path: root/vorlesungen/slides/7
diff options
authorJoshua Baer <the.baer.joshua@gmail.ch>2021-04-12 21:51:55 +0200
committerJoshua Baer <the.baer.joshua@gmail.ch>2021-04-12 21:51:55 +0200
commit2db90bfe4b174570424c408f04000902411d8755 (patch)
treee297a6274ff748de27257bffd7097c6b362ba12d /vorlesungen/slides/7
parentadd new files (diff)
update to current state of book
Diffstat (limited to '')
22 files changed, 2093 insertions, 2093 deletions
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/Makefile.inc b/vorlesungen/slides/7/Makefile.inc
index 7afeea1..2391099 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/Makefile.inc
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/Makefile.inc
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-# Makefile.inc -- additional depencencies
-# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-chapter5 = \
- ../slides/7/symmetrien.tex \
- ../slides/7/algebraisch.tex \
- ../slides/7/parameter.tex \
- ../slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex \
- ../slides/7/sl2.tex \
- ../slides/7/drehung.tex \
- ../slides/7/drehanim.tex \
- ../slides/7/semi.tex \
- ../slides/7/kurven.tex \
- ../slides/7/einparameter.tex \
- ../slides/7/ableitung.tex \
- ../slides/7/liealgebra.tex \
- ../slides/7/kommutator.tex \
- ../slides/7/dg.tex \
- ../slides/7/chapter.tex
+# Makefile.inc -- additional depencencies
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+chapter5 = \
+ ../slides/7/symmetrien.tex \
+ ../slides/7/algebraisch.tex \
+ ../slides/7/parameter.tex \
+ ../slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex \
+ ../slides/7/sl2.tex \
+ ../slides/7/drehung.tex \
+ ../slides/7/drehanim.tex \
+ ../slides/7/semi.tex \
+ ../slides/7/kurven.tex \
+ ../slides/7/einparameter.tex \
+ ../slides/7/ableitung.tex \
+ ../slides/7/liealgebra.tex \
+ ../slides/7/kommutator.tex \
+ ../slides/7/dg.tex \
+ ../slides/7/chapter.tex
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/ableitung.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/ableitung.tex
index 12f9084..5a4b94e 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/ableitung.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/ableitung.tex
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-% ableitung.tex -- Ableitung in der Lie-Gruppe
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Ableitung in der Matrix-Gruppe}
-\begin{block}{Ableitung in $\operatorname{O}(n)$}
-$s \mapsto A(s)\in\operatorname{O}(n)$
-\frac{d}{ds} I
-\frac{d}{ds} (A(s)^t A(s))}
-\dot{A}(s)^tA(s) + A(s)^t \dot{A}(s)}
-\intertext{\uncover<6->{An der Stelle $s=0$, d.~h.~$A(0)=I$}}
-\dot{A}(0)^t &= -\dot{A}(0)}
-``Tangentialvektoren'' sind antisymmetrische Matrizen
-\begin{block}{Ableitung in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
-$s\mapsto A(s)\in\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{R})$
-\uncover<3->{1 &= \det A(t)}
-\frac{d}{dt} \det A(t)}
-\intertext{\uncover<11->{mit dem Entwicklungssatz kann man nachrechnen:}}
-\uncover<13->{``Tangentialvektoren'' sind spurlose Matrizen}
+% ableitung.tex -- Ableitung in der Lie-Gruppe
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Ableitung in der Matrix-Gruppe}
+\begin{block}{Ableitung in $\operatorname{O}(n)$}
+$s \mapsto A(s)\in\operatorname{O}(n)$
+\frac{d}{ds} I
+\frac{d}{ds} (A(s)^t A(s))}
+\dot{A}(s)^tA(s) + A(s)^t \dot{A}(s)}
+\intertext{\uncover<6->{An der Stelle $s=0$, d.~h.~$A(0)=I$}}
+\dot{A}(0)^t &= -\dot{A}(0)}
+``Tangentialvektoren'' sind antisymmetrische Matrizen
+\begin{block}{Ableitung in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
+$s\mapsto A(s)\in\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{R})$
+\uncover<3->{1 &= \det A(t)}
+\frac{d}{dt} \det A(t)}
+\intertext{\uncover<11->{mit dem Entwicklungssatz kann man nachrechnen:}}
+\uncover<13->{``Tangentialvektoren'' sind spurlose Matrizen}
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/algebraisch.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/algebraisch.tex
index 31d209a..fba42cf 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/algebraisch.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/algebraisch.tex
@@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
-% algebraisch.tex -- algebraische Definition der Symmetrien
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Erhaltungsgrössen und Algebra}
-\begin{block}{Längen und Winkel}
-Längenmessung mit Skalarprodukt
-\langle \vec{v},\vec{v}\rangle
-\vec{v}\cdot \vec{v}
-$n$ Vektoren $V=(\vec{v}_1,\dots,\vec{v}_n)$
-Volumen des Parallelepipeds: $\det V$
-\begin{block}{Längenerhaltende Transformationen}
-\Rightarrow I=A^tA}
-\uncover<8->{Begründung: $\vec{e}_i^t B \vec{e}_j = b_{ij}$}
-\begin{block}{Volumenerhaltende Transformationen}
-(Produktsatz für Determinante)
-\begin{block}{Orthogonale Matrizen}
-Längentreue Abbildungen = orthogonale Matrizen:
-A \in \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})
-\begin{block}{``Spezielle'' Matrizen}
-Volumen-/Orientierungserhaltende Transformationen:
-\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb R)
-\{ A \in \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R}) \;|\; \det A = 1\}
+% algebraisch.tex -- algebraische Definition der Symmetrien
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Erhaltungsgrössen und Algebra}
+\begin{block}{Längen und Winkel}
+Längenmessung mit Skalarprodukt
+\langle \vec{v},\vec{v}\rangle
+\vec{v}\cdot \vec{v}
+$n$ Vektoren $V=(\vec{v}_1,\dots,\vec{v}_n)$
+Volumen des Parallelepipeds: $\det V$
+\begin{block}{Längenerhaltende Transformationen}
+\Rightarrow I=A^tA}
+\uncover<8->{Begründung: $\vec{e}_i^t B \vec{e}_j = b_{ij}$}
+\begin{block}{Volumenerhaltende Transformationen}
+(Produktsatz für Determinante)
+\begin{block}{Orthogonale Matrizen}
+Längentreue Abbildungen = orthogonale Matrizen:
+A \in \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})
+\begin{block}{``Spezielle'' Matrizen}
+Volumen-/Orientierungserhaltende Transformationen:
+\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb R)
+\{ A \in \operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R}) \;|\; \det A = 1\}
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/chapter.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/chapter.tex
index 079cf16..0f14a9a 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/chapter.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/chapter.tex
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-% chapter.tex
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, Hochschule Rapperswi
+% chapter.tex
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, Hochschule Rapperswi
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/dg.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/dg.tex
index 4447bac..446b2ab 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/dg.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/dg.tex
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-% dg.tex -- Differentialgleichung für die Exponentialabbildung
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Zurück zur Lie-Gruppe}
-\begin{block}{Tangentialvektor im Punkt $\gamma(t)$}
-Ableitung von $\gamma(t)$ an der Stelle $t$:
-\gamma(t) \dot{\gamma}(0)
-\dot{\gamma}(t) = \gamma(t) A
-A=\dot{\gamma}(0)\in LG
-\exp\colon LG\to G : A \mapsto \exp(At) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!}A^k
-\begin{block}{Kontrolle: Tangentialvektor berechnen}
-\sum_{k=1}^\infty A^k \frac{d}{dt} \frac{t^k}{k!}
-\sum_{k=1}^\infty A^{k-1}\frac{t^{k-1}}{(k-1)!} A
-\sum_{k=0} A^k\frac{t^k}{k!}
-e^{At} A
+% dg.tex -- Differentialgleichung für die Exponentialabbildung
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Zurück zur Lie-Gruppe}
+\begin{block}{Tangentialvektor im Punkt $\gamma(t)$}
+Ableitung von $\gamma(t)$ an der Stelle $t$:
+\gamma(t) \dot{\gamma}(0)
+\dot{\gamma}(t) = \gamma(t) A
+A=\dot{\gamma}(0)\in LG
+\exp\colon LG\to G : A \mapsto \exp(At) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{t^k}{k!}A^k
