% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et spell tw=78: \section{Introduction} This chapter of the book is devoted to the sef of functions called \emph{spherical harmonics}. However, before we dive into the topic, we want to make a few preliminary remarks to avoid ``upsetting'' a certain type of reader. Specifically, we would like to specify that the authors of this chapter not mathematicians but engineers, and therefore the text will not be always complete with sound proofs after every claim. Instead we will go through the topic in a more intuitive way including rigorous proofs only if they are enlightening or when they are very short. Where no proofs are given we will try to give an intuition for why it is true. That being said, when talking about spherical harmonics one could start by describing their name. The latter may be a cause of some confusion because of the misleading translations in other languages. In German the name for this set of functions is ``Kugelfunktionen'', which puts the emphasis only on the spherical context, whereas the English name ``spherical harmonics'' also contains the \emph{harmonic} part hinting at Fourier theories and harmonic analysis in general. The structure of this chapter is organized in the following way. First, we will quickly go through some fundamental linear algebra and Fourier theory to refresh a few important concepts. In principle, we could have written the whole thing starting from a much more abstract level without much preparation, but then we would have lost some of the beauty that comes from the appreciation of the power of some surprisingly simple ideas. Then once the basics are done, we can explore the main topic of spherical harmonics which as we will see arises from the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator in spherical coordinates. Finally, after studying what we think are the most beautiful and interesting properties of the spherical harmonics, to conclude this journey we will present a few real-world applications, which are of course most of interest for engineers.