% % references.bib % % (c) 2020 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, Hochschule Rapperswil % @book{buch:mathsem-wavelets, title = {Mathematisches Seminar Wavelets}, author = { Andreas M"uller and others }, year = {2019}, } @book{buch:mathsem-dgl, title = {Mathematisches Seminar Differentialgleichungen}, author = { Andreas M"uller and others }, year = {2016}, } @book{buch:linalg, title = {Lineare Algebra}, author = {Andreas Müller und Tabea Méndez }, url = {https://github.com/AndreasFMueller/LinAlg.git}, year = {2018} } @online{buch:repo, subtitle = {Source Code Repository}, author = {Andreas Müller}, url = {https://github.com/AndreasFMueller/SeminarSpezielleFunktionen.git}, DAY = 6, MONTH = {february}, YEAR = 2022 } @book{skript:landaulifschitz1, author = {Landau, L. D. and Lifschitz, E. M.}, title = {Mechanik}, series = {Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, year = {1981}, language = {german}, } @online{buch:library:gsl, title = {GNU scientific library}, version = {2.7}, year = 2021, month = 6, day = 1 } @book{buch:pade, author = { George A. Baker Jr and Peter Graves-Morris }, title = { Padé-Approximants }, series = { Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its applications }, volume = { 59 }, publisher = { Cambridge University Press }, ISBN = { 978-0-521-12509-2 }, year = 1982 } @online{buch:wolfram, author = {Stephen Wolfram}, title = {The History and Future of Special Functions}, year = {2005}, url = {https://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/history-future-special-functions/} } @book{buch:smirnov32, title = {Lehrgang der höheren Mathematik}, author = {Wladimir Ivanowitsch Smirnow}, volume = { III/2 }, publisher = {VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften}, year = 1979 } @book{buch:ab, title = {$A = B$}, author = {Marko Petkov\v{s}ek and Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger}, year = 1996, publisher = {A K Peters, Ltd}, ISBN = {978-1-56881-063-8} } @book{buch:numal, title = { Numerical Analysis }, author = { David Kincaid and Ward Cheney }, year = { 2009 }, publisher = { American Mathematical Society }, series = { Pure and applied undergraduate texts }, volume = { 2 }, ISBN = { 978-0-8218-4788-6 }, language = { english }, }