// // kegelpara.pov // // (c) 2022 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule // #version 3.7; #include "colors.inc" #declare O = <0,0,0>; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 } #declare imagescale = 0.060; camera { location <28, 20, -40> look_at <0, 0.55, 0> right (16/9) * x * imagescale up y * imagescale } light_source { <30, 10, -40> color White area_light <1,0,0> <0,0,1>, 10, 10 adaptive 1 jitter } sky_sphere { pigment { color rgb<1,1,1> } } // // draw an arrow from to with thickness with // color // #macro arrow(from, to, arrowthickness, c) #declare arrowdirection = vnormalize(to - from); #declare arrowlength = vlength(to - from); union { sphere { from, 1.1 * arrowthickness } cylinder { from, from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection, arrowthickness } cone { from + (arrowlength - 5 * arrowthickness) * arrowdirection, 2 * arrowthickness, to, 0 } pigment { color c } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end arrow(<-2,0,0>,<2,0,0>,0.02,White) arrow(<0,-1.1,0>,<0,2.2,0>,0.02,White) arrow(<0,0,-1.6>,<0,0,2.4>,0.02,White) #declare epsilon = 0.001; #declare l = 1.5; #declare a = sqrt(2); #macro G2(phi,sg) a * sqrt(cos(2*phi)) * < sg * cos(phi), 0, sin(phi)> #end #macro Lemniskate(s, farbe) union { #declare phi = -pi / 4; #declare phimax = pi / 4; #declare phisteps = 100; #declare phistep = phimax / phisteps; #while (phi < phimax - phistep/2) sphere { G2(phi,1), s } cylinder { G2(phi,1), G2(phi+phistep,1), s } sphere { G2(phi,-1), s } cylinder { G2(phi,-1), G2(phi+phistep,-1), s } #declare phi = phi + phistep; #end pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #macro Projektion(s, farbe) union { #declare phistep = pi / 16; #declare phi = -pi / 4 + phistep; #declare phimax = pi / 4; #while (phi < phimax - phistep/2) cylinder { G(phi, 1), G2(phi, 1), s } cylinder { G(phi, -1), G2(phi, -1), s } #declare phi = phi + phistep; #end pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #macro Ebene(l, b, farbe) mesh { triangle { <-l, 0, -b>, < l, 0, -b>, < l, 0, b> } triangle { <-l, 0, -b>, < l, 0, b>, <-l, 0, b> } pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #macro Ebenengitter(l, b, s, r, farbe) union { #declare lmax = floor(l / s); #declare ll = -lmax; #while (ll <= lmax) cylinder { , , r } #declare ll = ll + 1; #end #declare bmax = floor(b / s); #declare bb = -bmax; #while (bb <= bmax) cylinder { <-l, 0, bb * s>, , r } #declare bb = bb + 1; #end pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #declare b = 0.5; #macro T(phi, theta) b * < (2 + cos(theta)) * cos(phi), (2 + cos(theta)) * sin(phi) + 1, sin(theta) > #end #macro breitenkreis(theta, r) #declare phi = 0; #declare phimax = 2 * pi; #declare phisteps = 200; #declare phistep = phimax / phisteps; #while (phi < phimax - phistep/2) cylinder { T(phi, theta), T(phi + phistep, theta), r } sphere { T(phi, theta), r } #declare phi = phi + phistep; #end #end #macro laengenkreis(phi, r) #declare theta = 0; #declare thetamax = 2 * pi; #declare thetasteps = 200; #declare thetastep = thetamax / thetasteps; #while (theta < thetamax - thetastep/2) cylinder { T(phi, theta), T(phi, theta + thetastep), r } sphere { T(phi, theta), r } #declare theta = theta + thetastep; #end #end #macro Torusgitter(farbe, r) union { #declare phi = 0; #declare phimax = 2 * pi; #declare phistep = pi / 6; #while (phi < phimax - phistep/2) laengenkreis(phi, r) #declare phi = phi + phistep; #end #declare thetamax = pi; #declare thetastep = pi / 6; #declare theta = thetastep; #while (theta < thetamax - thetastep/2) breitenkreis(theta, r) breitenkreis(thetamax + theta, r) #declare theta = theta + thetastep; #end breitenkreis(0, 1.5 * r) breitenkreis(pi, 1.5 * r) pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #macro Torus(farbe) mesh { #declare phi = 0; #declare phimax = 2 * pi; #declare phisteps = 200; #declare phistep = phimax/phisteps; #while (phi < phimax - phistep/2) #declare theta = 0; #declare thetamax = 2 * pi; #declare thetasteps = 200; #declare thetastep = thetamax / thetasteps; #while (theta < thetamax - thetastep/2) triangle { T(phi, theta), T(phi + phistep, theta), T(phi + phistep, theta + thetastep) } triangle { T(phi, theta), T(phi + phistep, theta + thetastep), T(phi, theta + thetastep) } #declare theta = theta + thetastep; #end #declare phi = phi + phistep; #end pigment { color farbe } finish { specular 0.9 metallic } } #end #declare torusfarbe = rgbt<0.2,0.6,0.2,0.2>; #declare ebenenfarbe = rgbt<0.2,0.6,1.0,0.2>; Lemniskate(0.02, Red) Ebene(1.8, 1.4, ebenenfarbe) Ebenengitter(1.8, 1.4, 0.5, 0.005, rgb<0.4,1,1>) Torus(torusfarbe) Torusgitter(Yellow, 0.005)