+\begin{block}{Kontrolle: Tangentialvektor berechnen}
+\sum_{k=1}^\infty A^k \frac{d}{dt} \frac{t^k}{k!}
+\sum_{k=1}^\infty A^{k-1}\frac{t^{k-1}}{(k-1)!} A
+\sum_{k=0} A^k\frac{t^k}{k!}
+e^{At} A
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
index ac136f1..776617f 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
-% template.tex -- slide template
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\def\punkt#1#2{ ({\A*(#1)+\B*(#2)},{\C*(#1)+\D*(#2)}) }
-\fill[color=white] (-4,-4) rectangle (9,4.5);
-\node at (4.2,4.2) [below right] {\begin{minipage}{7cm}
-\item Thus most $A\in\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ can be parametrized
-as shear mappings and axis rescalings
-\item Most rotations can be decomposed into a product of
-shear mappings and axis rescalings
-\foreach \d in {1,2,...,\Ndrei}{
- % Scherung in Y-Richtung
- \ifnum \d>\N
- \pgfmathparse{\T}
- \else
- \pgfmathparse{\T*(\d-1)/(\N-1)}
- \fi
- \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
- % Scherung in X-Richtung
- \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
- \xdef\s{\S}
- \else
- \ifnum \d<\N
- \xdef\s{0}
- \else
- \ifnum \d=\N
- \xdef\s{0}
- \else
- \pgfmathparse{\S*(\d-\N-1)/(\N-1)}
- \xdef\s{\pgfmathresult}
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- % Reskalierung der Achsen
- \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
- \pgfmathparse{exp(ln(\E)*(\d-2*\N-1)/(\N-1))}
- \else
- \pgfmathparse{1}
- \fi
- \xdef\e{\pgfmathresult}
- % Matrixelemente
- \pgfmathparse{(\e)*((\s)*(\t)+1)}
- \xdef\A{\pgfmathresult}
- \pgfmathparse{(\e)*(\s)}
- \xdef\B{\pgfmathresult}
- \pgfmathparse{(\t)/(\e)}
- \xdef\C{\pgfmathresult}
- \pgfmathparse{1/(\e)}
- \xdef\D{\pgfmathresult}
- \only<\d>{
- \node at (5.0,-0.9) [below right] {$
- \begin{aligned}
- t &= \t \\
- s &= \s \\
- d &= \e \\
- D &= \begin{pmatrix}
- \A&\B\\
- \C&\D
- \end{pmatrix}
- \qquad
- \only<60>{\checkmark}
- \end{aligned}
- $};
- }
- \begin{scope}
- \clip (-4.05,-4.05) rectangle (4.05,4.05);
- \only<\d>{
- \foreach \x in {-6,...,6}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.5pt]
- \punkt{\x}{-12} -- \punkt{\x}{12};
- }
- \foreach \y in {-12,...,12}{
- \draw[color=darkgreen,line width=0.5pt]
- \punkt{-6}{\y} -- \punkt{6}{\y};
- }
- \foreach \r in {1,2,3,4}{
- \draw[color=red] plot[domain=0:359,samples=360]
- ({\r*(\A*cos(\x)+\B*sin(\x))},{\r*(\C*cos(\x)+\D*sin(\x))})
- --
- cycle;
- }
- }
- \end{scope}
-% \uncover<\d>{
-% \node at (5,4) {\d};
-% }
-\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4.2,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4.2) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
+% template.tex -- slide template
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\def\punkt#1#2{ ({\A*(#1)+\B*(#2)},{\C*(#1)+\D*(#2)}) }
+\fill[color=white] (-4,-4) rectangle (9,4.5);
+\node at (4.2,4.2) [below right] {\begin{minipage}{7cm}
+\item Thus most $A\in\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ can be parametrized
+as shear mappings and axis rescalings
+\item Most rotations can be decomposed into a product of
+shear mappings and axis rescalings
+\foreach \d in {1,2,...,\Ndrei}{
+ % Scherung in Y-Richtung
+ \ifnum \d>\N
+ \pgfmathparse{\T}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{\T*(\d-1)/(\N-1)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Scherung in X-Richtung
+ \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
+ \xdef\s{\S}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \d<\N
+ \xdef\s{0}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \d=\N
+ \xdef\s{0}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{\S*(\d-\N-1)/(\N-1)}
+ \xdef\s{\pgfmathresult}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Reskalierung der Achsen
+ \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
+ \pgfmathparse{exp(ln(\E)*(\d-2*\N-1)/(\N-1))}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{1}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\e{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Matrixelemente
+ \pgfmathparse{(\e)*((\s)*(\t)+1)}
+ \xdef\A{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{(\e)*(\s)}
+ \xdef\B{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{(\t)/(\e)}
+ \xdef\C{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{1/(\e)}
+ \xdef\D{\pgfmathresult}
+ \only<\d>{
+ \node at (5.0,-0.9) [below right] {$
+ \begin{aligned}
+ t &= \t \\
+ s &= \s \\
+ d &= \e \\
+ D &= \begin{pmatrix}
+ \A&\B\\
+ \C&\D
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ \qquad
+ \only<60>{\checkmark}
+ \end{aligned}
+ $};
+ }
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (-4.05,-4.05) rectangle (4.05,4.05);
+ \only<\d>{
+ \foreach \x in {-6,...,6}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.5pt]
+ \punkt{\x}{-12} -- \punkt{\x}{12};
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-12,...,12}{
+ \draw[color=darkgreen,line width=0.5pt]
+ \punkt{-6}{\y} -- \punkt{6}{\y};
+ }
+ \foreach \r in {1,2,3,4}{
+ \draw[color=red] plot[domain=0:359,samples=360]
+ ({\r*(\A*cos(\x)+\B*sin(\x))},{\r*(\C*cos(\x)+\D*sin(\x))})
+ --
+ cycle;
+ }
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+% \uncover<\d>{
+% \node at (5,4) {\d};
+% }
+\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4.2,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4.2) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehung.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehung.tex
index 2d7b317..e7b4a92 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehung.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehung.tex
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
-% drehung.tex -- Drehung aus streckungen
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Drehung aus Streckungen und Scherungen}
-{\color{blue}Längen}, {\color<2->{blue}Winkel},
-Eine Drehung muss als Zusammensetzung geschrieben werden können:
-\cos\alpha & -\sin\alpha\\
-\sin\alpha &\phantom{-}\cos\alpha
- 0 &c
- 0 &c
- t& 1
-{\color<11->{orange}\cos\alpha} & {\color<10->{darkgreen}- \sin\alpha} \\
-{\color<9->{blue}\sin\alpha} & \phantom{-} {\color<8->{red}\cos\alpha}
-{\color{red} c}
-{\color{red}\cos\alpha }}
-t}&=\rlap{$\displaystyle\frac{\sin\alpha}{c} = \tan\alpha$}}\\
-{\color{orange} (1-st)c^{-t}}
-\rlap{$\displaystyle\frac{(1-\sin^2\alpha)}{\cos\alpha} = \cos\alpha $}
+% drehung.tex -- Drehung aus streckungen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Drehung aus Streckungen und Scherungen}
+{\color{blue}Längen}, {\color<2->{blue}Winkel},
+Eine Drehung muss als Zusammensetzung geschrieben werden können:
+\cos\alpha & -\sin\alpha\\
+\sin\alpha &\phantom{-}\cos\alpha
+ 0 &c
+ 0 &c
+ t& 1
+{\color<11->{orange}\cos\alpha} & {\color<10->{darkgreen}- \sin\alpha} \\
+{\color<9->{blue}\sin\alpha} & \phantom{-} {\color<8->{red}\cos\alpha}
+{\color{red} c}
+{\color{red}\cos\alpha }}
+t}&=\rlap{$\displaystyle\frac{\sin\alpha}{c} = \tan\alpha$}}\\
+{\color{orange} (1-st)c^{-t}}
+\rlap{$\displaystyle\frac{(1-\sin^2\alpha)}{\cos\alpha} = \cos\alpha $}
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/einparameter.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/einparameter.tex
index 5171085..e9699a6 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/einparameter.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/einparameter.tex
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-% einparameter.tex -- Einparameter Untergruppen
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-Eine Kurve $\gamma\colon \mathbb{R}\to G\subset\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$,
-die {\color<2->{red}gleichzeitig eine Untergruppe von $G$} ist \uncover<3->{mit}
-\gamma(t+s) = \gamma(t)\gamma(s)\quad\forall t,s\in\mathbb{R}
-Drehmatrizen bilden Einparameter- Untergruppen
-t \mapsto D_{x,t}
-0&\cos t&-\sin t\\
-0&\sin t& \cos t
-\begin{block}{Scherungen in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
