% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et spell tw=80: \section{Applications} As suggested in the previous section, the fact that it is possible to write a Fourier style expansion of any function on the surface of the sphere is very useful in many fields of physics and engineering. Here we will present a few of the most interesting applications we came across during our research. \subsection{Electroencephalography} \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure[EEG Electrodes \label{kugel:fig:eeg-electrodes}]% % {\kugelplaceholderfig{.4\linewidth}{5cm}} {\includegraphics[width=.45\linewidth, frame]{papers/kugel/figures/electrodes}} \qquad \subfigure[Gauss' Law \label{kugel:fig:eeg-flux}]% {\includegraphics[width=.4\linewidth]{papers/kugel/figures/flux}} \caption{ \label{kugel:fig:eeg} } \end{figure} To start, we will look at an application that is from the field of medicine: electroencephalography. The \emph{electroencephalogram} (EEG) is a measurement of the electrical field on the scalp, which shows the brain's activity, and is used in many fields of research such as neurology and cognitive psychology. The measurement is done by wearing a cap that contains a number of evenly distributed electrodes, each of which measures the electric potential (voltage) at their location (figure \ref{kugel:fig:eeg-electrodes}). To see how this will relate to the spherical harmonics, we will first quickly recap a bit of physics, electrodynamics to be precise. \subsubsection{Electrodynamics} In section \ref{kugel:sec:construction:eigenvalue} we have shown that the spherical harmonics arise from the surface spherical Laplacian operator, whose origin we did not consider too much, which is how mathematicians do their work. On the contrary, physicists usually do the opposite and start by discussing what is happening in the real world, since variables represent physical quantities. So, we will quickly remind that the Laplacian operator does the following to an electric potential $\phi(x, y, z)$: \begin{equation*} \nabla^2 \phi = \nabla \cdot \nabla \phi = \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \rho / \varepsilon, \quad \text{or} \quad \iiint_\Omega \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} \, dv = \iint_{\partial \Omega} \mathbf{E} \cdot d\mathbf{s} = \Phi / \varepsilon. \end{equation*} Put into words: on the left we have the differential form, where we recall that the Laplacian (which is a second derivative) is the divergence of the gradient. Unpacking the notation we first see that we have the gradient of the potential, which is just the electric field $\mathbf{E}$, and then the divergence of said electric field is proportional to the charge density $\rho$. So, the Laplacian of the electric potential is the charge density! For those that are more familiar with the integral form of Maxwell's equation, we have also included an additional step using the divergence theorem, which brings us to the electric Flux, which by Gauss' law (shown in the iconic\footnote{Every electrical engineer has seen this picture so many times that is probably burnt in their eyes.} figure \ref{kugel:fig:eeg-flux}) equals the net electric charge. Now, an important observation is that if we switch to spherical coordinates, the physics does not change. So, the spherical Laplacian $\sphlaplacian$ of the electric potential $\phi(r, \vartheta, \varphi)$ is still the charge density (in spherical coordinates). And what about the surface spherical Laplacian $\surflaplacian$? To that case the physics is also indifferent, the only change is that the units result is a \emph{surface} charge density $\rho_s$. Thus, we are done with physics and finally arrive at the engineers' perspective: how can we use this fact to build something that reads the current flows on the surface of the brain? \subsubsection{EEG as Interpolation Problem} The details of how EEG actually works gets very complicated very quickly, but we will try our best to give an broad overview of the mathematical machinery that makes it possible to measure brain waves. The problem neither the physicist nor the mathematician considered is that we cannot measure the electric field in its entirety. As show in figure \ref{kugel:fig:eeg-electrodes} the electrodes give measurements that are only available at discrete locations, and we are thus missing quite a lot of data. Or in other words, we have an interpolation problem, which (at this point not so surprisingly) we will show can be solved using the spherical harmonics. To solve this new interpolation problem, we will start with a blatantly engineering assumption: the human head is a sphere of radius $R$, with the value of $R$ begin the average radius of a human head (which is around 11 cm). So, we will assume that the potential distribution on the head can be written as a finite linear combination of spherical harmonics: \begin{equation*} V(\vartheta, \varphi) = \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n a_{m,n} Y^m_n(\vartheta, \varphi), \end{equation*} where the values $a_{m,n}$ are the unknowns of our interpolation problem. Now to the measurements: we let $\phi_1, \phi_2, \ldots, p_M$ be the measured voltages at points in space $p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_M$ (position of the electrodes). To simplify, we will assume that the