% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: \begin{titlepage} \newgeometry{ outer = 3cm, inner = 3cm, } \centering {\huge\bfseries\sffamily Multipath Fading Demonstration Platform using Software Defined Radio \par} \vspace{1cm} {\large\slshape Naoki Sean Pross, \qquad Sara Cinzia Halter \par} \vspace{1cm} {\scshape Semester Thesis \par} { OST --- Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil \par} {\ December 23\textsuperscript{rd}, Fall Semster 2021 \par} \vfill % \includegraphics[width = \linewidth]{figures/} \resizebox{.9\linewidth}{!}{ \input{figures/tikz/multipath-sketch} } \vfill \begin{tabular}{rl} \bfseries\sffamily Field of Study & Wireless Communications \\ \bfseries\sffamily Topic & Multipath Fading \\ \bfseries\sffamily Examiner & Prof. Dr. Heinz Mathis \\ \end{tabular} \restoregeometry \end{titlepage}