/* * rechteck.cpp * * (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include double ast = 1; /** * \brief Base class for integrands */ class integrand { protected: double _k; public: double k() const { return _k; } integrand(double k) : _k(k) { } virtual std::complex operator()(const std::complex& z) const = 0; static double kprime(double k); }; double integrand::kprime(double k) { return sqrt(1 - k*k); } /** * \brief Elliptic integral of the first kind */ class integrand1 : public integrand { public: integrand1(double k) : integrand(k) { } virtual std::complex operator()( const std::complex& z) const { std::complex square = z * z; std::complex eins(1.0); std::complex result = eins / sqrt((eins - square) * (eins - k() * k() * square)); return ast * ((result.imag() < 0) ? -result : result); } }; /** * \brief A class to trace curves */ class curvetracer { const integrand& _f; public: typedef std::list > curve_t; curvetracer(const integrand& f) : _f(f) { } std::complex startpoint(const std::complex& z, int n = 100) const; std::complex segment(const std::complex& z1, const std::complex& z2, int n) const; std::pair,std::complex > segmentl( const std::complex& start, const std::complex& dir, double stepsize, int n = 10) const; curve_t trace(const std::complex& startz, const std::complex& dir, const std::complex& startw, int maxsteps) const; static curve_t mirrorx(const curve_t& c); static curve_t mirrory(const curve_t& c); static curve_t mirror(const curve_t& c); }; /** * \brief Perform integration for a * * \param z1 the start point of the segment in the domain * \param z2 the end point of the segment in the domain * \param n the number of integration steps to use * \return the increment along that segment */ std::complex curvetracer::segment(const std::complex& z1, const std::complex& z2, int n = 100) const { std::complex dz = z2 - z1; std::complex summe(0); double h = 1. / (2 * n); for (int i = 1; i < 2 * n; i += 2) { double t = i * h; std::complex z = (1 - t) * z1 + t * z2; summe += _f(z); } return dz * h * summe * 2.; } /** * \brief Exception thrown when the number of iterations is exceeded */ class toomanyiterations : public std::runtime_error { public: toomanyiterations(const std::string& cause) : std::runtime_error(cause) { } }; /** * \brief Perform integration with a given target length * * \param start the start point * \param dir the direction in which to integrate * \param stepsize the required length of the step * \param n the number of integration steps * \return the increment in the range by this segment */ std::pair, std::complex > curvetracer::segmentl( const std::complex& start, const std::complex& dir, double stepsize, int n) const { std::complex s(0.); std::complex z = start; int counter = 100; while (abs(s) < stepsize) { s = s + segment(z, z + dir, n); z = z + dir; if (counter-- == 0) { throw toomanyiterations("too many iterations"); } } return std::make_pair(z, s); } /** * \brief Trace a curve from a starting point in the domain * * \param startz the start point of the curve in the domain * \param dir the direction of the curve in the domain * \param startw the initial function value where the curve starts in * the range * \param maxsteps the maximum number of dir-steps before giving up * \return the curve as a list of points */ curvetracer::curve_t curvetracer::trace(const std::complex& startz, const std::complex& dir, const std::complex& startw, int maxsteps) const { curve_t result; std::complex z = startz; std::complex w = startw; result.push_back(w); while (maxsteps-- > 0) { try { auto seg = segmentl(z, dir, abs(dir), 40); z = seg.first; w = w + seg.second; result.push_back(w); } catch (const toomanyiterations& x) { std::cerr << "iterations exceeded after "; std::cerr << result.size(); std::cerr << " points"; maxsteps = 0; } } return result; } /** * \brief Find the initial point for a coordinate curve * * \param k the elliptic integral parameter * \param z the desired starting point argument */ std::complex curvetracer::startpoint(const std::complex& z, int n) const { std::cerr << "start at " << z.real() << "," << z.imag() << std::endl; return segment(std::complex(0.), z, n); } curvetracer::curve_t curvetracer::mirrorx(const curve_t& c) { curve_t result; for (auto z : c) { result.push_back(-std::conj(z)); } return result; } curvetracer::curve_t curvetracer::mirrory(const curve_t& c) { curve_t result; for (auto z : c) { result.push_back(std::conj(z)); } return result; } curvetracer::curve_t