# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Nov 27 16:05:59 2021 @author: sarah """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt delay = 6.37 ampl = 1 print(f"Tap with amplitude={ampl}, delay={delay}") order = 2 * np.floor(delay) + 1 #N print(f"Creating filter of order N={order}") samples = np.arange(0, order +1) h = ampl*(np.sinc(samples-delay)) #sinc # plt.stem(samples, h) # plt.show() t = np.arange(50) signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * 0.05) signal_shifted = np.convolve(h, signal, mode='full') #Time PLot # plt.xlabel('Delay') # plt.ylabel('Amplitude') # #plt.title('') # plt.plot(t, signal) # plt.grid(True) # plt.show() # plt.plot(signal_shifted) t1 =np.arange(0.0,order, 0.01) plt.grid(True) plt.stem(samples, h,linefmt='C0-') plt.plot(t1,np.sinc(t1-delay),'b--') plt.xlabel('Delay') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.show()