electrodes are reasonably evenly distributed, which means that we have no points that are on top of each other or at wildly different radii from the origin. With that out of the way, we can now write a minimization problem: \begin{subequations} \begin{align} a_{m,n}^* &= \arg \min_{a_{m,n}} \int_{\partial S} | \surflaplacian V |^2 \, ds = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_{0}^\pi | \surflaplacian V |^2 \sin \vartheta \, d\vartheta d\varphi, \label{kugel:eqn:eeg-min} \\ &\text{under the constraints} \quad V(p_j) = \phi_j \quad \text{ for } \quad 1 < j < M. \label{kugel:eqn:eeg-min-constraints} \end{align} \end{subequations} Essentially, with \eqref{kugel:eqn:eeg-min} we are are asking for the solution to be smooth by minimizing the square of the total curvature (recall that the surface spherical Laplacian $\surflaplacian$ is a measure of curvature), while at the same time with \eqref{kugel:eqn:eeg-min-constraints}, we force the solution to go through the measured points. The latter is the reason why we needed to assumed that the measurements are at reasonable locations, something that (as every engineer show know) is not necessarily the case in the real world! Thus, to solve this problem, we will use the suspiciously convenient fact that (hint: eigenvalues) \begin{equation*} \surflaplacian V(\vartheta, \varphi) = \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n a_{m,n} \surflaplacian Y^m_n(\vartheta, \varphi) = \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n a_{m,n} n(n+1) Y^m_n(\vartheta, \varphi). \end{equation*} So that when substituted into \eqref{kugel:eqn:eeg-min} results in \begin{align*} \int_{\partial S} \left| \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n n(n+1) a_{m,n} Y^m_n(\vartheta, \varphi) \right|^2 ds = \sum_{m, m'} \sum_{n, n'} a_{m',n'} \overline{a_{m,n}} n'(n'+1) n(n+1) \underbrace{\int_{\partial S} Y^{m'}_{n'} \overline{Y^m_n} \, ds}_{ \langle Y^{m'}_{n'}, Y^m_n \rangle }, \end{align*} where we used a ``sloppy'' double sum notation to indicate that we have a bunch of terms of that form. We did not bother to properly expand the product of double sums, because we can see that at the end we end up with an inner product $\langle Y^{m'}_{n'}, Y^m_n \rangle$, which as we know equals $\delta_{m'm} \delta_{n'n}$, so all of the terms where $n' \neq n$ or $m' \neq m$ can be dropped and \eqref{kugel:eqn:eeg-min} simplifies down to \nocite{pascual-marqui_current_1988} \begin{equation} a^*_{m,n} = \arg \min_{a_{m,n}} \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n n^2 (n+1)^2 |a_{m,n}|^2. \end{equation} At this point, we could continue solving for an analytical solution to the minimization problem, for example by differentiating with respect to some $a_{j,k}$, setting that to zero and so forth, but the job of the spherical harmonics ends here. So, we will not pursue this further, and instead briefly discuss a few interesting implications and problems. \subsubsection{Sampling, Smoothness and Problems} \nocite{wingeier_spherical_2001, ruffini_spherical_2002} The most interesting perhaps unforeseen fact is that with this method we are getting a free (!) spectral analysis, since the coefficients $a_{m,n}$ are the spectrum of the interpolated electric field $V(\vartheta, \varphi)$. However, like in the non spherical Fourier transformation, we only get a \emph{finite} resolution since our measurement are spatially discrete. In fact, if we know the mean angular inter-electrode distance $\gamma$ we can actually formulate a Nyquist frequency just like in the usual Fourier theory: \begin{equation} f_N = \frac{\pi}{2T} \iff n_N = \left\lfloor \frac{\pi}{2\gamma} \right\rfloor. \end{equation} Before concluding this overview of EEG, we should point out that in practice there are about a million problems with this oversimplified approach. We do not intend to give an in depth explanation (since the authors themselves are not experts in any of these fields), but there are a few problems that are too big to ignore, so we will very briefly discuss them now. The first important real-world problem is that the electrodes are not necessarily at a reasonable location, so the constraint \eqref{kugel:eqn:eeg-min-constraints} is a bit too strong, and may end up fitting some noise or disturbances in the measurement. A simple solution may for example be to introduce a smoothness factor $\lambda > 0$ as follows: \begin{equation} V(\vartheta, \varphi) = \sum_{n=1}^N \sum_{m=-n}^n \frac{a_{m,n}}{1 + \lambda n^2(n+1)^2} Y^m_n(\vartheta, \varphi). \end{equation} To find proper smoothness factor $\lambda$, is another problem of its own, thus we will not discuss it here, since this is getting too long already. Another important issue is that in the real world, we cannot ``evenly distribute'' the electrodes on our head. As shown in the image, most of the electrodes are on a cap, and then there are just a few on the face, and almost none near the jawline and chin. This not something that can be ignored, and in fact, makes the analysis much more difficult. Finally, the most obvious problem is that human heads are not perfect spheres. Here too, it is possible to account for this fact and model the head with a more complex shape at the cost of making the math quite unwieldy. \subsection{Measuring Gravitational Fields} \subsection{Quantisation of Angular Momentum}