path: root/doc
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1 files changed, 33 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/doc/thesis/Fading.tex b/doc/thesis/Fading.tex
index f303403..66d3432 100644
--- a/doc/thesis/Fading.tex
+++ b/doc/thesis/Fading.tex
@@ -155,39 +155,41 @@
- %TODO: Alphabetisch ortnen
\chapter*{List of Acronyms}
- \noindent %
- \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\(}c<{\)} X}
+ \noindent
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l X}
- % \textbf{Notation} & \bfseries Description \\
- % \midrule
- IoT & internet of things\\
- QAM & quadrature amplitude\\
- QPSK & quadrature phase shift keying\\
- PSK & phase shift keying\\
- SDR & software defined radio\\
- BER & bit error rate\\
- AWGN & additive white Gaussian noise\\
- LTV & linear time-varying system\\
- LTI & inear time invariant\\
- FIR & finite impulse response (filter)\\
- CIR & channel impulse response\\
- WSSUS & Wide Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scaterring\\
- WSS & Wide Sense Stationary\\
- NLOS & no line of sight\\
- LOS & line of sight\\
- GR & GNU Radio\\
- GRC & GNU Radio Companion\\
- DPG & Dear PyGUI\\
- IMGUI & immediate graphical user interface\\
- IP & Internet Protocol\\
- UDP & User Datagram Protocol\\
- API & Application Programming Interface\\
- PDP & Power delay profile \\
- MSB & most significant bit\\
- CAZAC& constant amplitude zero autocorrelation waveform\\
+ \bfseries Acronym & \bfseries Description \\
+ \midrule
+ API & Application Programming Interface \\
+ AWGN & Additive White Gaussian Noise \\
+ BER & Bit Error Rate \\
+ CAZAC & Constant Amplitude Zero Autocorrelation Waveform \\
+ CIR & Channel Impulse Response \\
+ DPG & Dear PyGUI \\
+ ETSI & European Telecommunication Standards Insitite \\
+ FIR & Finite Impulse Response \\
+ GR & GNU Radio \\
+ GRC & GNU Radio Companion \\
+ GSM & Global System for Mobile communication \\
+ IMGUI & Immediate Graphical User Interface \\
+ IP & Internet Protocol \\
+ IoT & Internet of Things \\
+ LOS & Line of Sight \\
+ LTI & Linear Time Invariant \\
+ LTV & Linear Time-Varying \\
+ MSB & Most Significant Bit \\
+ NLOS & No Line Of Sight \\
+ PDP & Power Delay Profile \\
+ PSK & Phase Shift Keying \\
+ QAM & Quadrature Amplitude \\
+ QPSK & Quadrature Phase Shift Keying \\
+ SDR & Software Defined radio \\
+ UDP & User Datagram Protocol \\
+ US & Uncorrelated Scattering \\
+ WSS & Wide Sense Stationary \\
+ WSSUS & Wide Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scaterring \\