path: root/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776617f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vorlesungen/slides/7/drehanim.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% template.tex -- slide template
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\def\punkt#1#2{ ({\A*(#1)+\B*(#2)},{\C*(#1)+\D*(#2)}) }
+\fill[color=white] (-4,-4) rectangle (9,4.5);
+\node at (4.2,4.2) [below right] {\begin{minipage}{7cm}
+\item Thus most $A\in\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ can be parametrized
+as shear mappings and axis rescalings
+\item Most rotations can be decomposed into a product of
+shear mappings and axis rescalings
+\foreach \d in {1,2,...,\Ndrei}{
+ % Scherung in Y-Richtung
+ \ifnum \d>\N
+ \pgfmathparse{\T}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{\T*(\d-1)/(\N-1)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\t{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Scherung in X-Richtung
+ \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
+ \xdef\s{\S}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \d<\N
+ \xdef\s{0}
+ \else
+ \ifnum \d=\N
+ \xdef\s{0}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{\S*(\d-\N-1)/(\N-1)}
+ \xdef\s{\pgfmathresult}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Reskalierung der Achsen
+ \ifnum \d>\Nzwei
+ \pgfmathparse{exp(ln(\E)*(\d-2*\N-1)/(\N-1))}
+ \else
+ \pgfmathparse{1}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\e{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Matrixelemente
+ \pgfmathparse{(\e)*((\s)*(\t)+1)}
+ \xdef\A{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{(\e)*(\s)}
+ \xdef\B{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{(\t)/(\e)}
+ \xdef\C{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{1/(\e)}
+ \xdef\D{\pgfmathresult}
+ \only<\d>{
+ \node at (5.0,-0.9) [below right] {$
+ \begin{aligned}
+ t &= \t \\
+ s &= \s \\
+ d &= \e \\
+ D &= \begin{pmatrix}
+ \A&\B\\
+ \C&\D
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ \qquad
+ \only<60>{\checkmark}
+ \end{aligned}
+ $};
+ }
+ \begin{scope}
+ \clip (-4.05,-4.05) rectangle (4.05,4.05);
+ \only<\d>{
+ \foreach \x in {-6,...,6}{
+ \draw[color=blue,line width=0.5pt]
+ \punkt{\x}{-12} -- \punkt{\x}{12};
+ }
+ \foreach \y in {-12,...,12}{
+ \draw[color=darkgreen,line width=0.5pt]
+ \punkt{-6}{\y} -- \punkt{6}{\y};
+ }
+ \foreach \r in {1,2,3,4}{
+ \draw[color=red] plot[domain=0:359,samples=360]
+ ({\r*(\A*cos(\x)+\B*sin(\x))},{\r*(\C*cos(\x)+\D*sin(\x))})
+ --
+ cycle;
+ }
+ }
+ \end{scope}
+% \uncover<\d>{
+% \node at (5,4) {\d};
+% }
+\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4.2,0) coordinate[label={$x$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4.2) coordinate[label={right:$y$}];