-\begin{block}{Skalierungen in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
-A_t = I \cosh t + \begin{pmatrix}1&a\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}\sinh t
+% einparameter.tex -- Einparameter Untergruppen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+Eine Kurve $\gamma\colon \mathbb{R}\to G\subset\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$,
+die {\color<2->{red}gleichzeitig eine Untergruppe von $G$} ist \uncover<3->{mit}
+\gamma(t+s) = \gamma(t)\gamma(s)\quad\forall t,s\in\mathbb{R}
+Drehmatrizen bilden Einparameter- Untergruppen
+t \mapsto D_{x,t}
+0&\cos t&-\sin t\\
+0&\sin t& \cos t
+\begin{block}{Scherungen in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
+\begin{block}{Skalierungen in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$}
+A_t = I \cosh t + \begin{pmatrix}1&a\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}\sinh t
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/Makefile b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/Makefile
index cc67c8a..9de1c34 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/Makefile
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/Makefile
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# Makefile -- Illustrationen zu
-# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-all: rodriguez.jpg
-rodriguez.png: rodriguez.pov
- povray +A0.1 -W1920 -H1080 -Orodriguez.png rodriguez.pov
-rodriguez.jpg: rodriguez.png
- convert -extract 1740x1070+135+10 rodriguez.png rodriguez.jpg
-commutator: commutator.ini commutator.pov common.inc
- povray +A0.1 -W1920 -H1080 -Oc/c.png commutator.ini
- for f in c/c*.png; do convert $${f} c/`basename $${f} .png`.jpg; done
+# Makefile -- Illustrationen zu
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+all: rodriguez.jpg
+rodriguez.png: rodriguez.pov
+ povray +A0.1 -W1920 -H1080 -Orodriguez.png rodriguez.pov
+rodriguez.jpg: rodriguez.png
+ convert -extract 1740x1070+135+10 rodriguez.png rodriguez.jpg
+commutator: commutator.ini commutator.pov common.inc
+ povray +A0.1 -W1920 -H1080 -Oc/c.png commutator.ini
+ for f in c/c*.png; do convert $${f} c/`basename $${f} .png`.jpg; done
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/common.inc b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/common.inc
index 0e27c9a..b028956 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/common.inc
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/common.inc
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-// common.inc
-// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-#version 3.7;
-#include "colors.inc"
-global_settings {
- assumed_gamma 1
-#declare imagescale = 0.025;
-#declare O = <0, 0, 0>;
-#declare at = 0.015;
-camera {
- location <18, 15, -50>
- look_at <0.0, 0.5, 0>
- right 16/9 * x * imagescale
- up y * imagescale
-light_source {
- <-40, 30, -50> color White
- area_light <1,0,0> <0,0,1>, 10, 10
- adaptive 1
- jitter
-sky_sphere {
- pigment {
- color rgb<1,1,1>
- }
-#macro arrow(from, to, arrowthickness, c)
-#declare arrowdirection = vnormalize(to - from);
-#declare arrowlength = vlength(to - from);
-union {
- sphere {
- from, 1.1 * arrowthickness
- }
- cylinder {
- from,
- from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
- arrowthickness
- }
- cone {
- from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
- 2 * arrowthickness,
- to,
- 0
- }
- pigment {
- color c
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-#declare l = 1.2;
-arrow(< -l, 0, 0 >, < l, 0, 0 >, at, White)
-arrow(< 0, 0, -l >, < 0, 0, l >, at, White)
-arrow(< 0, -l, 0 >, < 0, l, 0 >, at, White)
+// common.inc
+// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+#version 3.7;
+#include "colors.inc"
+global_settings {
+ assumed_gamma 1
+#declare imagescale = 0.025;
+#declare O = <0, 0, 0>;
+#declare at = 0.015;
+camera {
+ location <18, 15, -50>
+ look_at <0.0, 0.5, 0>
+ right 16/9 * x * imagescale
+ up y * imagescale
+light_source {
+ <-40, 30, -50> color White
+ area_light <1,0,0> <0,0,1>, 10, 10
+ adaptive 1
+ jitter
+sky_sphere {
+ pigment {
+ color rgb<1,1,1>
+ }
+#macro arrow(from, to, arrowthickness, c)
+#declare arrowdirection = vnormalize(to - from);
+#declare arrowlength = vlength(to - from);
+union {
+ sphere {
+ from, 1.1 * arrowthickness
+ }
+ cylinder {
+ from,
+ from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
+ arrowthickness
+ }
+ cone {
+ from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
+ 2 * arrowthickness,
+ to,
+ 0
+ }
+ pigment {
+ color c
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+#declare l = 1.2;
+arrow(< -l, 0, 0 >, < l, 0, 0 >, at, White)
+arrow(< 0, 0, -l >, < 0, 0, l >, at, White)
+arrow(< 0, -l, 0 >, < 0, l, 0 >, at, White)
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.ini b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.ini
index 8c2211e..44a5ac5 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.ini
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.ini
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.m b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.m
index 5a448db..3f5ea17 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.m
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.m
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-# commutator.m
-# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-X = [
- 0, 0, 0;
- 0, 0, -1;
- 0, 1, 0
-Y = [
- 0, 0, 1;
- 0, 0, 0;
- -1, 0, 0
-Z = [
- 0, -1, 0;
- 1, 0, 0;
- 0, 0, 0
-function retval = Dx(alpha)
- retval = [
- 1, 0, 0 ;
- 0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha);
- 0, sin(alpha), cos(alpha)
- ];
-function retval = Dy(beta)
- retval = [
- cos(beta), 0, sin(beta);
- 0, 1, 0 ;
- -sin(beta), 0, cos(beta)
- ];
-t = 0.9;
-P = Dx(t) * Dy(t)
-Q = Dy(t) * Dx(t)
-P - Q
-(P - Q) * [0;0;1]
-function retval = kurven(filename, t)
- retval = -1;
- N = 20;
- fn = fopen(filename, "w");
- fprintf(fn, "//\n");
- fprintf(fn, "// %s\n", filename);
- fprintf(fn, "//\n");
- fprintf(fn, "#macro XYkurve()\n");
- for i = (0:N-1)
- v1 = Dx(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
- v2 = Dx(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- end
- for i = (0:N-1)
- v1 = Dx(t) * Dy(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
- v2 = Dx(t) * Dy(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- end
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "#end\n");
- fprintf(fn, "#declare finalXY = <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>;\n",
- v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "#macro YXkurve()\n");
- for i = (0:N-1)
- v1 = Dy(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
- v2 = Dy(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- end
- for i = (0:N-1)
- v1 = Dy(t) * Dx(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
- v2 = Dy(t) * Dx(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
- v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- end
- fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
- v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- fprintf(fn, "#end\n");
- fprintf(fn, "#declare finalYX = <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>;\n",
- v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
- fclose(fn);
- retval = 0;
-function retval = kurve(i)
- n = pi / 180;
- filename = sprintf("f/%04d.inc", i);
- kurven(filename, n * i);
-for i = (1:60)
- kurve(i);
+# commutator.m
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+X = [
+ 0, 0, 0;
+ 0, 0, -1;
+ 0, 1, 0
+Y = [
+ 0, 0, 1;
+ 0, 0, 0;
+ -1, 0, 0
+Z = [
+ 0, -1, 0;
+ 1, 0, 0;
+ 0, 0, 0
+function retval = Dx(alpha)
+ retval = [
+ 1, 0, 0 ;
+ 0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha);
+ 0, sin(alpha), cos(alpha)
+ ];
+function retval = Dy(beta)
+ retval = [
+ cos(beta), 0, sin(beta);
+ 0, 1, 0 ;
+ -sin(beta), 0, cos(beta)
+ ];
+t = 0.9;
+P = Dx(t) * Dy(t)
+Q = Dy(t) * Dx(t)
+P - Q
+(P - Q) * [0;0;1]
+function retval = kurven(filename, t)
+ retval = -1;
+ N = 20;
+ fn = fopen(filename, "w");
+ fprintf(fn, "//\n");
+ fprintf(fn, "// %s\n", filename);
+ fprintf(fn, "//\n");
+ fprintf(fn, "#macro XYkurve()\n");
+ for i = (0:N-1)
+ v1 = Dx(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
+ v2 = Dx(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ end
+ for i = (0:N-1)
+ v1 = Dx(t) * Dy(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
+ v2 = Dx(t) * Dy(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ end
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "#end\n");
+ fprintf(fn, "#declare finalXY = <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>;\n",
+ v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "#macro YXkurve()\n");
+ for i = (0:N-1)
+ v1 = Dy(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
+ v2 = Dy(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ end
+ for i = (0:N-1)
+ v1 = Dy(t) * Dx(t * i / N) * [0;0;1];
+ v2 = Dy(t) * Dx(t * (i+1) / N) * [0;0;1];
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "cylinder { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>, at }\n",
+ v1(1,1), v1(3,1), v1(2,1), v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ end
+ fprintf(fn, "sphere { <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>, at }\n",
+ v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ fprintf(fn, "#end\n");
+ fprintf(fn, "#declare finalYX = <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f>;\n",
+ v2(1,1), v2(3,1), v2(2,1));
+ fclose(fn);
+ retval = 0;
+function retval = kurve(i)
+ n = pi / 180;
+ filename = sprintf("f/%04d.inc", i);
+ kurven(filename, n * i);
+for i = (1:60)
+ kurve(i);
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.pov b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.pov
index 9ae11b9..8229a06 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.pov
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/commutator.pov
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-// commutator.pov
-// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-#include "common.inc"
-sphere { O, 0.99
- pigment {
- color rgbt<1,1,1,0.5>
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-#declare filename = concat("f/", str(clock, -4, 0), ".inc");
-#include filename
-#declare n1 = vcross(<0,1,0>, finalXY);
-#declare n2 = vcross(<0,1,0>, finalYX);
-intersection {
- sphere { O, 1 }
- plane { -n1, 0 }
- plane { n2, 0 }
- pigment {
- color rgb<0,0.4,0.1>
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-union {
- XYkurve()
- pigment {
- color Red
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-union {
- YXkurve()
- pigment {
- color Blue
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
+// commutator.pov
+// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+#include "common.inc"
+sphere { O, 0.99
+ pigment {
+ color rgbt<1,1,1,0.5>
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+#declare filename = concat("f/", str(clock, -4, 0), ".inc");
+#include filename
+#declare n1 = vcross(<0,1,0>, finalXY);
+#declare n2 = vcross(<0,1,0>, finalYX);
+intersection {
+ sphere { O, 1 }
+ plane { -n1, 0 }
+ plane { n2, 0 }
+ pigment {
+ color rgb<0,0.4,0.1>
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+union {
+ XYkurve()
+ pigment {
+ color Red
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+union {
+ YXkurve()
+ pigment {
+ color Blue
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/rodriguez.pov b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/rodriguez.pov
index 07aec19..62306f8 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/rodriguez.pov
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/images/rodriguez.pov
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-// rodriguez.pov
-// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-#version 3.7;
-#include "colors.inc"
-global_settings {
- assumed_gamma 1
-#declare imagescale = 0.020;
-#declare O = <0, 0, 0>;
-#declare at = 0.015;
-camera {
- location <8, 15, -50>
- look_at <0.1, 0.475, 0>
- right 16/9 * x * imagescale
- up y * imagescale
-light_source {
- <-4, 20, -50> color White
- area_light <1,0,0> <0,0,1>, 10, 10
- adaptive 1
- jitter
-sky_sphere {
- pigment {
- color rgb<1,1,1>
- }
-#macro arrow(from, to, arrowthickness, c)
-#declare arrowdirection = vnormalize(to - from);
-#declare arrowlength = vlength(to - from);
-union {
- sphere {
- from, 1.1 * arrowthickness
- }
- cylinder {
- from,
- from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
- arrowthickness
- }
- cone {
- from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
- 2 * arrowthickness,
- to,
- 0
- }
- pigment {
- color c
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-#declare K = vnormalize(<0.2,1,0.1>);
-#declare X = vnormalize(<1.1,1,-1.2>);
-#declare O = <0,0,0>;
-#declare r = vlength(vcross(K, X)) / vlength(K);
-#declare l = 1.0;
-arrow(< -l, 0, 0 >, < l, 0, 0 >, at, White)
-arrow(< 0, 0, -l >, < 0, 0, l >, at, White)
-arrow(< 0, -l, 0 >, < 0, l, 0 >, at, White)
-arrow(O, X, at, Red)
-arrow(O, K, at, Blue)
-#macro punkt(H,phi)
- ((H-vdot(K,H)*K)*cos(phi) + vcross(K,H)*sin(phi) + vdot(K,X)*K)
-cone { vdot(K, X) * K, r, O, 0
- pigment {
- color rgbt<0.6,0.6,0.6,0.5>
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-union {
- #declare phistep = pi / 100;
- #declare phi = 0;
- #while (phi < 2 * pi - phistep/2)
- sphere { punkt(K, phi), at/2 }
- cylinder {
- punkt(X, phi),
- punkt(X, phi + phistep),
- at/2
- }
- #declare phi = phi + phistep;
- #end
- pigment {
- color Orange
- }
- finish {
- specular 0.9
- metallic
- }
-arrow(vdot(K,X)*K, punkt(X, 0), at, Yellow)
-#declare Darkgreen = rgb<0,0.5,0>;
-arrow(vdot(K,X)*K, punkt(X, pi/2), at, Darkgreen)
+// rodriguez.pov
+// (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+#version 3.7;
+#include "colors.inc"
+global_settings {
+ assumed_gamma 1
+#declare imagescale = 0.020;
+#declare O = <0, 0, 0>;
+#declare at = 0.015;
+camera {
+ location <8, 15, -50>
+ look_at <0.1, 0.475, 0>
+ right 16/9 * x * imagescale
+ up y * imagescale
+light_source {
+ <-4, 20, -50> color White
+ area_light <1,0,0> <0,0,1>, 10, 10
+ adaptive 1
+ jitter
+sky_sphere {
+ pigment {
+ color rgb<1,1,1>
+ }
+#macro arrow(from, to, arrowthickness, c)
+#declare arrowdirection = vnormalize(to - from);
+#declare arrowlength = vlength(to - from);
+union {
+ sphere {
+ from, 1.1 * arrowthickness
+ }
+ cylinder {
+ from,
+ from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
+ arrowthickness
+ }
+ cone {
+ from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection,
+ 2 * arrowthickness,
+ to,
+ 0
+ }
+ pigment {
+ color c
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+#declare K = vnormalize(<0.2,1,0.1>);
+#declare X = vnormalize(<1.1,1,-1.2>);
+#declare O = <0,0,0>;
+#declare r = vlength(vcross(K, X)) / vlength(K);
+#declare l = 1.0;
+arrow(< -l, 0, 0 >, < l, 0, 0 >, at, White)
+arrow(< 0, 0, -l >, < 0, 0, l >, at, White)
+arrow(< 0, -l, 0 >, < 0, l, 0 >, at, White)
+arrow(O, X, at, Red)
+arrow(O, K, at, Blue)
+#macro punkt(H,phi)
+ ((H-vdot(K,H)*K)*cos(phi) + vcross(K,H)*sin(phi) + vdot(K,X)*K)
+cone { vdot(K, X) * K, r, O, 0
+ pigment {
+ color rgbt<0.6,0.6,0.6,0.5>
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+union {
+ #declare phistep = pi / 100;
+ #declare phi = 0;
+ #while (phi < 2 * pi - phistep/2)
+ sphere { punkt(K, phi), at/2 }
+ cylinder {
+ punkt(X, phi),
+ punkt(X, phi + phistep),
+ at/2
+ }
+ #declare phi = phi + phistep;
+ #end
+ pigment {
+ color Orange
+ }
+ finish {
+ specular 0.9
+ metallic
+ }
+arrow(vdot(K,X)*K, punkt(X, 0), at, Yellow)
+#declare Darkgreen = rgb<0,0.5,0>;
+arrow(vdot(K,X)*K, punkt(X, pi/2), at, Darkgreen)
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/kommutator.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/kommutator.tex
index 84bf034..9000160 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/kommutator.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/kommutator.tex
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
-% template.tex -- slide template
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Kommutator in $\operatorname{SO}(3)$}
-\only<1>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<2>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<3>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<4>{\node at (0,0) {
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-\only<6>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<7>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<8>{\node at (0,0) {
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-\only<10>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<11>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<12>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<13>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<14>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<15>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<16>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<17>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<18>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<19>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<20>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<21>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<22>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<23>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<24>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<25>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<26>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<27>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<28>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<29>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<30>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<31>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<32>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<33>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<34>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<35>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<36>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<37>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<38>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<39>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<40>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<41>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<42>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<43>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<44>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<45>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<46>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<47>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<48>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<49>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<50>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<51>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<52>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<53>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<54>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<55>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<56>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<57>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<58>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<59>{\node at (0,0) {
-\only<60>{\node at (0,0) {
-\coordinate (A) at (-0.3,3);
-\coordinate (B) at (-1.1,2);
-\coordinate (C) at (-2.1,-1.2);
-\draw[->,color=red,line width=1.4pt]
- (A)
- to[out=-143,in=60]
- (B)
- to[out=-120,in=80]
- (C);
-%\fill[color=red] (B) circle[radius=0.08];
-\node[color=red] at (-1.2,1.5) [above left] {$D_{x,\alpha}$};
-\coordinate (D) at (0.3,3.2);
-\coordinate (E) at (1.8,2.8);
-\coordinate (F) at (5.2,-0.3);
-\draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt]
- (D)
- to[out=-10,in=157]
- (E)
- to[out=-23,in=120]
- (F);
-\fill[color=blue] (E) circle[radius=0.08];
-\node[color=blue] at (2.4,2.4) [above right] {$D_{y,\beta}$};
-\draw[->,color=darkgreen,line width=1.4pt]
- (0.7,-3.1) to[out=1,in=-160] (3.9,-2.6);
-\node[color=darkgreen] at (2.5,-3.4) {$D_{z,\gamma}$};
+% template.tex -- slide template
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Kommutator in $\operatorname{SO}(3)$}
+\only<1>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<2>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<3>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<4>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<5>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<6>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<7>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<8>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<9>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<10>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<11>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<12>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<13>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<14>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<15>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<16>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<17>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<18>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<19>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<20>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<21>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<22>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<23>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<24>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<25>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<26>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<27>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<28>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<29>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<30>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<31>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<32>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<33>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<34>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<35>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<36>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<37>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<38>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<39>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<40>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<41>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<42>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<43>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<44>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<45>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<46>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<47>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<48>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<49>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<50>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<51>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<52>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<53>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<54>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<55>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<56>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<57>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<58>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<59>{\node at (0,0) {
+\only<60>{\node at (0,0) {
+\coordinate (A) at (-0.3,3);
+\coordinate (B) at (-1.1,2);
+\coordinate (C) at (-2.1,-1.2);
+\draw[->,color=red,line width=1.4pt]
+ (A)
+ to[out=-143,in=60]
+ (B)
+ to[out=-120,in=80]
+ (C);
+%\fill[color=red] (B) circle[radius=0.08];
+\node[color=red] at (-1.2,1.5) [above left] {$D_{x,\alpha}$};
+\coordinate (D) at (0.3,3.2);
+\coordinate (E) at (1.8,2.8);
+\coordinate (F) at (5.2,-0.3);
+\draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt]
+ (D)
+ to[out=-10,in=157]
+ (E)
+ to[out=-23,in=120]
+ (F);
+\fill[color=blue] (E) circle[radius=0.08];
+\node[color=blue] at (2.4,2.4) [above right] {$D_{y,\beta}$};
+\draw[->,color=darkgreen,line width=1.4pt]
+ (0.7,-3.1) to[out=1,in=-160] (3.9,-2.6);
+\node[color=darkgreen] at (2.5,-3.4) {$D_{z,\gamma}$};
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/kurven.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/kurven.tex
index e0690eb..bca8417 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/kurven.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/kurven.tex
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
-% kurven.tex -- slide template
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Kurven und Tangenten}
-Kurve in $\mathbb{R}^n$:
-I=[a,b] \to \mathbb{R}^n
-t\mapsto \gamma(t)
-\coordinate (A) at (1,0.5);
-\coordinate (B) at (4,0.5);
-\coordinate (C) at (2,2.2);
-\coordinate (D) at (5,2);
-\coordinate (E) at ($(C)+(80:2)$);
-\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt]
- (A) to[in=-160] (B) to[out=20,in=-100] (C) to[out=80] (D);
-\fill[color=red] (C) circle[radius=0.06];
-\node[color=red] at (C) [left] {$\gamma(t)$};
- \draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt,shorten <= 0.06cm] (C) -- (E);
- \node[color=blue] at (E) [right] {$\dot{\gamma}(t)$};
- \draw[->] (-0.1,0) -- (5.9,0) coordinate[label={$x_1$}];
- \draw[->] (0,-0.1) -- (0,4.3) coordinate[label={right:$x_2$}];
-Lineare Approximation:
-\dot{\gamma}(t) \cdot h
-Sinnvoll, weil sowohl $\gamma(t)$ und $\dot{\gamma}(t)$
-in $\mathbb{R}^n$ liegen
-Gilt auch für
-\uncover<8->{\subset M_n(\mathbb{R})}
-\uncover<9->{ = \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}}
+% kurven.tex -- slide template
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Kurven und Tangenten}
+Kurve in $\mathbb{R}^n$:
+I=[a,b] \to \mathbb{R}^n
+t\mapsto \gamma(t)
+\coordinate (A) at (1,0.5);
+\coordinate (B) at (4,0.5);
+\coordinate (C) at (2,2.2);
+\coordinate (D) at (5,2);
+\coordinate (E) at ($(C)+(80:2)$);
+\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt]
+ (A) to[in=-160] (B) to[out=20,in=-100] (C) to[out=80] (D);
+\fill[color=red] (C) circle[radius=0.06];
+\node[color=red] at (C) [left] {$\gamma(t)$};
+ \draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt,shorten <= 0.06cm] (C) -- (E);
+ \node[color=blue] at (E) [right] {$\dot{\gamma}(t)$};
+ \draw[->] (-0.1,0) -- (5.9,0) coordinate[label={$x_1$}];
+ \draw[->] (0,-0.1) -- (0,4.3) coordinate[label={right:$x_2$}];
+Lineare Approximation:
+\dot{\gamma}(t) \cdot h
+Sinnvoll, weil sowohl $\gamma(t)$ und $\dot{\gamma}(t)$
+in $\mathbb{R}^n$ liegen
+Gilt auch für
+\uncover<8->{\subset M_n(\mathbb{R})}
+\uncover<9->{ = \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}}
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/liealgebra.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/liealgebra.tex
index 574467b..59c9121 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/liealgebra.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/liealgebra.tex
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-% liealgebra.tex -- Lie-Algebra
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-Tangentialvektoren im Punkt $I$:
-\text{Lie-Gruppe $G$}&Tangentialvektoren&\text{Lie-Algebra $LG$} \\
-& beliebige Matrizen
-& M_n(\mathbb{R})
-& antisymmetrische Matrizen
-& \operatorname{o}(n)
-& spurlose Matrizen
-& \operatorname{sl}_2(\mathbb{R})
-& antihermitesche Matrizen
-& \operatorname{u}(n)
-& spurlose, antihermitesche Matrizen
-& \operatorname{su}(n)
-Kommutator: $[A,B] = AB-BA$
-$[A,B]\in LG$
-für $A,B\in LG$
-\begin{block}{Algebraische Eigenschaften}
-\item<10-> antisymmetrisch: $[A,B]=-[B,A]$
-\item<11-> Jacobi-Identität
-= 0
-Beispiel:} $\mathbb{R}^3$ mit Vektorprodukt $\mathstrut = \operatorname{so}(3)$
+% liealgebra.tex -- Lie-Algebra
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+Tangentialvektoren im Punkt $I$:
+\text{Lie-Gruppe $G$}&Tangentialvektoren&\text{Lie-Algebra $LG$} \\
+& beliebige Matrizen
+& M_n(\mathbb{R})
+& antisymmetrische Matrizen
+& \operatorname{o}(n)
+& spurlose Matrizen
+& \operatorname{sl}_2(\mathbb{R})
+& antihermitesche Matrizen
+& \operatorname{u}(n)
+& spurlose, antihermitesche Matrizen
+& \operatorname{su}(n)
+Kommutator: $[A,B] = AB-BA$
+$[A,B]\in LG$
+für $A,B\in LG$
+\begin{block}{Algebraische Eigenschaften}
+\item<10-> antisymmetrisch: $[A,B]=-[B,A]$
+\item<11-> Jacobi-Identität
+= 0
+Beispiel:} $\mathbb{R}^3$ mit Vektorprodukt $\mathstrut = \operatorname{so}(3)$
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex
index 077dc9d..f88042a 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/mannigfaltigkeit.tex
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-% mannigfaltigkeit.tex -- Mannigfaltigkeit
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\item<2-> Karte: Abbildung $\varphi_\alpha\colon U_\alpha\to\mathbb{R}^n$
-\item<3-> differenzierbare Kartenwechsel: Koordinatenumrechnung im Überschneidungsgebiet
-\varphi_\alpha(U_\alpha\cap U_\beta)
-\varphi_\beta(U_\alpha\cap U_\beta)
-\item<4-> Atlas: Menge von Karten, die die ganze Mannigfaltigkeit überdecken
-Differenzierbare Mannigfaltigkeiten sehen lokal wie $\mathbb{R}^n$ aus
-Gruppe und Mannigfaltigkeit
+% mannigfaltigkeit.tex -- Mannigfaltigkeit
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\item<2-> Karte: Abbildung $\varphi_\alpha\colon U_\alpha\to\mathbb{R}^n$
+\item<3-> differenzierbare Kartenwechsel: Koordinatenumrechnung im Überschneidungsgebiet
+\varphi_\alpha(U_\alpha\cap U_\beta)
+\varphi_\beta(U_\alpha\cap U_\beta)
+\item<4-> Atlas: Menge von Karten, die die ganze Mannigfaltigkeit überdecken
+Differenzierbare Mannigfaltigkeiten sehen lokal wie $\mathbb{R}^n$ aus
+Gruppe und Mannigfaltigkeit
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/parameter.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/parameter.tex
index 52c8e4a..afc67c5 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/parameter.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/parameter.tex
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-% parameter.tex -- Parametrisierung der Matrizen
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Drehungen Parametrisieren}
-\begin{block}{Drehung um Achsen}
-\intertext{\uncover<5->{beliebige Drehung:}}
-\begin{block}{Drehung um $\vec{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^3$: 3-dimensional}
-({\color{darkyellow}\vec{x} -(\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})\vec{k}})
-({\color{darkgreen}\vec{x}\times\vec{k}}) \sin\omega
-{\color{blue}\vec{k}} (\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})
- \node at (0,0)
- {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../slides/7/images/rodriguez.jpg}};
- \node[color=red] at (1.6,-0.9) {$\vec{x}$};
- \node[color=blue] at (0.5,2) {$\vec{k}$};
- \node[color=darkgreen] at (-3,1.1) {$\vec{x}\times\vec{k}$};
- \node[color=yellow] at (2.2,-0.2)
- {$\vec{x}-(\vec{x}\cdot\vec{k})\vec{k}$};
-{\usebeamercolor[fg]{title}Dimension:} $\operatorname{SO}(3)$ ist eine
-dreidimensionale Gruppe}
+% parameter.tex -- Parametrisierung der Matrizen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Drehungen Parametrisieren}
+\begin{block}{Drehung um Achsen}
+\intertext{\uncover<5->{beliebige Drehung:}}
+\begin{block}{Drehung um $\vec{\omega}\in\mathbb{R}^3$: 3-dimensional}
+({\color{darkyellow}\vec{x} -(\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})\vec{k}})
+({\color{darkgreen}\vec{x}\times\vec{k}}) \sin\omega
+{\color{blue}\vec{k}} (\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x})
+ \node at (0,0)
