% % main.tex -- Paper zum Thema % % (c) 2020 Hochschule Rapperswil % \chapter{Crystal M\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{a}th\label{chapter:punktgruppen}} \lhead{Crystal M\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{a}th} \begin{refsection} \chapterauthor{Tim T\"onz, Naoki Pross} %% TODO: remove %% Some ideas to motivate the topic: %% - Physics in a crystal lattice structure %% - Birifrencenge and scattering of light / Xray in Crystals %% - Electron density function in a lattice %% - Heat diffusion with lattice model %% - Ising model for ferromagnetism (?? => H.D. Lang) %% %% - Homomorphic encryption (or lattice based cryptography) %% + Q: Is it possible to edit encrypted data without decrypting it first? %% TODO: translated and move into a file {{{ \section{Motivation} % birifrengence \section{Math} % lattice group % symmetry % space group \section{Physics} \subsection{Electromagnetic Waves} \subsection{Crystal Lattice} %% }}} \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection}