#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2021 Naoki Pross. import pmt import numpy as np from gnuradio import gr import fadingui.logger from fadingui.logger import get_logger log = get_logger("phasecorrection") class phasecorrection(gr.sync_block): """ Apply phase and frequency correction where there is a correlation peak tag. The correlation peak tags are NOT propagated, and instead replaced with a frame_start tag. """ def __init__(self): gr.sync_block.__init__( self, name='Phase and Frequency Correction', in_sig=[np.complex64], out_sig=[np.complex64] ) # tags should not be propagated, we then output our own tags self.set_tag_propagation_policy(gr.TPP_DONT) # because we do block processing, we need to keep track of the last tag # of the previous block to correct the first values of the next block self.last = None self.lastfreq = 0 # debugging variables to check if an error happened in block processing self.lastnsamples = 0 self.lastnback = 0 def block_phase(self, start, end): """ Compute a vector for the phase and frequency correction for the samples between two tags (start and end). @param start Tag where the samples should start to be corrected @param end Tag where to stop correcting @return A vector of phase values for each sample. To correct the samples the data should be multiplied with np.exp(-1j * phase) """ # compute number of samples between tags nsamples = end.offset - start.offset # unpack pmt values into start and end phase sphase = pmt.to_python(start.value) ephase = pmt.to_python(end.value) # compute frequency offset between start and end phasediff = (ephase - sphase) % (2 * np.pi) freq = phasediff / nsamples # save this one for the last block (see variable `end' in self.work) self.lastfreq = freq # debugging log.debug(f"Correction for chunk of {nsamples:2d} samples is " \ f"sphase={sphase: .4f} rad and freq={freq*1e3: .4f}e-3 rad / sample") self.lastnsamples = nsamples # compute chunk values return sphase * np.ones(nsamples) + freq * np.arange(0, nsamples) def work(self, input_items, output_items): counter = self.nitems_written(0) # nicer aliases inp = input_items[0] out = output_items[0] # read phase tags is_phase = lambda tag: pmt.to_python(tag.key) == "phase_est" tags = list(filter(is_phase, self.get_tags_in_window(0, 0, len(inp)))) if not tags: log.warning(f"There were no tags in {len(inp)} samples!") out[:] = inp return len(out) # debugging log.debug(f"Processing {len(tags)} tags = {tags[-1].offset - tags[0].offset} " \ f"samples out of {len(inp)} input samples") # compute "the middle" enough_samples = lambda pair: ((pair[1].offset - pair[0].offset) > 0) pairs = list(filter(enough_samples, zip(tags, tags[1:]))) chunks = [ self.block_phase(start, end) for (start, end) in pairs ] middle = np.concatenate(chunks) if chunks else [] # compute values at the end, we do not have informations about the future # but we can use the frequency of the last tag to approximate nback = len(inp) - (tags[-1].offset - counter) log.debug(f"Processing {nback} samples at the back of the buffer") end = np.ones(nback) * pmt.to_python(tags[-1].value) \ + self.lastfreq * np.arange(0, nback) # compute the "start", using the last tag from the previous call nfront = tags[0].offset - counter log.debug(f"Processing {nfront} samples at the front of the buffer") start = self.block_phase(self.last, tags[0])[-nfront:] \ if self.last and nfront else np.zeros(nfront) # debugging if self.lastnback + self.nfront != self.lastnsamples: log.warn("Something went wrong during block processing!\n" \ f"Last block finished with nback = {self.lastnback} samples, " \ f"current block starts with nstart = {self.nstart}, but their sum" \ f"is not {self.latnsamples} = size of last chunk") self.lastnback = nback # compute correction correction = np.exp(-1j * np.concatenate([start, middle, end])) length = len(correction) # write outputs out[:length] = inp[:length] * correction # save last tag for next call self.last = tags[-1] # add tags for tag in tags: self.add_item_tag(0, tag.offset, pmt.intern("frame_start"), pmt.PMT_T) return len(out)