\begin{tikzpicture}[ampersand replacement=\&] \matrix (A)[matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] at (0,0) { A_{1,1} \& \cdots \& A_{1,k} \& \cdots \& A_{1,n} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ A_{i,1} \& \cdots \& A_{i,k} \& \cdots \& A_{i,n} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ A_{m,1} \& \cdots \& A_{m,k} \& \cdots \& A_{m,n} \\ }; \node [right=0.1 of A] (mul) {$\cdot$}; \matrix (B)[right=0.1 of mul, matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] { B_{1,1} \& \cdots \& B_{1,j} \& \cdots \& B_{1,p} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ B_{k,1} \& \cdots \& B_{k,j} \& \cdots \& B_{k,p} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ B_{n,1} \& \cdots \& B_{n,j} \& \cdots \& B_{n,p} \\ }; \node [right=0.1 of B] (eq) {$=$}; \matrix (C)[right=0.1 of eq, matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] { C_{1,1} \& \cdots \& C_{1,j} \& \cdots \& C_{1,p} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ C_{i,1} \& \cdots \& C_{i,j} \& \cdots \& C_{i,p} \\ \vdots \& \& \vdots \& \& \vdots \\ C_{m,1} \& \cdots \& C_{m,j} \& \cdots \& C_{m,p} \\ }; \node[opacity=0.5, rounded corners=2pt, inner sep=-1pt, fill=green, fit=(A-3-1)(A-3-5)] {}; \node[opacity=0.5, rounded corners=2pt, inner sep=-1pt, fill=blue, fit=(B-1-3)(B-5-3)] {}; \node[opacity=0.5, rounded corners=2pt, inner sep=-1pt, fill=red, fit=(C-3-3)] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}