path: root/doc/thesis/tex/classicthesis-config.tex
diff options
authorOST\sara.halter <sara.halter@gmx.ch>2021-09-23 15:17:55 +0200
committerOST\sara.halter <sara.halter@gmx.ch>2021-09-23 15:17:55 +0200
commit29cc5cb87c4b55cecd7ac3c3c3652d0e2ac384ff (patch)
treeb4377dd897f3185f4d13d69b6b44121b13265cc6 /doc/thesis/tex/classicthesis-config.tex
parentProjekttplan angepasst noch nicht fertig (diff)
parentAdd project plan and thesis to workflow (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/thesis/tex/classicthesis-config.tex b/doc/thesis/tex/classicthesis-config.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..424d7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/thesis/tex/classicthesis-config.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+% ****************************************************************************************************
+% classicthesis-config.tex
+% formerly known as loadpackages.sty, classicthesis-ldpkg.sty, and classicthesis-preamble.sty
+% Use it at the beginning of your ClassicThesis.tex, or as a LaTeX Preamble
+% in your ClassicThesis.{tex,lyx} with \input{classicthesis-config}
+% If you like the classicthesis, then I would appreciate a postcard.
+% My address can be found in the file ClassicThesis.pdf. A collection
+% of the postcards I received so far is available online at
+% http://postcards.miede.de
+% ****************************************************************************************************
+% 0. Set the encoding of your files. UTF-8 is the only sensible encoding nowadays. If you can't read
+% äöüßáéçèê∂åëæƒÏ€ then change the encoding setting in your editor, not the line below. If your editor
+% does not support utf8 use another editor!
+ \usepackage{inputenc}
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+% in order to deactivate the time-stamp on the pages
+% (see ClassicThesis.pdf for more information):
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+ palatino=true, % deactivate standard font for loading another one, see the last section at the end of this file for suggestions
+ style=classicthesis % classicthesis, arsclassica
+% ****************************************************************************************************
+% 2. Personal data and user ad-hoc commands (insert your own data here)
+\newcommand{\myTitle}{Fading Illustration with Software Defined Radio\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myName}{Halter Sara Cinzia \& Pross Naoki Sean\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myProf}{Prof. Dr. Heinz Mathis\xspace}
+\newcommand{\mySupervisor}{Michel Nyffenegger\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myFaculty}{Faculty of Electrical Engineeering\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myDepartment}{Institute for Communication Systems ICOM\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myUni}{University of Applied Sciences of East Switzerland OST\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myTime}{December 2021\xspace}
+\newcommand{\myVersion}{Draft 1}
+% Setup, finetuning, and useful commands
+% ****************************************************************************************************
+% 3. Loading some handy packages
+% ********************************************************************
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+% Setup autoreferences (hyperref and babel)
+% There are some issues regarding autorefnames
+% http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=latexwords
+% you have to redefine the macros for the
+% language you use, e.g., american, ngerman
+% (as chosen when loading babel/AtBeginDocument)
+ {%
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+ % Fix to getting autorefs for subfigures right (thanks to Belinda Vogt for changing the definition)
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+ }{\relax}