curvetracer::mirror(const curve_t& c) { curve_t result; for (auto z : c) { result.push_back(-z); } return result; } /** * \brief Class to draw the curves to a file */ class curvedrawer { std::ostream *_out; std::string _color; public: curvedrawer(std::ostream *out) : _out(out), _color("red") { } const std::string& color() const { return _color; } void color(const std::string& c) { _color = c; } void operator()(const curvetracer::curve_t& curve); std::ostream *out() { return _out; } }; /** * \brief Operator to draw a curve * * \param curve the curve to draw */ void curvedrawer::operator()(const curvetracer::curve_t& curve) { double first = true; for (auto z : curve) { if (first) { *_out << "\\draw[color=" << _color << "] "; first = false; } else { *_out << std::endl << " -- "; } *_out << "({" << z.real() << "*\\dx},{" << z.imag() << "*\\dy})"; } *_out << ";" << std::endl; } static struct option longopts[] = { { "outfile", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "k", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /** * \brief Main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double k = 0.6; int c; int longindex; std::string outfilename; while (EOF != (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:k:", longopts, &longindex))) switch (c) { case 'o': outfilename = std::string(optarg); break; case 'k': k = std::stod(optarg); break; } double kprime = integrand::kprime(k); double xmax = gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp(k, GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); double ymax = gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp(kprime, GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); std::cout << "xmax = " << xmax << std::endl; std::cout << "ymax = " << ymax << std::endl; curvedrawer *cdp; std::ofstream *outfile = NULL; if (outfilename.c_str()) { outfile = new std::ofstream(outfilename.c_str()); } if (outfile) { cdp = new curvedrawer(outfile); } else { cdp = new curvedrawer(&std::cout); } integrand1 f(k); curvetracer ct(f); // fill (*cdp->out()) << "\\fill[color=red!10] ({" << (-xmax) << "*\\dx},0) " << "rectangle ({" << xmax << "*\\dx},{" << ymax << "*\\dy});" << std::endl; (*cdp->out()) << "\\fill[color=blue!10] ({" << (-xmax) << "*\\dx},{" << (-ymax) << "*\\dy}) rectangle ({" << xmax << "*\\dx},0);" << std::endl; // "circles" std::complex dir(0.01, 0); for (double im = 0.2; im < 3; im += 0.2) { std::complex startz(0, im); std::complex startw = ct.startpoint(startz); curvetracer::curve_t curve = ct.trace(startz, dir, startw, 1000); cdp->color("red"); (*cdp)(curve); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrorx(curve)); cdp->color("blue"); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrory(curve)); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirror(curve)); } // imaginary axis (*cdp->out()) << "\\draw[color=red] (0,0) -- (0,{" << ymax << "*\\dy});" << std::endl; (*cdp->out()) << "\\draw[color=blue] (0,0) -- (0,{" << (-ymax) << "*\\dy});" << std::endl; // arguments between 0 and 1 dir = std::complex(0, 0.01); for (double re = 0.2; re < 1; re += 0.2) { std::complex startz(re, 0.001); std::complex startw = ct.startpoint(startz); startw = std::complex(startw.real(), 0); curvetracer::curve_t curve = ct.trace(startz, dir, startw, 1000); cdp->color("red"); (*cdp)(curve); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrorx(curve)); cdp->color("blue"); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrory(curve)); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirror(curve)); } // argument 1 (singularity) { std::complex startz(1.); std::complex startw(xmax); curvetracer::curve_t curve = ct.trace(startz, dir, startw, 1000); cdp->color("red"); (*cdp)(curve); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrorx(curve)); cdp->color("blue"); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirror(curve)); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrory(curve)); } // argument 1/k { std::complex startz(1/k); std::complex startw(xmax, ymax); curvetracer::curve_t curve = ct.trace(startz, dir, startw, 1000); cdp->color("red"); (*cdp)(curve); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrorx(curve)); cdp->color("blue"); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirror(curve)); (*cdp)(curvetracer::mirrory(curve)); } // border (*cdp->out()) << "\\def\\xmax{" << xmax << "}" << std::endl; (*cdp->out()) << "\\def\\ymax{" << ymax << "}" << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }