#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Mar 19 07:31:29 2021 @author: nunigan """ import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import tikzplotlib def MM(A, B): n = np.shape(A)[0] C = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): C[i, j] = 0 for k in range(n): C[i, j] += A[i, k]*B[k, j] return C def MM_dc(A, B): n = np.shape(A)[0] if(n <= 2): C = np.zeros((n, n)) C[0, 0] = A[0, 0]*B[0, 0]+A[0, 1]*B[1, 0] C[0, 1] = A[0, 0]*B[0, 1]+A[0, 1]*B[1, 1] C[1, 0] = A[1, 0]*B[0, 0]+A[1, 1]*B[1, 0] C[1, 1] = A[1, 0]*B[0, 1]+A[1, 1]*B[1, 1] return C else: A11, A12, A21, A22 = A[:n//2, :n//2], A[:n//2, n//2:], A[n//2:, :n//2], A[n//2:, n//2:] B11, B12, B21, B22 = B[:n//2, :n//2], B[:n//2, n//2:], B[n//2:, :n//2], B[n//2:, n//2:] C11 = MM_dc(A11, B11) + MM_dc(A12, B21) C12 = MM_dc(A11, B12) + MM_dc(A12, B22) C21 = MM_dc(A21, B11) + MM_dc(A22, B21) C22 = MM_dc(A21, B12) + MM_dc(A22, B22) C = np.vstack((np.hstack((C11, C12)), np.hstack((C21, C22)))) return C def strassen(A, B): n = np.shape(A)[0] if(n <= 2): C = np.zeros((n, n)) P = (A[0, 0]+A[1, 1])*(B[0, 0]+B[1, 1]) Q = (A[1, 0]+A[1, 1])*B[0, 0] R = A[0, 0]*(B[0, 1]-B[1, 1]) S = A[1, 1]*(B[1, 0]-B[0, 0]) T = (A[0, 0]+A[0, 1])*B[1, 1] U = (A[1, 0]-A[0, 0])*(B[0, 0]+B[0, 1]) V = (A[0, 1]-A[1, 1])*(B[1, 0]+B[1, 1]) C[0, 0] = P+S-T+V C[0, 1] = R+T C[1, 0] = Q+S C[1, 1] = P+R-Q+U return C else: m = n//2 A11, A12, A21, A22 = A[:m, :m], A[:m, m:], A[m:, :m], A[m:, m:] B11, B12, B21, B22 = B[:m, :m], B[:m, m:], B[m:, :m], B[m:, m:] P = strassen((A11+A22),(B11+B22)) Q = strassen((A21+A22),B11) R = strassen(A11,(B12-B22)) S = strassen(A22,(B21-B11)) T = strassen((A11+A12),B22) U = strassen((A21-A11),(B11+B12)) V = strassen((A12-A22),(B21+B22)) C11 = P+S-T+V C12 = R+T C21 = Q+S C22 = P+R-Q+U C = np.vstack((np.hstack((C11, C12)), np.hstack((C21, C22)))) return C def winograd_inner(a, b): n = np.shape(a)[0] if n%2 == 0: xi = np.sum(a[::2]*a[1::2]) etha = np.sum(b[::2]*b[1::2]) # print("xi = {}, etha = {}".format(xi, etha)) ab = np.sum((a[::2]+b[1::2])*(a[1::2]+b[::2]))-xi-etha else: xi = np.sum(a[0:-1:2]*a[1::2]) etha = np.sum(b[0:-1:2]*b[1::2]) ab = np.sum((a[0:-1:2]+b[1::2])*(a[1::2]+b[0:-1:2]))-xi-etha+a[-1]*b[-1] return ab def winograd(A, B): m,n = np.shape(A) n2,p = np.shape(B) C = np.zeros((m,p)) for i in range(np.shape(A)[0]): for j in range(np.shape(B)[1]): C[i,j] = winograd_inner(A[i,:], B[:,j]) return C def winograd2(A, B): m,n = np.shape(A) n2,p = np.shape(B) C = np.zeros((m,p)) xi = np.zeros((m)) eta = np.zeros((p)) ab = 0 for i in range(m): for j in range(n//2): xi[i] += A[i,2*j]*A[i,2*j+1] for i in range(p): for j in range(n//2): eta[i] += B[2*j,i]*B[2*j+1,i] if n%2==0: for i in range(m): for j in range(p): ab = 0 for k in range(n//2): ab += (A[i,2*k]+B[2*k+1,j])*(A[i,2*k+1]+B[2*k,j]) C[i,j] = ab-eta[j]-xi[i] else: for i in range(m): for j in range(p): ab = 0 for k in range(n//2): ab += (A[i,2*k]+B[2*k+1,j])*(A[i,2*k+1]+B[2*k,j]) C[i,j] = ab-eta[j]-xi[i]+A[i,-1]*B[-1,j] return C def test_perfomance(n): t_mm = [] t_mm_dc = [] t_mm_strassen = [] t_wino = [] t_np = [] for i in n: A = np.random.randn(i, i) B = np.random.randn(i, i) # A = np.random.randint(-100, 100,(i, i)) # B = np.random.randint(-100, 100,(i, i)) start = time.time() C3 = strassen(A, B) t_mm_strassen.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() C1 = MM(A, B) t_mm.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() C2 = MM_dc(A, B) t_mm_dc.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() C4 = winograd2(A, B) t_wino.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() C = A@B t_np.append(time.time() - start) plt.figure(figsize=(13,8)) plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral' plt.rc('axes', labelsize=23) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=23) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=23) plt.plot(n, t_mm, label='Standard', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_mm_dc, label='Divide and conquer', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_mm_strassen, label='Strassen', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_wino, label='Winograd', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_np, label='NumPy A@B', lw=5) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("n") plt.ylabel("time (s)") plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() # plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(fontsize=19) plt.savefig('meas_' + str(max(n))+ '.pdf') arr = np.array([n, t_mm, t_mm_dc, t_mm_strassen, t_wino, t_np]) np.savetxt('meas_' + str(max(n))+ '.txt',arr) return arr def plot(num): arr = np.loadtxt('meas_{}.txt'.format(num)) n, t_mm, t_mm_dc, t_mm_strassen, t_wino, t_np = arr plt.figure(figsize=(13,8)) plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral' plt.rc('axes', labelsize=23) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=23) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=23) plt.plot(n, t_mm, label='3 For Loops', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_mm_dc, label='Divide and Conquer', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_mm_strassen, label='Strassen', lw=5) # plt.plot(n, t_wino, label='Winograd', lw=5) plt.plot(n, t_np, label='NumPy A@B', lw=5) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("n") plt.ylabel("time (s)") plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() # plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(fontsize=19) plt.savefig('meas_' + str(num)+ '.pdf') return arr def plot_c_res(ave, num): MM = np.loadtxt("meas/MM.txt", delimiter=',') # winograd = np.loadtxt("meas/winograd.txt", delimiter=',') blas = np.loadtxt("meas/blas.txt", delimiter=',') MM_dc = np.loadtxt("meas/MM_dc.txt", delimiter=',') strassen = np.loadtxt("meas/strassen.txt", delimiter=',') MM_t = MM[:,0] MM_n = MM[:,1] MM_t = np.mean(MM_t.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) MM_n = np.mean(MM_n.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) MM_dc_t = MM_dc[:,0] MM_dc_n = MM_dc[:,1] MM_dc_t = np.mean(MM_dc_t.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) MM_dc_n = np.mean(MM_dc_n.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) strassen_t = strassen[:,0] strassen_n = strassen[:,1] strassen_t = np.mean(strassen_t.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) strassen_n = np.mean(strassen_n.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) # winograd_t = winograd[:,0] # winograd_n = winograd[:,1] # winograd_t = np.mean(winograd_t.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) # winograd_n = np.mean(winograd_n.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) blas_t = blas[:,0] blas_n = blas[:,1] blas_t = np.mean(blas_t.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) blas_n = np.mean(blas_n.reshape(-1,ave),axis=1) def func(x, a,b): return b*x**a # popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, blas_n, blas_t) # popt1, pcov2 = curve_fit(func, blas_n, winograd_t) # popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(func, blas_n, MM_t) plt.figure(figsize=(13,8)) plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral' plt.rc('axes', labelsize=23) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=23) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=23) plt.plot(MM_n, MM_t, label='3 For Loops', lw=5) # plt.plot(winograd_n, winograd_t, label='Winograd MM', lw=5) plt.plot(blas_n, blas_t, label='Blas', lw=5) plt.plot(strassen_n, strassen_t, label='Strassen', lw=5) plt.plot(MM_dc_n, MM_dc_t, label='Divide and Conquer', lw=5) plt.xlabel("n") plt.ylabel("time (s)") plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(fontsize=19) plt.savefig('c_meas_' + str(num)+ '.pdf') # plt.plot(blas_n, func(blas_n, *popt), 'r-', label='fit blas: a=%5.5f, b=%5.10f' % tuple(popt)) # plt.plot(blas_n, func(blas_n, *popt1), 'r-', label='fit winograd: a=%5.5f, b=%5.10f' % tuple(popt1)) # plt.plot(blas_n, func(blas_n, *popt2), 'r-', label='fit MM: a=%5.5f, b=%5.10f' % tuple(popt2)) plt.legend() # test%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if __name__ == '__main__': plot_c_res(1, 4096) # plot(8) # n = np.logspace(1,10,10,base=2,dtype=(np.int)) # n = np.arange(1,50,2) A = np.random.randint(-10, 10, (5,3)) B = np.random.randint(-10, 10, (3,5)) C = winograd2(A, B) C_test = A@B print(C) print(C_test) # print(np.equal(C, C_test)) # t_np = test_perfomance(n) # C = strassen(A, B) # C_test = A@B # plot_c_res() # def func(x, a): # return x**a # popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, n, t_np, bounds=(2, 3)) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(n, t_np, 'b-', label='data') # plt.plot(n, func(n, *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f' % tuple(popt)) # plt.xlabel('x') # plt.ylabel('y') # plt.legend()