 5, y index = 6]
+ {figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat}
+ node[pos = 0, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {}
+ node[pos = .2, outer sep = 1pt, inner sep = 0pt] (B) {}
+ node[pos = 1, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {};
+ \addplot[decorated, magenta] table[x index = 7, y index = 8]
+ {figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat}
+ node[pos = 0, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {}
+ node[pos = 0, below, font = \tiny] {2 MHz}
+ node[pos = .2, outer sep = 1pt, inner sep = 0pt] (C) {}
+ node[pos = 1, circle, fill = white, draw, inner sep = 1pt] {}
+ node[pos = 1, above left, font = \tiny] {2.5 MHz};
+ \node[outer sep = 2pt, inner sep = 0pt] (O) at (0,0) {};
+ \draw[-latex, red!50!white] (O) -- (A);
+ \draw[-latex, blue!50!white] (O) -- (B);
+ \draw[-latex, magenta!50!white] (O) -- (C);
+ \end{axis}
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-impulse-response.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-impulse-response.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b643e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-impulse-response.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords, font = \footnotesize\ttfamily]
+ \draw[thick, -latex] (0,0,0) -- node[sloped, midway, below, gray] {Effect of the channel} (7,0,0) node[right] {\(\tau\)};
+ \draw[thick, -latex] (0,0,0) -- node[sloped, midway, above, gray] {How the channel changes} (0,7,0) node[right] {\(t\)};
+ \draw[thick, -latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node[above] {\(h(t,\tau)\)};
+ \foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}{
+ \draw[dashed, gray] (0,1.5*\y,0) -- ++(7,0,0);
+ }
+ \foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}{
+ \draw[dotted, gray] (\x,0,0) -- ++(0,7,0);
+ }
+ % draw 4 responses
+ \begin{scope}[very thick, -{Circle[fill=white]}]
+ \foreach \x/\v in {.8/1, 2.2/2, 2.9/1, 4/4, 5.1/7, 5.8/3}{
+ \draw[blue!80!red] (\x,1.5*4,0) -- ++(0,0,\v/3);
+ }
+ \foreach \x/\v in {.9/2, 2.1/2, 3/1, 4/3, 5/6, 6/3}{
+ \draw[blue!60!red] (\x,1.5*3,0) -- ++(0,0,\v/3);
+ }
+ \foreach \x/\v in {.6/1, 2/1, 2.8/3, 4.1/4, 5.5/4, 6.2/1}{
+ \draw[blue!40!red] (\x,1.5*2,0) -- ++(0,0,\v/3);
+ }
+ \foreach \x/\v in {1.1/2, 1.8/1, 3/2, 3.7/1, 4.8/3, 5.8/1}{
+ \draw[blue!20!red] (\x,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,\v/3);
+ }
+ \end{scope}
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-sketch.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-sketch.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5bc5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/multipath-sketch.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
+ antenna/.pic = {
+ \draw[very thick] (0,0) -- ++(2mm, 3mm) -- ++(-4mm,0) -- cycle;
+ \draw[very thick] (0,0) -- ++(0,-5mm) coordinate (-mast) {};
+ \draw[thick] (0,0) -- ++(0,3mm);
+ \node[inner sep = 0pt, outer sep = 6pt] (-center) at (0,2mm) {};
+ },
+ ]
+ % Antennas
+ \draw (0,2) pic (T) {antenna} node[above left = 3mm] {\sffamily\bfseries TX};
+ \draw (5,0) pic (R) {antenna} node[above right = 3mm] {\sffamily\bfseries RX};
+ % wall coefficients
+ \draw[thick] (4.75, 2.25) to[out = -20, in = 180] ++(1.2,-.5) node[right] {\(|\Gamma| > 0\)};
+ % walls
+ \draw[thick, fill = lightgray!20] (3,2) -- ++(2,-.5) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-2,.5) -- cycle;
+ \draw[thick, fill = lightgray!20] (-1,0) -- ++(3,0) -- ++(1,-.5) -- ++(-3,0) -- cycle;
+ % reflected signals
+ \draw[line width = 2pt, blue!50!white, -latex] (T-center) -- node[above, pos = .5] {\(\tau_2,c_2\)} (4,2.25) -- (R-center);
+ \draw[line width = 2pt, blue!50!white, -latex] (T-center) -- node[left, pos = .7] {\(\tau_3,c_3\)} (1,-.25) -- (R-center);
+ \draw[line width = 2pt, blue!50!white, -latex] (T-center) -- node[above, pos = .5] {\(\tau_4,c_4\)} (-2.5,1.5) -- (R-center);
+ % another wall
+ \draw[thick, fill = lightgray!20] (-2,0) -- ++(-1,.5) -- ++(0,2) --++(1,-.5) -- cycle;
+ % LOS path
+ \draw[line width = 1mm, red!50!white,
+ decorate, decoration = {
+ expanding waves, angle = 5, segment length = 2mm
