% !TEX root = presentation.tex \begin{frame} \frametitle{Vector-Matrix Multiplication} \center{ \begin{tikzpicture}[ampersand replacement=\&] \matrix (A)[matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] { A_{1,1} \& A_{1,2} \& A_{1,3} \& A_{1,4} \\ }; \matrix (B)[matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] at (5,-0.95) { B_{1,1} \& B_{1,2} \& B_{1,3} \& B_{1,4} \& B_{1,5} \\ B_{2,1} \& B_{2,2} \& B_{2,3} \& B_{2,4} \& B_{2,5} \\ B_{3,1} \& B_{3,2} \& B_{3,3} \& B_{3,4} \& B_{3,5} \\ B_{4,1} \& B_{4,2} \& B_{4,3} \& B_{4,4} \& B_{4,5} \\ }; \matrix (C)[matrix of math nodes, label skeleton, left delimiter=[,right delimiter={]}] at (5,-3) { C_{1,1} \& C_{1,2} \& C_{1,3} \& C_{1,4} \& C_{1,5}\\ }; \foreach \i in {1,...,4} { \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\ii}{\i+1} \onslide<\ii>{ \foreach \j in {1,...,5} { \draw[thick] (A-1-\i.south) to [out=-90,in=135]node[visible on=<\i->, anchor=north]{} (B-\i-\j.center); } } } \end{tikzpicture} } \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{DSP Architecture} \scalebox{2}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \node (mul) at (0,0) [circle,draw=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=0.5cm] {X}; \node (mac) at (2,0) [circle,draw=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=0.5cm] {\textbf{+}}; \node at (-2,0.3) {$A[n]$}; \node at (0.4,2) {$B[n]$}; \node at (4,0.3) {$C[n]$}; \draw[thick, ->] (-2,0) --++ (mul); \draw[thick, ->] (0,2) --++ (mul); \draw[thick, ->] (mul) -- (mac); \draw[thick] (mac) --++ (1,0) node (i) {}; \draw[thick, ->] (i.center) --++ (0,1) --++ (-1,0) -- (mac); \draw[thick, ->] (i.center) --++ (1,0); \end{tikzpicture} } \end{frame}