TEX := xelatex TEXARGS := -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape=1 SOURCES := \ Fading.tex \ Fading.bib \ \ tex/docmacros.sty \ tex/docstyle.sty \ tex/preamble.tex \ tex/titlepage.tex \ \ chapters/introduction.tex \ chapters/theory.tex \ chapters/implementation.tex \ chapters/conclusions.tex \ \ figures/tikz/overview.tex \ figures/tikz/psk-constellation.tex \ figures/tikz/qam-modulator.tex \ figures/tikz/qam-constellation.tex \ figures/tikz/multipath-sketch.tex \ figures/tikz/multipath-impulse-response.tex \ figures/tikz/multipath-frequency-response-plots.tex DATA := figures/data/multipath_frequency_response.dat # Get the main file from the file MAIN := $(shell sed -ne 's/^.*\!TeX root =\(.*\)$$/\1/ p' $(SOURCES)) PDF := $(patsubst %.tex, %.pdf, $(MAIN)) ifeq ($(strip $(MAIN)),) MAIN := $(error Failed to identify TeX root, try adding \ `% !TeX root = ` to your main tex file) endif .PHONY: all all: $(PDF) %.dat: %.py /usr/bin/env python3 $< %.pdf: %.tex $(SOURCES) $(DATA) $(TEX) $(TEXARGS) $< # TODO: makeindex biber $(basename $(MAIN)) $(TEX) $(TEXARGS) $< .PHONY: clean cleanall clean: @rm -vf *.aux *.aue *.lof *.log *.lot *.fls *.out *.toc *.fmt *.fot *.cb *.cb2 .*.lb *.dvi *.xdv *-converted-to.* *.bbl *.bcf *.blg *-blx.aux *-blx.bib *.run.xml *.fdb_latexmk *.synctex *.synctex\(busy\) *.synctex.gz *.synctex.gz\(busy\) *.pdfsync *.alg *.loa acs-*.bib *.thm *.nav *.pre *.snm *.vrb *.soc *.cut *.cpt *.spl *.ent *.lox *.mf *.acn *.acr *.glg *.glo *.gls *.glsdefs *.lzo *.lzs *.lol *.auxlock *.figlist @rm -vf tex/*.aux @rm -vf chapters/*.aux cleanall: clean @rm -vf $(PDF) .PHONY: continuous continuous: ls $(SOURCES) | entr -d make