+ {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../slides/7/images/rodriguez.jpg}};
+ \node[color=red] at (1.6,-0.9) {$\vec{x}$};
+ \node[color=blue] at (0.5,2) {$\vec{k}$};
+ \node[color=darkgreen] at (-3,1.1) {$\vec{x}\times\vec{k}$};
+ \node[color=yellow] at (2.2,-0.2)
+ {$\vec{x}-(\vec{x}\cdot\vec{k})\vec{k}$};
+{\usebeamercolor[fg]{title}Dimension:} $\operatorname{SO}(3)$ ist eine
+dreidimensionale Gruppe}
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/semi.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/semi.tex
index 66b8d27..d74b7d0 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/semi.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/semi.tex
@@ -1,117 +1,117 @@
-% semi.tex -- Beispiele: semidirekte Produkte
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\frametitle{Drehung/Skalierung und Verschiebung}
-\begin{block}{Skalierung und Verschiebung}
-Gruppe $G=\{(e^s,t)\;|\;s,t\in\mathbb{R}\}$
-Wirkung auf $\mathbb{R}$:
-x\mapsto \underbrace{e^s\cdot x}_{\text{Skalierung}} \mathstrut+ t
-\begin{block}{Drehung und Verschiebung}
-\{ (\alpha,\vec{t})
-Wirkung auf $\mathbb{R}^2$:
-\vec{x}\mapsto \underbrace{D_\alpha \vec{x}}_{\text{Drehung}} \mathstrut+ \vec{t}
-e^{s_1+s_2}x + e^{s_1}t_2+t_1}
-&\uncover<9->{=D_{\alpha_1+\alpha_2}\vec{x} + D_{\alpha_1}\vec{t}_2+\vec{t}_1}
-(\alpha_1+\alpha_2, D_{\alpha_1}\vec{t}_2+\vec{t}_1)
-g=(e^s,t) =
-g=(\alpha,\vec{t}) =
+% semi.tex -- Beispiele: semidirekte Produkte
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\frametitle{Drehung/Skalierung und Verschiebung}
+\begin{block}{Skalierung und Verschiebung}
+Gruppe $G=\{(e^s,t)\;|\;s,t\in\mathbb{R}\}$
+Wirkung auf $\mathbb{R}$:
+x\mapsto \underbrace{e^s\cdot x}_{\text{Skalierung}} \mathstrut+ t
+\begin{block}{Drehung und Verschiebung}
+\{ (\alpha,\vec{t})
+Wirkung auf $\mathbb{R}^2$:
+\vec{x}\mapsto \underbrace{D_\alpha \vec{x}}_{\text{Drehung}} \mathstrut+ \vec{t}
+e^{s_1+s_2}x + e^{s_1}t_2+t_1}
+&\uncover<9->{=D_{\alpha_1+\alpha_2}\vec{x} + D_{\alpha_1}\vec{t}_2+\vec{t}_1}
+(\alpha_1+\alpha_2, D_{\alpha_1}\vec{t}_2+\vec{t}_1)
+g=(e^s,t) =
+g=(\alpha,\vec{t}) =
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/sl2.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/sl2.tex
index a65b4f6..58e87a1 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/sl2.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/sl2.tex
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-% sl2.tex -- Beispiel: Parametrisierung von SL_2(R)
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\det A = ad-bc
-4\; \text{Variablen}
-1\; \text{Bedingung}
-3\; \text{Dimensionen}
- \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
- \fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
- \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
- }
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
- \foreach \d in {4,...,10}{
- \only<\d>{
- \pgfmathparse{1+(\d-4)/10}
- \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- ({-\t},{-1/\t}) rectangle (\t,{1/\t});
- \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({\x*\t},-3) -- ({\x*\t},3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (-3,{\y/\t}) -- (3,{\y/\t});
- }
- }
- }
- }{}
- \uncover<11->{
- \xdef\t{1.6}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- ({-\t},{-1/\t}) rectangle (\t,{1/\t});
- \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({\x*\t},-3) -- ({\x*\t},3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (-3,{\y/\t}) -- (3,{\y/\t});
- }
- }
-\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
- \fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
- \node at (0,-2.1) {$
- D
- =
- \begin{pmatrix} e^t & 0 \\ 0 & e^{-t} \end{pmatrix}
- $};
-\fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
- \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
- \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
- }
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
- \foreach \d in {11,...,17}{
- \only<\d>{
- \pgfmathparse{(\d-11)/10}
- \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- ({-1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
- --
- ({1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
- --
- ({1+\t},{1})
- --
- ({-1+\t},{1})
- -- cycle;
- \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({\x+\t*(-3)},-3) -- ({\x+\t*(3)},3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({-3+\t*\y},\y) -- ({3+\t*\y},\y);
- }
- }
- }
- }{}
- \uncover<18->{
- \xdef\t{0.6}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- ({-1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
- --
- ({1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
- --
- ({1+\t},{1})
- --
- ({-1+\t},{1})
- -- cycle;
- \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({\x+\t*(-3)},-3) -- ({\x+\t*(3)},3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- ({-3+\t*\y},\y) -- ({3+\t*\y},\y);
- }
- }
-\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
- \fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
- \node at (0,-2.1) {$
- S
- =
- \begin{pmatrix} 1&s\\ 0&1\end{pmatrix}
- $};
-\fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
- \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
- \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
- }
- \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
- }
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
- \foreach \d in {18,...,24}{
- \only<\d>{
- \pgfmathparse{(\d-18)/10}
- \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- (-1,{\t*(-1)-1})
- --
- (1,{\t*1-1})
- --
- (1,{\t*1+1})
- --
- (-1,{\t*(-1)+1})
- -- cycle;
- \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (\x,{\x*\t-3}) -- (\x,{\x*\t+3});
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (-3,{-3*\t+\y}) -- (3,{3*\t+\y});
- }
- }
- }
- }{}
- \uncover<25->{
- \xdef\t{0.6}
- \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
- (-1,{\t*(-1)-1})
- --
- (1,{\t*1-1})
- --
- (1,{\t*1+1})
- --
- (-1,{\t*(-1)+1})
- -- cycle;
- \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (\x,{\x*\t-3}) -- (\x,{\x*\t+3});
- }
- \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
- \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
- (-3,{-3*\t+\y}) -- (3,{3*\t+\y});
- }
- }
-\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
-\fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
- \node at (0,-2.1) {$
- T
- =
- \begin{pmatrix} 1&0\\t&1\end{pmatrix}
- $};
+% sl2.tex -- Beispiel: Parametrisierung von SL_2(R)
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\det A = ad-bc
+4\; \text{Variablen}
+1\; \text{Bedingung}
+3\; \text{Dimensionen}
+ \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
+ \fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
+ \foreach \d in {4,...,10}{
+ \only<\d>{
+ \pgfmathparse{1+(\d-4)/10}
+ \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ ({-\t},{-1/\t}) rectangle (\t,{1/\t});
+ \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({\x*\t},-3) -- ({\x*\t},3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (-3,{\y/\t}) -- (3,{\y/\t});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }{}
+ \uncover<11->{
+ \xdef\t{1.6}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ ({-\t},{-1/\t}) rectangle (\t,{1/\t});
+ \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({\x*\t},-3) -- ({\x*\t},3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (-3,{\y/\t}) -- (3,{\y/\t});
+ }
+ }
+\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
+ \fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
+ \node at (0,-2.1) {$
+ D
+ =
+ \begin{pmatrix} e^t & 0 \\ 0 & e^{-t} \end{pmatrix}
+ $};
+\fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
+ \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
+ \foreach \d in {11,...,17}{
+ \only<\d>{
+ \pgfmathparse{(\d-11)/10}
+ \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ ({-1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
+ --
+ ({1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
+ --
+ ({1+\t},{1})
+ --
+ ({-1+\t},{1})
+ -- cycle;
+ \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({\x+\t*(-3)},-3) -- ({\x+\t*(3)},3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({-3+\t*\y},\y) -- ({3+\t*\y},\y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }{}
+ \uncover<18->{
+ \xdef\t{0.6}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ ({-1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
+ --
+ ({1+\t*(-1)},{-1})
+ --
+ ({1+\t},{1})
+ --
+ ({-1+\t},{1})
+ -- cycle;
+ \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({\x+\t*(-3)},-3) -- ({\x+\t*(3)},3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ ({-3+\t*\y},\y) -- ({3+\t*\y},\y);
+ }
+ }
+\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
+ \fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
+ \node at (0,-2.1) {$
+ S
+ =
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&s\\ 0&1\end{pmatrix}
+ $};
+\fill[color=blue!20] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
+ \foreach \x in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (\x,-3) -- (\x,3);
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-2,...,2}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.3pt] (-3,\y) -- (3,\y);
+ }
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{presentation}}{
+ \foreach \d in {18,...,24}{
+ \only<\d>{
+ \pgfmathparse{(\d-18)/10}
+ \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ (-1,{\t*(-1)-1})
+ --
+ (1,{\t*1-1})
+ --
+ (1,{\t*1+1})
+ --
+ (-1,{\t*(-1)+1})
+ -- cycle;
+ \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (\x,{\x*\t-3}) -- (\x,{\x*\t+3});
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (-3,{-3*\t+\y}) -- (3,{3*\t+\y});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }{}
+ \uncover<25->{
+ \xdef\t{0.6}
+ \fill[color=red!40,opacity=0.5]
+ (-1,{\t*(-1)-1})
+ --
+ (1,{\t*1-1})
+ --
+ (1,{\t*1+1})
+ --
+ (-1,{\t*(-1)+1})
+ -- cycle;
+ \foreach \x in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (\x,{\x*\t-3}) -- (\x,{\x*\t+3});
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-3,...,3}{
+ \draw[color=red,line width=0.3pt]
+ (-3,{-3*\t+\y}) -- (3,{3*\t+\y});
+ }
+ }
+\draw[->] (-2.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-2.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
+\fill[color=white,opacity=0.8] (-1.5,-2.8) rectangle (1.5,-1.3);
+ \node at (0,-2.1) {$
+ T
+ =
+ \begin{pmatrix} 1&0\\t&1\end{pmatrix}
+ $};
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/symmetrien.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/symmetrien.tex
index 35d62d8..8931a24 100644
--- a/vorlesungen/slides/7/symmetrien.tex
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/symmetrien.tex
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
-% symmetrien.tex -- Symmetrien
-% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
-\begin{block}{Diskrete Symmetrien}
-\begin{pmatrix*}[r] x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
-\begin{pmatrix*}[r]-x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
-\vec{x} -2 (\vec{n}\cdot\vec{x}) \vec{n}
-\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
-\coordinate (A) at (\b:\r);
-\coordinate (B) at ({180+2*\a-\b}:\r);
-\coordinate (C) at ({90+\a}:{\r*cos(90+\a-\b)});
-\coordinate (N) at (\a:2);
-\coordinate (D) at (\a:{\r*cos(\b-\a)});
-\clip (-2.5,-0.45) rectangle (2.5,1.95);
- \fill[color=darkgreen!20] (O) -- ({\a-90}:0.2) arc ({\a-90}:\a:0.2)
- -- cycle;
- \draw[->,color=darkgreen] (O) -- (N);
- \node[color=darkgreen] at (N) [above] {$\vec{n}$};
- \fill[color=blue!20] (C) -- ($(C)+(\a:0.2)$) arc (\a:{90+\a}:0.2)
- -- cycle;
- \fill[color=red] (O) circle[radius=0.06];
- \draw[color=red] ({\a-90}:2) -- ({\a+90}:2);
- \fill[color=blue] (C) circle[radius=0.06];
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.1pt] (A) -- (D);
- \node[color=darkgreen] at (D) [below,rotate=\a]
- {$(\vec{n}\cdot\vec{x})\vec{n}$};
- \draw[color=blue,line width=0.5pt] (A)--(B);
- \node[color=blue] at (A) [above right] {$\vec{x}$};
- \node[color=blue] at (B) [above left] {$\vec{x}'$};
- \node[color=red] at (O) [below left] {$O$};
- \draw[->,color=blue,shorten <= 0.06cm,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (A);
- \draw[->,color=blue,shorten <= 0.06cm,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (B);
-$\vec{n}$ ein Einheitsnormalenvektor auf der Ebene, $|\vec{n}|=1$
-\begin{pmatrix*}[r] x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
-\begin{pmatrix*}[r]x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
-\begin{block}{Kontinuierliche Symmetrien}
-\item<7-> Translation:
-\vec{x} \mapsto \vec{x} + \vec{t}
-\item<8-> Drehung:
-\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
-\clip (-1.1,-0.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
-\draw[color=red] (O) circle[radius=2];
-\fill[color=blue!20] (O) -- (0:\r) arc (0:\a:\r) -- cycle;
-\fill[color=blue!20] (O) -- (90:\r) arc (90:{90+\a}:\r) -- cycle;
-\node at ({0.5*\a}:1) {$\alpha$};
-\node at ({90+0.5*\a}:1) {$\alpha$};
-\draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (\a:2);
-\draw[->,color=darkgreen,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- ({90+\a}:2);
-\draw[->] (-1.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-0.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
-Längen/Winkel bleiben erhalten
-$\Rightarrow$ $\exists$ Erhaltungsgrösse}
+% symmetrien.tex -- Symmetrien
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\begin{block}{Diskrete Symmetrien}
+\begin{pmatrix*}[r] x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
+\begin{pmatrix*}[r]-x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
+\vec{x} -2 (\vec{n}\cdot\vec{x}) \vec{n}
+\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
+\coordinate (A) at (\b:\r);
+\coordinate (B) at ({180+2*\a-\b}:\r);
+\coordinate (C) at ({90+\a}:{\r*cos(90+\a-\b)});
+\coordinate (N) at (\a:2);
+\coordinate (D) at (\a:{\r*cos(\b-\a)});
+\clip (-2.5,-0.45) rectangle (2.5,1.95);
+ \fill[color=darkgreen!20] (O) -- ({\a-90}:0.2) arc ({\a-90}:\a:0.2)
+ -- cycle;
+ \draw[->,color=darkgreen] (O) -- (N);
+ \node[color=darkgreen] at (N) [above] {$\vec{n}$};
+ \fill[color=blue!20] (C) -- ($(C)+(\a:0.2)$) arc (\a:{90+\a}:0.2)
+ -- cycle;
+ \fill[color=red] (O) circle[radius=0.06];
+ \draw[color=red] ({\a-90}:2) -- ({\a+90}:2);
+ \fill[color=blue] (C) circle[radius=0.06];
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.1pt] (A) -- (D);
+ \node[color=darkgreen] at (D) [below,rotate=\a]
+ {$(\vec{n}\cdot\vec{x})\vec{n}$};
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.5pt] (A)--(B);
+ \node[color=blue] at (A) [above right] {$\vec{x}$};
+ \node[color=blue] at (B) [above left] {$\vec{x}'$};
+ \node[color=red] at (O) [below left] {$O$};
+ \draw[->,color=blue,shorten <= 0.06cm,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (A);
+ \draw[->,color=blue,shorten <= 0.06cm,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (B);
+$\vec{n}$ ein Einheitsnormalenvektor auf der Ebene, $|\vec{n}|=1$
+\begin{pmatrix*}[r] x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
+\begin{pmatrix*}[r]x_1\\x_2\\x_3 \end{pmatrix*}
+\begin{block}{Kontinuierliche Symmetrien}
+\item<7-> Translation:
+\vec{x} \mapsto \vec{x} + \vec{t}
+\item<8-> Drehung:
+\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
+\clip (-1.1,-0.1) rectangle (2.3,2.3);
+\draw[color=red] (O) circle[radius=2];
+\fill[color=blue!20] (O) -- (0:\r) arc (0:\a:\r) -- cycle;
+\fill[color=blue!20] (O) -- (90:\r) arc (90:{90+\a}:\r) -- cycle;
+\node at ({0.5*\a}:1) {$\alpha$};
+\node at ({90+0.5*\a}:1) {$\alpha$};
+\draw[->,color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- (\a:2);
+\draw[->,color=darkgreen,line width=1.4pt] (O) -- ({90+\a}:2);
+\draw[->] (-1.1,0) -- (2.3,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-0.1) -- (0,2.3) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];
+Längen/Winkel bleiben erhalten
+$\Rightarrow$ $\exists$ Erhaltungsgrösse}