path: root/doc/projectplan/ProjectPlan.tex
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1 files changed, 64 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/doc/projectplan/ProjectPlan.tex b/doc/projectplan/ProjectPlan.tex
index 4e0a067..8baa7ef 100644
--- a/doc/projectplan/ProjectPlan.tex
+++ b/doc/projectplan/ProjectPlan.tex
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
& \bfseries Date & \bfseries Signature\\
- Halter Cinzia Sara & \hrulefill & \hrulefill \\
+ Halter Sara Cinzia & \hrulefill & \hrulefill \\
Pross Naoki & \hrulefill & \hrulefill \\
@@ -91,54 +91,77 @@
+\section{Task Description}
-\section{Project Schedule}
-\newgeometry{vmargin=5mm, hmargin = 1cm}
- \begin{figure}[h] %%\centering
-% \begin{ganttchart}{1}{12}
-% \gantttitle{Project Schedule}{12} \\
-% \gantttitlelist{1,...,12}{1} \\
-% \ganttgroup{Group 1}{1}{7} \\
-% \ganttbar{Task 1}{1}{2} \\
-% \ganttlinkedbar{Task 2}{3}{7} \ganttnewline
-% \ganttmilestone{Milestone}{7} \ganttnewline
-% \ganttbar{Final Task}{8}{12}
-% \ganttlink{elem2}{elem3}
-% \ganttlink{elem3}{elem4}
-% \end{ganttchart}
+ \item Prototype of QAM transmission with SDR (add other modulations later)
+ \item Model of a fading channel and simulation
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Slow fading (shadowing)
+ \item Fast fading (flat fading and multi path
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Demonstration (hardware) with fading channel
+ \item Demonstration with moving receiver
-% https://mirror.foobar.to/CTAN/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfgantt/pgfgantt.pdf
+\newgeometry{vmargin = 2.5cm, hmargin = 2cm}
+ \section{Project Schedule}
+ \begin{figure}[h]
- hgrid,
+ time slot format = isodate,
+ % style changes
+ % hgrid,
- x unit=2.5mm,
- % y unit title=.6cm,
- % y unit chart=1.5cm,
- time slot format=isodate
- ]{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}
- \gantttitlecalendar{year, month=name, week=38} \\
- \ganttmilestone{Milestone 1}{2021-12-24}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Research}{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Simulation}{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Measurements}{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{\textbf{Documentation}}{2021-09-21}{2021-12-20}\ganttnewline
- %%\ganttbar{Projectplan \& Specification}{2021-09-21}{2021-10-05}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Abstract}{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Abstract}{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Print}{2021-12-20}{2021-12-24}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Reserve}{2021-12-01}{2021-12-24}\ganttnewline
- \ganttmilestone{Submission}{2021-12-24}\ganttnewline
- \ganttbar{Presentation prep.}{2021-12-13}{2021-12-24}\ganttnewline
+ x unit = 2.5mm,
+ y unit chart = 1.5cm,
+ bar height = .4,
+ inline,
+ milestone inline label node/.append style = {
+ above = 4mm, anchor = south east,
+ fill = white,
+ },
+ ]{2021-09-20}{2021-12-26}
+ \gantttitlecalendar{year, month = name, week = 38} \\
+ \ganttgroup{Research}{2021-09-21}{2021-11-28} \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Theory}{2021-09-22}{2021-11-28} \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Software Toolboxes}{2021-09-27}{2021-10-31} \ganttnewline
+ \ganttgroup{Prototype}{2021-10-04}{2021-10-31}
+ \ganttgroup{Demonstration}{2021-11-03}{2021-12-05}
+ \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Simulation}{2021-10-04}{2021-10-18}
+ \ganttbar{Hardware}{2021-10-18}{2021-10-31}
+ \ganttmilestone{Working SDR TX -- RX}{2021-11-01}
+ \ganttbar{Fading model}{2021-11-03}{2021-11-19}
+ \ganttbar{Measurements}{2021-11-20}{2021-12-05}
+ \ganttmilestone{TX -- RX with Fading}{2021-12-06}
+ \ganttnewline
+ \ganttgroup{Documentation}{2021-09-21}{2021-12-20} \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Project Plan}{2021-09-21}{2021-10-04}
+ \ganttmilestone{Submission}{2021-10-05}
+ \ganttbar{Slides}{2021-12-06}{2021-12-22}
+ \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Introduction and Task Desc.}{2021-09-27}{2021-10-24}
+ \ganttbar{Methods (SW and HW)}{2021-10-27}{2021-11-16}
+ \ganttbar{Results}{2021-11-20}{2021-12-11}
+ \ganttmilestone{Ready}{2021-12-12}
+ \ganttbar{Review}{2021-12-14}{2021-12-23}
+ \ganttmilestone{Submission}{2021-12-24}
+ \ganttnewline
+ \ganttbar{Theory}{2021-10-07}{2021-12-05}