import select import socket from urllib.parse import urlparse import re import numpy as np from numpy_ringbuffer import RingBuffer import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg class udpsource: """ Creates an UDP listening socket """ def __init__(self, url, dtype, timeout=0.05): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.url = urlparse(url) self.dtype = dtype self.timeout = timeout def __del__(self): self.sock.close() def bind(self): self.sock.setblocking(False) self.sock.bind((self.url.hostname, self.url.port)) # self.sock.listen() def read(self, nblocks): # TODO: run in a separate thread (it will be painful to implement) ready, _w, _x =[self.sock], [], [], self.timeout) if not ready: return None # read from socket blocksize = 1024 * 4 string = ready[0].recv(nblocks * blocksize).decode("ascii") # decode string, remove empty values chunks = filter(None, re.split(r"\[(.+?)\]", string)) def chunk_to_samples(chunk): samples = chunk.split(",") if samples: try: return list(map(self.dtype, samples)) except ValueError: return [] # convert each chunk into a list of samples chunk_values = map(chunk_to_samples, chunks) # flatten list of lists into a single list values = sum(chunk_values, []) return values class network_plot(udpsource): """ Wraps a udpsource while at the same time intefacing with DearPyGUI as a plot element. """ def __init__(self, url, dtype, nsamples, **kwargs): udpsource.__init__(self, url, dtype) self.nsamples = nsamples self._init_buffers() self._init_dpg_plot(**kwargs) # listen for connections self.bind() def _init_buffers(self): # create buffers for x and y values self.xvalues = RingBuffer(capacity=self.nsamples, dtype=np.dtype(self.dtype)) self.yvalues = RingBuffer(capacity=self.nsamples, dtype=np.dtype(self.dtype)) self.xvalues.extend(np.arange(0, self.nsamples)) self.yvalues.extend(np.zeros(self.nsamples)) def _init_dpg_plot(self, **kwargs): if "tag" in kwargs: self.tag = kwargs["tag"] self.series_tag = f"{self.tag}_series" self.xaxis_tag = f"{self.tag}_xaxis" self.yaxis_tag = f"{self.tag}_yaxis" self.window_tag = f"window_{self.tag}" self.plot = dpg.plot(**kwargs) # Map `with' expressions to the underlying plot def __enter__(self): return self.plot.__enter__() def __exit__(self, t, val, tb): self.plot.__exit__(t, val, tb) @property def xdata(self): # unwrap ringbuffer return np.array(self.xvalues) @property def ydata(self): # unwrap ringbuffer return np.array(self.yvalues) def refresh_series(self, tag): new_values = if new_values: self.yvalues.extendleft(new_values) dpg.set_value(tag, [self.xdata, self.ydata]) class network_constellation_plot(network_plot): """ Special case of a plot, where complex numbers are drawn into a scatter plot """ def __init__(self, url, nsamples, **kwargs): network_plot.__init__(self, url, np.complex64, nsamples, **kwargs) def _init_buffers(self): self.xvalues = RingBuffer(capacity=self.nsamples, dtype=np.float32) self.yvalues = RingBuffer(capacity=self.nsamples, dtype=np.float32) self.xvalues.extend(np.zeros(self.nsamples)) self.yvalues.extend(np.zeros(self.nsamples)) def refresh_series(self, tag): new_values = if new_values: self.xvalues.extendleft(np.real(new_values)) self.yvalues.extendleft(np.imag(new_values)) dpg.set_value(tag, [self.xdata, self.ydata])