+ }
+ ] (T-center) -- node[above = 2mm, pos = .5] {\(\tau_1,c_1\)} (R-center);
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qpsk-constellation.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/psk-constellation.tex
index d927b19..d927b19 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qpsk-constellation.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/psk-constellation.tex
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-constellation.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-constellation.tex
index 6481650..eeeddc3 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-constellation.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-constellation.tex
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
+ % special node for the example
+ \node[star, fill = blue!40!white] at (s32) {};
\foreach \i/\l in {0/00,1/01,2/11,3/10}{
\node[lightgray, below = 3mm] at (s\i0) {\texttt{\l}};
\node[lightgray, left = 2mm] at (s0\i) {\texttt{\l}};
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-example.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d37f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
+%% TODO: finish this figure
+ % Draw digital signals
+ \begin{scope}[font = \ttfamily\footnotesize, text = blue!70!white]
+ \node[above = 1mm of M, xshift = 2mm] {\(\ldots 1100101\)};
+ \node[above = 7mm of vmi, xshift = 3mm]
+ {\(\overbracket[.8pt]{\,11\ldots 00\,}^{\sqrt{M} \text{ bits}}\)};
+ \end{scope}
+ % Draw analog waveform
+ \begin{scope}[font = \ttfamily\tiny]
+ \coordinate (O) at ($(mi)+(-2mm,10.5mm)$);
+ \node[left, red!70!white, anchor = east, text width = 8mm, align = right]
+ at ($(O) + (-2mm,0)$) {\(2^{\sqrt{M}}\) levels};
+ \foreach \y in {-3mm,0,3mm} {
+ \draw[gray, densely dotted] (O) ++(-2mm,\y) -- ++(22mm,0);
+ }
+ \draw[thick, draw = red!70!white] (O)
+ -- ++(3mm,0) -- ++(0,-3mm) -- ++(3mm,0) -- ++(0,6mm)
+ -- ++(3mm,0) -- ++(0,-3mm) -- ++(3mm,0) -- ++(0,-3mm)
+ -- ++(3mm,0) -- ++(0,3mm) -- ++(3mm,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ % Draw constellation diagram
+ \begin{scope}
+ \coordinate (O) at ($(S)+(-7mm,8mm)$);
+ \draw[gray, -latex] (O) ++(-2mm,0) -- ++(12mm,0) node[right] {\tiny \(\phi_i\)};
+ \draw[gray, -latex] (O) ++(0,-2mm) -- ++(0,12mm) node[above] {\tiny \(\phi_q\)};
+ \node[
+ circle, thick,
+ minimum size = 3pt,
+ inner sep = 0, outer sep = .8pt,
+ draw = gray, fill = red!50!white
+ ] (P) at ($(O)+(5mm, 4mm)$) {};
+ \node[gray, above right] at (P) {\tiny \(s\)};
+ \draw[gray, densely dotted]
+ (P) -- (P |- O)
+ (P) -- (P -| O);
+ \end{scope}
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-modulator.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-modulator.tex
index 59d989f..7ebc2c5 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-modulator.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/qam-modulator.tex
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
\draw (B2Lq.east) -- (Mq.west);
\draw (Mq.east) -| (SUM.south);
- \draw (SUM) -- (S);
+ \draw (SUM.east) -- (S);
\draw (OSC.east) -| (Mi.south);
\draw (OSC.west) -- (H.east);
@@ -77,13 +77,16 @@
\node[above left] at (si) {\(s_i(t)\)};
\node[below left] at (sq) {\(s_q(t)\)};
+ % Background elements
\fill[left color = white, right color = blue!20, draw = white]
- ($(B2Li.north) + (0,1)$) coordinate (D) rectangle ($(B2Lq.south) - (3,1)$);
+ ($(B2Li.north) + (0,1.1)$) coordinate (D) rectangle ($(B2Lq.south) - (3,1)$);
\fill[right color = white, left color = red!20, draw = white]
- ($(B2Li.north) + (0,1)$) coordinate (A) rectangle ($(B2Lq.south) + (9,-1)$);
+ ($(B2Li.north) + (0,1.1)$) coordinate (A) rectangle ($(B2Lq.south) + (9,-1)$);
- \node[blue!50, anchor = south east, font = \ttfamily\bfseries, xshift = -4mm] at (D) {\bfseries\ttfamily Digital bits};
- \node[red!50, anchor = south west, font = \bfseries\ttfamily, xshift = 4mm] at (A) {Analog waveform};
+ \node[blue!50, anchor = south east, font = \ttfamily\bfseries, xshift = -4mm]
+ at (D) {\bfseries\ttfamily Digital bits};
+ \node[red!50, anchor = south west, font = \bfseries\ttfamily, xshift = 4mm]
+ at (A) {Analog waveform};