path: root/doc/thesis/figures
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/thesis/figures')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/overview.tex b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/overview.tex
index d0afaab..68dee1f 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/overview.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/figures/tikz/overview.tex
@@ -3,55 +3,99 @@
% show background rectangle,
box/.style = {
- font = \small\sffamily\bfseries,
+ font = \small\sffamily,
draw, thick, fill = white,
- minimum height = 10mm,
- minimum width = 25mm,
+ minimum height = 14mm,
+ minimum width = 28,
+ text width = 28mm, align = center,
+ },
+ circ/.style = {
+ draw, thick, circle, fill = white,
+ minimum size = 10mm, inner sep = 0pt,
+ font = \Huge,
+ % --------------------------------------------------------
+ \coordinate (TX) at (0, 0);
- nodes = {box}, column sep = 10mm, row sep = 10mm,
- ]{
- \node (SRC) {Source}; &
- \node (ENC) {Encoder}; &
- \node (MOD) {Modulator}; \\
- && \node (CHN) {Channel}; \\
- \node (SNK) {Sink}; &
- \node (DEC) {Decoder}; &
- \node (DMD) {Demodulator}; \\
+ nodes = {box}, column sep = 14mm, row sep = 10mm,
+ inner sep = 3mm, fill = lightgray!20,
+ anchor = north west,
+ ] at (TX) {
+ \node (SRC) {\textbf{Source}\\ Digital data}; &
+ \node (FRA) {\textbf{Framer}\\ Data Packets}; &
+ \node (MOD) {\textbf{Modulator}\\ QPSK or 16-QAM}; \\
\draw[very thick, -latex]
- (SRC) edge node[midway, above] {\(m\)} (ENC)
- (ENC) edge node[midway, above] {\(m_e\)} (MOD)
- (MOD) edge node[midway, right] {\(s(t)\)} (CHN)
- (CHN) edge node[midway, right] {\(r(t)\)} (DMD)
- (DMD) edge node[midway, above] {\(\hat{m}_e\)} (DEC)
- (DEC) edge node[midway, above] {\(\hat{m}\)} (SNK)
+ (SRC) edge node[midway, above] {\(m\)} (FRA)
+ (FRA) edge (MOD)
- \draw[very thick, -latex]
- ($(MOD.east)+(5mm,0)$) node[right] (CARR) {Carrier \(e^{j(\omega_c t + \phi)}\)} to (MOD);
+ \node[
+ gray,
+ anchor = south west,
+ font = \ttfamily,
+ ] at (TX) {Transmitter};
- \draw[very thick, -latex]
- ($(CHN.east)+(5mm,0)$) node[right] (NOISE) {Noise \(n(t)\)} to (CHN);
+ % --------------------------------------------------------
- % \draw[very thick, -latex]
- % ($(CHN.west)-(5mm,0)$) node[left] (FADE) {Fading} to (CHN);
+ \coordinate (CHN) at ($(MOD.south east)+(3mm, -11mm)$);
+ \matrix[
+ row sep = 5mm, inner sep = 3mm, fill = lightgray!20,
+ anchor = north east,
+ ] at (CHN) {
+ \node[circ] (PLUS) {\(+\)}; %
+ \node[left = 14mm of PLUS] (AWGN) {AWGN}; &
+ \node[minimum width = 12mm] {}; \\
+ \node[circ] (TIMES) {\(\times\)}; %
+ \node[left = 14mm of TIMES] (FADING) {Fading}; \\
+ };
\draw[very thick, -latex]
- ($(DMD.east)+(5mm,0)$) node[right] (SYNC) {Sync} to (DMD);
+ (AWGN) edge node[midway, above] {\(n(t)\)} (PLUS)
+ (FADING) edge node[midway, above] {\(f(t)\)} (TIMES)
+ (MOD) edge node[midway, right] {\(s(t)\)} (PLUS)
+ (PLUS) edge (TIMES)
+ ;
- \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
- \fill[lightgray!20] ($(SRC.north west)+(-5mm,5mm)$) node (TX) {}
- rectangle ($(MOD.south -| CARR.east)+(5mm,-5mm)$);
+ \node[
+ gray,
+ anchor = south west,
+ font = \ttfamily,
+ ] at ($(CHN) - (62mm, 0)$) {Channel Model};
- \fill[lightgray!20] ($(SNK.north west)+(-5mm,5mm)$) node (RX) {}
- rectangle ($(DMD.south -| CARR.east)+(5mm,-5mm)$);
+ % --------------------------------------------------------
- \node[gray, font = \ttfamily\bfseries, anchor = south west]
- at (TX.north) {Transmitter};
+ \coordinate (RX) at (0, -68mm);
+ \matrix[
+ nodes = {box},
+ column sep = 14mm, row sep = 5mm,
+ inner sep = 3mm, fill = lightgray!20,
+ anchor = north west,
+ ] at (RX) {
+ \node (PFC) {\textbf{Fine phase and freq. correction}}; &
+ \node (EQL) {\textbf{Equalizer} \\ Amplitude}; &
+ \node (CLK) {\textbf{Clock Recovery} \\ Symbol peak}; \\
+ \node (DMO) {\textbf{Demodulator}}; &
+ \node (DFR) {\textbf{Deframer} \\ Error detection}; &
+ \node (SIN) {\textbf{Sink} \\ User interface}; \\
+ };
+ \draw[very thick, -latex]
+ (TIMES) edge node[midway, right] {\(r(t)\)} (CLK)
+ (CLK) edge (EQL)
+ (EQL) edge (PFC)
+ (PFC) edge (DMO)
+ (DMO) edge (DFR)
+ (DFR) edge (SIN)
+ ;
- \node[gray, font = \ttfamily\bfseries, anchor = south west]
- at (RX.north) {Receiver};
- \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \node[
+ gray,
+ anchor = south west,
+ font = \ttfamily,
+ ] at (RX) {Receiver};