#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import acgen # Parameters # samples per symbol sps = 4 # number of initial bytes (to ignore) nzeros = 10 # length of the access code in bytes aclen = 2 # Create samples print("Modulating symbols") acgen.main() # Extract one sequence print("Extracting symbol sequence") # raw data data = np.fromfile("acgen.dat", dtype=np.complex64) plt.plot(data.real) plt.plot(data.imag) plt.title("Raw Data (time domain)") plt.show() # take only symbols symbols = data[1::sps] plt.plot(symbols.real, symbols.imag) plt.title("Symbols only (constellation)") plt.show() # where ac symbols start, in symbols ac_start = nzeros * 8 ac_end = ac_start + aclen * 8 ac = symbols[ac_start:ac_end] fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) fig.tight_layout() ax1.plot(ac.real, ac.imag) ax1.set_title("Symbols of Access Code (constellation)") ax2.plot(ac.real, ".-") ax2.plot(ac.imag, ".-") ax2.set_title("Symbols of Access Code (time)") plt.show() # print the symbols print(f"Generated {len(ac)} symbols from a {aclen} byte sequence") print(list(ac)) print("Reversed symbols (for FIR filter)") print(list(ac[::-1]))